What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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>Implying western devs are relevant

Japan is all we have and need. You can delete this now

Name one relevant Jap dev

Schools starting initiating politically accurate programs instead of accurate programs.

Only polish devs

Embrace the future Nintoddler.


The "I don't eat shit" guy.

>Games made by gamers for gamers
>Manifesto made by kike for suckers

Same thing.

>Used to make god tier exploration h-games
>Caved in to feminists and took down Rapelay
>Now make shitty boring highschool porn simulators and vanilla fetish shit

I just want Artificial Girl 4 dammit.


FromSoft, and Nintendo. I couldn't care less about the rest.

>american devs

He's pretty rude for a fucking leaf


And those indiecucks couldn't hack it after all. There are tons of better games in DLsite

Don't see any difference desu

All of those are complete shit games. No thanks, Poland

Isn't the female under Phil Fish "only" story writer for Bioware?

slav devs are the only good devs now

nice post

So weebs only play childrens games? Is it because you have to be retarded to play Japanese trash?

I know this is a bait thread bUT when was the last time hamburger healer and Canadian Kamiya made a game?

You can very easily put "Game Devs then" with those two and put Austin Jorgensen and Jonathon Soderstrum for game Devs now

You forgot Kojima.

>Phil Fish
>Game Dev

Pick one
Anne Anthropy actually makes games even if she does look like a mess

Why the fuck would a niche eroge creator cave in to feminists, who WILL NEVER EVER even touch the game with a thousand mile pole?

Their target audience is forever alones and NEETs, why the fuck were they thinking?

John Romero made us his bitch.

Pretty sure Hamburgler works at Naughty Dog now and worked on Uncharted 4. I remember Sup Forums losing their shit when someone posted an article about her new position as a head writer or some shit at ND.

so and if she did whay would that change anything