Ayo Teach, user's playing a Wonderswan Colour in his satchel!

ayo Teach, user's playing a Wonderswan Colour in his satchel!

>that kid who built up speed for 12 hours and was never seen again

yeah well tyrese has a game gear in his jansport

>that one kid who when to another PU during class and denied it

How big is this satchel that I can fit myself and a wonderswan color in it?

How long did it take you to construct a sentence to try to annoy as many Sup Forumsirgins as possible

It's actually a Brick Game 9999 in 1 that I'm playing in my RUCKSACK you stupid fucking nigger.

Why were niggers always snitches

>TJ "Yoshi" Henry

Because they will steal it from the teacher's desk when nobody is looking.

>that kid who rocket jumped over the vaulting horse

TEACHER!!!!! user CALLED ME THE ''N'' WORD!!!!!!!!!!


Really? Sweet, where'd he get it?

Go to detention Tyrell.

Way to give yourself away yuro.

>that kid who knew all the cheat codes so he always got A's.

>that artsy fartsy kid who fought relying on button prompt cinematic attacks.

>that kid you wrestled in the lockerroom for getting the wrong door

I always had white or hispanics as the kids telling on you. The black kids typically were joking around and could give two shits about what was happening, basically like every other kid.

Also what kid had a wonderswan color?

I detect a nignog in this post

White as fuck, grew up in chicago.

every word has so much to offer
