>hanzo is the best!
>h-he just is
All hanzo mains are husbando fags and shitters
Hanzo is the best!
Other urls found in this thread:
i'm not ashamed to say i'm a husbando fag.
i'd lap that milk up right quick
Overwatch husbandos a shit.
>Boyband tier manwhore
Piss poor taste.
it just turns me on more when you call me that, user.
Hanzo is a SHIT
pls keep bullying hanzo
this is my fetish
>he "ironically" saves gay porn
Not even a Hanzo nerd but thats delicious as hell
the art for him is pretty damn good
Yeah cause Cloud is any better
Don't compare Prompto to that pale twig.
>Only posting glorified fanart
What's the matter, Sup Forums? Too casual to appreciate your husbando's in-game appearance(s)?
Says the borb fucker
>literally the same Prompto and Borbfags spammers
This is an Overwatch thread what are you even doing here?
>all Japanese people look the same
Das racist user
>All the Hanzo art after the Dragons short
I've been waiting for like a year for this to happen
How does it feel being the most blatant, in-your-face shit community on Sup Forums? Every fucking day I see this fucking thread and it's fucking disgusting. Keep your goddamn fetishes to yourself and fuck off already.
Not video games.
>dem shorts
yes sir, i am.
also, fundoshi alt when?
k, i'm sorry someone has a gun to your head forcing you to browse the thread.
No ones stopping you from posting your traps you queer.
fuck off back to your containment board faggots
Alt skin for Hanzo should be a kimono with fundoshi to it
>Getting mad that other fetishes exist
>poor bb
Sorry, this thread isnt for you.
Your frustration only makes my penis harder.
I'm tired of seeing your bullshit flooding my catalogue. It's disgusting and not something I enjoy seeing. These threads, from what I've seen are all just a mess of images and bitching and are never a discussion of actual video games. If you could kindly fuck off to literally the hundreds of other boards dedicated to your fetish, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one grateful in the long-run.
Hanzo is the best because he's fun and handsome
Also why is Hanzo a nigger in that drawing
What are you going to do? Whine because you are feeling opressed by bara guys?
Are you a gender faggot too? Go try to have some real butthurting outside Sup Forums with a man, at least you will have pleasure instead of being an annoying cunt.
>fundoshi alt when
Never ever
>wahh they like something i dont like
The only one bitching here is you. You can easily choose to ignore this thread but your faggotass has the need to tell us that you're triggered by some men.
Gender is a myth perpetuated by the LGBT community to justify their immorality. It doesn't fucking exist. I have no fucking clue what you're getting at, faggot.
>your the only one
>my catalogue
Here's your (You)
>He's actually going to start a debate about gender
>Gender is a myth perpetuated by the LGBT community to justify their immorality.
>Ironicaly calls someone as a faggot after saying gender is a myth
So, you are no man or woman? What are you?
Not at all.
Good fucking lord.
I don't even wanna play but the homolust game is beckoning.
I am a man. This 'gender' bullshit where your anything but a man or a woman isn't real. It's made up. It's simple, you have to be a moron not to understand.
Only bishmoke is better.
what was the original text in that comic
>my catalogue
i know Hanzo is sexy but there aren't any actual gays in this thread right? i don't mind girls but keep the OP images less lewd it makes people upset. thanks.
No gays.
Just us gals.
pls be more careful next time
There are so many husbandos in MK
I wish Reaper really was just a trap under that armor.
I'm not OP, but I'll pass the gossip along to her.
We are all women in this thread, user. Stop shaming and blaming, its not wrong when US GIRLS have our time to shine.
Everyone knows these threads go smoothly when girls run it, even if we do have feminine penises
Can you not.
>Not sub-zero
I would love to run my tongue along the outlines of his abs multiple times....
Multiple times....
I wish they had never shown Reaper without a mask.
>us girls
>feminine penis
Fucking faggots. Delete this fucking meme.
Yes but I hated his voice.
I wanted to like Erron, too, but the one variation I wanted to play (coin toss) was whack.
>not Kotal Kahn
...maybe I should main Hanzo?
I feel your pain, user. Fundoshis are GOAT underwear, right up there with jockstraps.
The fantasy has been ruined. We have to accept it.
>tfw your husbando actually is the best
I want him to fan my hammer
Sub still top tier tho.
How the FUCK a male can be a princess?
But I want Winston
Christ all this taste and I'm supposed to pick one?
Irl relationships must be so challenging.
>you will never secretely steal your husbandos fundoshis/jockstaps and cum the cum of a million suns whilst pressing it against your face inhaling their scent
I am most defintely a girl ;) now post more Hanzo, McCree, S76 and Winston you silly boy
faggots go to the hell.
but gabe is cute tho
When are you gonna get some REAL taste, Sup Forums?
Overwatch husbando thread?
>Hanzo rips his pants off
>Thrusts his dick towards you while shouting RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU
Is Hanzo the gay one
yes now post!
Will the demons be sexy?
Christ mccree is so handsome
I'm getting worked up
I might start dropping facts
No because I'm having his children~
Your wish, my command!
no genji is
why the fuck is my dad feeling up john freeman
Boys can't impregnate boys
I don't like facial hair
>Hanzo is the best!
>Because he doesn't need to aim to hit anything with his high damage arrows and the headshot hitbox from his arrows is as big as your body and there's no risk to him spamming his arrows all day long.
>implying can't find prompto and genji both equally sexy
if you do drop some facts, don't forget the fifth fact!
Damn, this reaper is HOT, got any more?
woah there
And why not? Scientifically speaking, we could so long as the dominant boy aims and shoots his seed in the boy womb.
Poptepipic just works like that, that's the original
this is my fetish. god damn.
From the thumbnail, i though that he had a thick erect dick popping out of his pants