What does /v think about this?

What does /v think about this?

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Is this one of the 50 PS4 games that were shown once and disappeared forever?

>no option to choose gender

no buy. not hype. can't self-insert.

buying a ps4 only for this game maybe?

ditto, not into it.

>Not wanting to play as a cute gril

What are you, gay?

Setting looked great but I know nothing else about it.

Wait people actually think like this? A predefined character makes a story much smoother. And with a new IP it's the safest move.

>Not wanting to self-insert with character customization to have your own adventure and not just following behind as a poltergeist possessing the character.

One of the prettier games I've seen. Has an oil painting look to it. Robo dinos are COOOOOL. It looks like it will be grindy and boring.

possibility to be cool, but that wont be enough there needs to be gud gameplay.

Getting delayed to 2017

Don't care for now

Everything I've seen looks pretty good, but I'm worried about everything I haven't seen, which is most things.

I played through uncharted 4 once then deleted it. If Horizon is made by a western studio I will likely give it the same treatment. I wish they would just release the last guardian now.

Not every game is skyrim, kiddo, thankfully.

>muh self insert

You must not play a lot of games

I sold my ps4 and have 0 interest into buying a new one.
Not gonna get shekels from me sony

>Needing to self insert to pull enjoyment from a videogame.

How do you play games where the protagonist is non-human? Or a rocket powered car playing soccer? Doesn't the illusion that comes with "you" being in the videogame disappear in a scenario where you're not given the option to do X in a non-sandboxy game?

Only Valve get our shekels, they care about us so much :^)


I just re watched the trailer. On closer inspection it looks like trash. Her lips don't even move when you hear her speaking and she is facing toward the camera. The robot beasts are also dumb. I have to say when the trailer first came out last year I was hyped. My older brother who was watching it with me said immediately that it looked poopy. He was right.

I think it is a good contender for one of the worst names of all time. "Horizon Zero Dawn," meaningless non-descriptive and non-memorable.

Don't have a PS4. I look forward to hearing how well it does, though - it looks awesome.

wut does valve have to do with horizon zero dawn?

yeah that's exactly what he said

>cute gril
Yeah, sure. Whatever you say.

It looks like shadow of mordor with robot Dino's.

Only a PCfat won't give their shekels to based Sony


I mean I'll get it if I ever actually get a PS4 I guess

Ugh! Problematic white dudes ruin everything!

Cautious optimism.

western monster hunter. 50/50 chance it will be good or it will bomb.