So i noticed this is on wiiu eshop now, but it looks like it can only be played on the gamepad...

So i noticed this is on wiiu eshop now, but it looks like it can only be played on the gamepad? Anyone know how it's played? I've never played either of the ds titles and heard they were pretty bad but that was a long time ago. Any thoughts?

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The ds games are played with the touchsreen.
I think that they are pretty nice.

No one knows because no one would buy a wiiu version of a shitty game.

You move / attack and do stuff in the touchscreen, they are not bad, not exactly good either, you can skip em really.

It would look like shit all blown up. I guess the best way to play it would be on a ds lite or i for the improved screen or on a powerful tablet in hd.

A lot of people will tell you that the game is shitty because of its touchscreen only controls. They're dead wrong.

It's shitty because of the Ocean King temple, bland environments and dull music by Zelda standards

the only really good thing about PH is Linebeck, so I say skip it. but if you get a chance to play ST you should take it, that game was pretty decent

it's played only with the stylus

so it's complete shit

>all blown up
>can only be played on the wiiupad with an image of a ds imposed on it.

Phantom Hourglass is pretty bad.

The dungeons are extremely linear/easy. Almost every branching path is blocked by a keyhole or a hazard, resulting in you following a single path until you get the key/switch and you go down the next path. So there's only 1 sequence you can do each dungeon. The overworld tries to be windwaker with lots of islands to explore, but there's only like 3-4 islands in each quadrant of the map.

Items are extremely scarce since they could only use ones that worked with the touchscreen. I think there were 5-6 plus your sword. None of them are new items either. Just basic bombs, boomerang, hookshot, bow&arrows and grappling hook. (I think this is all of them).

The game's story requires you to do the same dungeon each time you complete a level, making you go down an extra floor each time. The dungeon is a stealth mission like the 1st place in Windwaker. Very tedious.

Please don't spend money on this.


How the fuck are you suppose to press the images together in that one puzzle?

My point still stands

Don't get the wiiu version, it's complete shit. They made it worse. For one, it looks like this the entire time you play it. This is what is on your tv screen.
two, you literally are unable to beat it as there's a puzzle that you're suppose to solve by closing the ds which you cannot do in this.
So no, it's awful.

Phantom hourglass is legitimately weak and is the worst 3D zelda and the 2nd worst handheld Zelda. Spirit tracks on the other hand is legitimately good. Phantom Hourglass is however pretty clever, the ship building is enjoyable and the story is decent. The major valid complaint is that the controls for combat are ass, which is true, and that there is a lot of back tracking also true but as to whether that's bad or not depends on the player.

Press the Home button on Gamepad.

Most of those complaints apply to Twilight Princess, Wind Waker and Skyward Sword as well.

This video tells me you're a fucking liar or a retard and you can definitely change the layouts of the screens and how they appear on the TV

also do you honestly unironically think Nintendo won't have considered the puzzle where you close the screen? They're lazy, and they make a lot of bad decisions and a lot of lackluster games but they've never, NEVER released a game that's un-completeable, to the best of my knowledge

But you probably already knew all of that. Have my (You) anyway

>spirit tracks
literally not on the eshop, great false flagging though

Better question would be: when is this game coming out on vc? With added dual stick support that'd be awesome

OP here, it sounds pretty bad then. Especially since it is only played on the gamepad screen. It'd be fine for 3/ds but not wiiu.

Every DS game is only played with the gamepad.

I don't even know if you're baiting me or not but us Eurocucks already have it

>literally not on the eshop
literally a retard