So let me get this straight, Snake wasn't in tr4sh because of "muh third party", right? Doesn't that mean we're going to lose a shit ton of characters for 5mash when it comes out? Why is this an acceptedly normal thing in the fighting games community?
So let me get this straight, Snake wasn't in tr4sh because of "muh third party", right...
You are a retard.
We might not lose all 3rd party characters (just like they kept Sonic in), but I do expect them to exclude "obvious" characters like Bayo, Corrin and Cloud because they're either irrelevant or not on Nintendo systems.
Snake's appearance in Brawl was canon and it took place between MGS2 and MGS4 so by the time Smash 4 came out they found Liquid Ocelot and Snake's age was about to catch up to him. He became literally too old to Smash anymore.
Corrin's not third party though.
So that's what happened during that time?
Yep. Why do you think Raiden ended up saving Olga's kid even through Snake said he'd do it? Because he got the invite to Smash. That's why he takes after his MGS2 appearance mostly.
Got damn it. Any chance we'll get a different FF character next time around?
If we do, it'll probably end up being the next more popular character, who is obviously ?????
Still wish Revengeance was about what Raiden was doing between MGS2 and 4 like it was originally gonna be.
probably another SE representative, like a DQ character, Chrono, Sora...
I wondered why Chrono didn't get in over Cloud. Also, I think Sora is technically owned by Disney, not SE.
He wasn't in because Sakurai likely did not want to deal with putting in Snake without Kojima's input. Konami probably would have let them use the character had they actually asked.
the char is owned by the two parts, but since Disney infinity fiasco I think they are now more open to share their IP´s
Yes but Corrin we likely get replaced by another MC in the next FE game
Corrin was a mistake in the first place but FemCorrin is literally a goddess, so its okay
When that happens, maybe we can get some actual Nintendo faces in the mix once more.
>muh relevancy
Does not matter. They have a lot to pull from, and they focus on personal projects like Snake and Bayonetta.
Konami probably went full jew and they didn't want to go through all the bullshit.
>Does not matter.
Its matters to Hackurai, for whatever the fuck reason
And he can either go along with that stupid rule or get with the program. Either way, I'm not buying another Smash, and Smash Four modding is slowly coming to fruition.
Nah, it depends on who's willing to negotiate. Here's how I'd rank them from least likely to most likely on getting cut.
Sega loves Nintendo's dick. Already came back once.
If Sakurai comes back at least. His relationship with Kamiya makes this easy, as well as Nintendo's willingness to embrace Bayonetta as one of their own characters due to fully owning the rights to Bayo 2 (and probably 3 when that happens)
>Mega Man
Beloved character closely associated with Nintendo. Though Capcom can be kind of a wild card, there's no reason to believe they have a shaky relationship with Nintendo.
Capcom seemed a tad stingier with Ryu, but again, there's nothing major holding him back, just not a lot to absolutely demand his return.
Though Square still releases games for Nintendo somewhat regularly, it would seem Cloud was the biggest bitch to integrate with the most red tape. Add to that, while older audiences were hyped for him, kids had no clue who he was. May not be worth dealing with Square. However, so long as they don't go full retard like Konami, it's still possible.
All in all, looking okay for everyone.
yes you are you fucking lying idiot
Kids didn't recognize Duck Hunt or ROB either, and people keep pushing for the Samurai AT whose name escapes me even though his game sold fifteen copies in japan and he was completely unheard of internationally until he became an AT.
I'm not lying. I'm done with Smash and I won't buy another game. I bought up modding for a reason.
>Kids didn't recognize Duck Hunt or ROB either
There's nuance to every inclusion, user. Retro appeal working for some may not be worth the trouble when it comes to a guest character. That being said, I don't expect the loss of Cloud, or at the very least, the loss of FF's presence in Smash.
Third Party DLC characters ensured they'd get a pretty shit focus. Look at Cloud and Ryu, two songs in all and no additional trophies.
what about Bayo? shitton of music, two alternate models and interactive stage.
I'm pretty sure the other third party characters will be fine provided their respective companies don't become batshit insane (ie Konami).
Sonic and Pac-Man are shoe-ins in a sequel. Nintendo has good relations with both companies, and Namco helped with Smash 4, an probably will help again.
Ryu and Megaman are probable, but not guaranteed. Capcom is weird.
Square Enix is difficult to work with. Getting Cloud again might not be worth the effort for Nintendo.
Konami is near impossible to work with. We're never getting Snake again.
Cloud and Ryu both got interactive stages though
Bayo was clearly a friendship deal type thing between Sakurai and Kimaya (not that I'm complaining but she obviously didn't top any polls) so she actually got a decent treatment thanks to a good deal cooperation. Seems like there must have no time to hash out a deal to give Cloud any meaningful assets.