This fucking skank is blinking fucking everywhere

>this fucking skank is blinking fucking everywhere
>finally get her low
>she presses E and gets back to full HP
>repeat the process


Uninstall Overwatch

You whip out you're futacock

>Press E
>Press right click

I love McRee

All she can really do is hit and run, so she is only a problem to stragglers with no healing on their team.
That said, if you're really having problems with cavo'ries 'ere Zenyatta helps. His damage amp orb lets you take her out quicker than she can rewind most of the time.

Winston fucks her up.

>get focused by Tracer
>literally nobody else thinks twice to turn around and keep going forward
>this is an FPS


You play Widowmaker and she gets wet...

Tracer main here

A single stray junkrat explosion thats not even that close to you usually does the trick

First off, you kill her before she can E. Second, you know, her blink doesn't actually go that far right?

Shoot her. 150 damage is less than one second of shooting for many classes.

If you can't see her blinking back 3 seconds or know where she'll be in 3 seconds, you deserve to be killed by her. You also most likely play on console.

Tracer can rewind right after a Hook before Roadhog gets a shot off

You've never played team fortrsss

That's only if you're a fucking pussy and let her press it.

Roadhog hook her, instant kill
Or headshot her with Mei, but that's hard

Either use Mei or MCree dumb fuck.

I hovered between Global Elite and Supreme in CSGO for over a year, and can headshot tap with Soldier all day long, but Jesus Tracer is 2much4me. Her weapon spread is fucking enormous and it spreads after 3-5 shots with the worlds fastest time to empty mag. I know she does a fucking billion damage, but with everyone scooting around like race cars and her weapon spread, I only get about 40% accuracy with her. I feel like if you had a nospread mod she would be hands down best character in game, but I guess I can't get gud and need to go back to clicking heads on slow targets in CS.

>tfw roadhog is one of those characters i desperately want to git gud at but cant
i've read some handy tips though, like softening up squishies before hooking them in. i tend to just panic and hook the first chance i can which results in me not killing them.

You just have to repeatedly rape her sorry little ass until she gives up and stops trying.

Tracer needs more health if anything. She gets 1 shot by D.VA's ult and generally dies fairly fast.

>CSGO player complains about Overwatch

Thought this game had a low skill ceiling tho lad. What happened???

>oneshot by's ult

everyone should be oneshot by that. you deserve to die if you can't get out of the way, find a wall/pilllar to hide behind.


God damn, why is Roadhog the funnest character in the game?

Yeah it's really powerful but shouldn't 1 shot tracer who is a hero that relies on her mobility.

>tfw playing Zarya and cucking hogs with barrier

Strong like the mountain, fat boy

Mai she hard counters any hero that needs to be in close range.

Her frost slows her down before freezing her

First post best post

I don't spout that shit at all. I would say most characters are actually REALLY easy to pick up and play, minus D-Va and most the supports(Mercy doesn't count you just hide and heal) but like I said, Tracer has hands down the highest skill ceiling of almost anything I can think of, minus getting REALLY GOOD at Quake and Unreal rockets.

If she rewinds, she takes of the slow, plus she can blink.

This isn't neogaf.

Are you fucking serious? I can't believe im responding but, fucking hell

Did they buff her blinks?
They seem to recharge faster than in the beta.

Winston has highest skill ceiling.

>how do i kill one of the lowest health classes in the game
i don't know, a slight breeze maybe?

I can't tell if this is bait because some people are genuinely this retarded.

They didn't change jack shit.

You mean because landing the leap and monkey trouble ult? I could possibly see that.

Pretty sure there was no balance change whatsoever after beta.


and with PROBABLY I mean "what the fuck is this monkey good for"

That don't matter, she will waste her re ins and you can do it again.

Junk rat works as well.

Trust me, Mai counters her

This sounds like an awful question but how's the PS4 version? I'm tempted to get this game but unfortunately my computer is a toaster.

>get overwatch
>Have spent the last four years playing CS and shooting slow ass terrorists in the face
>Get in game
>Tracer fucking me up
>Fucking robot bitch flying around at 100 miles an hour
>can't aim fast enough to find and kill the turret before I get murdered
>get shrekt
>Get mad, but know what I must do
>Dig out UT2004
>Check servers
>Go into match versus godlike difficulty bots
>Spend three hours practising just hitting them
>Get even madder
>Come back to overwatch
>Drink the tears of my enemies

I have seen some people that were fucking amazing as Winston.

First post,as always, best post

Are you playing arcade? Everyone has 2x hp and 2x faster cool downs and ults charge 50% faster. Which is why you see zarya with shields up all the time and lucios with infinite hp.

Anyone who can stun her or stop her in place (junkrat, mcree, roadhog) or has an auto aim gun (soldier 76 ultimate, winston's gun).

Ok, if she's stupid she will definitely die.

Yeah that must be it, I keep jumping between modes

Wonderfull thing about overwatch is how amazingly optimized it is. If you can manage to run TF2 on it, you can run overwatch.

How do I get good as tracer? I usually play Reinhardt but need to learn an offensive character and tracer seems fun. Feels like I do no damage to anyone though.

thats because you arent hitting anything, get good

A good tracer is almost unkillable. But since the game just launched I doubt most tracers are that good, and it probably has more to do with players not knowing how to deal with her yet.

This game is a lot of fun when you win but I never get so salty as I do here when I lose. I'm not sure if there is net fun in this game even with a theoretical 60% win rate.

The worst for me is when your team is badly losing that 1 map where you fight best 2 out of 3 over the capture point and then have to sit through the the second map while your team gets farmed.

Deal some damage
Run away
Deal some more damage
Run away
Go in for the kill

Or something like that, she loses almost all 1v1s, though I'm used to playing tanks which are generally pretty good against her

learn how to keep track of time while doing other things. ever since playing majora's mask ive been able to keep time very accurately, its become almost a nervous tic at this point because i rhythmically tap almost all the time now. i just change the bpm to keep track of seconds and bam

just be autist

he's a squishy assassin in both senses of the words, in that he can jump in and fuck up anyone's day provided they're at 200 hp or lower, and the melts under any sort of resistance because he's hard to miss.

Aim for the upper torso and generally be aware of your surroundings. Also use blink to strafe.

His name is Pudge, though.

honestly if you have friends to play with it'll be fun no matter what platform you play it on. playing solo is decent but get frustrating after a game or two with shitty teammates

Aim for the head and try attacking from behind when your team is attacking from the front. Use rewind for healing or getting out of bad situations.

Jump behind enemy lines

Look for the supports and offensives.

Lay down shield.

Weapon is conal, aim for everyone

Jump out.


not even remotely true, i can play TF2 on high with no problems. cant play this on low above 20 in just the tutorial zones. if you think the games need the same you are an idiot

Don't. If she's in your face swat at her, but don't chase that Tracer.

Her goal is less to get kills and more to get you pissed off and away from the objective.

>play Quake like a madman
>pick Pharrah
>drink salty tears and enjoy the easy victories


>haven't played a multiplayer fps in like 8 years

I can't aim anymore, it's embarrassing.

>All this love for the most cancerous character of them all

In my experience she's great at dueling. She wins most 1v1 in my experience. Gotta git gud m8 she's like scout on ez mode.

That would be D.Va. At least Roadhog is pretty good.

Here's what you do. Click the close button, exit the game, and uninstall because you've been swindled by blizzard.

This and watch the superior chinese cartoon instead.

Tracer is difficult to play. If you can aim, Soldier 76 is much easier. With Tracer you need game sense and movement ability.

If you're hook % is less than 50, you don't deserve epic upvotes on endscreen

>Mfw I always get 70+ % on hook accuracy
All it takes is not being shit

Also helps with how shit the tick rate is. I've seen hooks miss me completely but still pull me back because that's what they saw.

>yfw you realize the tickrate is identical to UT2004/quake 3 arena

Is this related to that manga Gunmm, or battle angel alita? Reminds me alot of it


That looks a lot like Alita. Never seen it but had a friend that loved it.

I should really watch it some day

If they didn't change anything after the open beta why not just call it a free trial and not a beta?

Here you go. And for anyone else you might bitch about.

play as best girl and freeze her

They were beta testing the full servers

If I had a better PC I would be all over this fucking game

Junkrat would probably be what I'd play most of, or Pharah

I'm just saying that because I win most 1v1s. Though it's not really a hard 1v1 if Tracer goes back in time to get full health again, I count that under "Run away and deal some more damage".

>getting a PC next week
>want to play Overwatch while I still have the time to do it
>but I also need a new monitor and headset
>and I also need to fill my Steam account with games that I pirated and enjoyed
>I also really want a pizza
What do I do dudes

>widowmaker counters widowmaker
I see the laws of enemy snipers focusing enemy snipers still applies

>play as mcree
>stun tracer
>fire a couple of shots


i mean, he's from post-apocalyptistan. All the aussie radiation has probably given him cancer.

Just get the $40 version

Can someone explain wtf is this bug i've a correct setup to play Overwatch and i get stuck on LOW even I turned the Ggame in epic ?

yeah that's never not gonna be the case. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>if i can aim
So, that's what I'm bad at. That's why I usually stick to Reinhardt

Lucio is the best

You are the futacock

>stop, invincible Tracer

Because it works. You can only hope your sniper is better than their sniper.