Who's your favorite Sonic character?
Who's your favorite Sonic character?
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Rainbow Dash.
E-102 Gamma
I like Sally and Robotnik. The cartoon versions specifically.
Since when was she a character?
keep posting more pics mostly reference pics so i can practice drawing them
>yfw she can give you a blowjob standing
He's not my favourite but he's interesting, and could have been a great fixture of the series. They don't use him because his character designer was contracted for Sonic Triple Trouble and released a famous toy shortly after that looks very similar to Fang.
inb4 he's in the comics, he isn't. That's "Nack The Weasel".
Of who?
Every day now, huh?
>That's "Nack The Weasel"
>His title card in the comics is "Nack The Weasel, Fanged Sniper"
>A few times, it was "Nack 'Fang' The Weasel"
Come on user. Even if they were trying to avoid copyright infringement, Nack The Weasel wouldn't stand up in any court.
It's about as nutty as people saying they don't use Mighty because of the same concerns.
anyone will do from the sonic archie or the games
you can do waifu lolis if you want to I dont care im trying to get gud at being a drawfag
Wave is the only thing that makes Sonic the Hedgehog have any worth as a franchise
i forgot to put or between waifu or lolis
I was talking out my ass a bit, but I've always found SEGA's ignoring of Fang to be strange. You have to wonder why they didn't put him in Chaotix where they were clearly in want of apppealing mascot characters to fill out the cast. There's also this:
Something's fucky with Fang The Sniper.
A cat is fine too.
are you TRYING to trigger my autism?
Despite his rep, Silver the Hedgehog
Jesus fuck Vanilla is tall
I was saying that a cat was also fine.
Not that Rouge was a cat.
That would be silly.
Mobians with heels are the best, which includes Rouge, Blaze and Honey.
another thing to consider is that Touma's IP rights are only valid in Japan, hence why they can use Fang in american comics