Drake has a solo kill count of over 2000. Possibly more if we take the vita game into account. Where did he get his special forces training? Why aren't people afraid of him?
Drake has a solo kill count of over 2000. Possibly more if we take the vita game into account...
Why wouldnt you? Its canon
because story and the gameplay are two separate things
>Why aren't people afraid of him?
because he can't beat a single, frail black woman 1 on 1.
Its why I lost interest in Drake as a character by the end of 2, only a psychopath could keep carelessly wisecracking while killing hundreds of people.
drake had a hard childhood
>trained in martial arts and a military leader
>half the size of drake
>barely any muscle
>throws a full grown man out the window like a fucking ragdoll.
>you need to be giga nigga to be a threat
Look up Bruce Lee, idiot.
Oh I'm laffin
Bruce Lee was an actor and most of his feats are unrecorded and come from second-hand sources.
The closest you'll get to small and powerful is Mike Tyson, who is short but built like a small bear.
Where is that gif of that tiny asian woman hip tossing a man like 4 times her size, when you need it..
The bitch is trained both physically and mentally to whoop ass. Drake is a fucking random adventurer with zero actual training.
You forget Mike started out scrawny. He was knocking people the fuck out way before he bulked up into the 12 second victory champion he became. It's a real shame, people don't know more about Mike outside of the dumb shit he did, if it would gave been possible, I'd love to have seen in his prime Tyson vs in his prime Ali. Tyson was a master of closing gaps which is what Ali banked on. Tyson, also was very quick on his feet something almost never showcased because he just walked over and mauled most the people he faught.
>Bruce Lee
>it's another Uncharted thread becomes a "I'm stronger than women and they can't hurt ME" thread
And who the fuck is "Drake"?
Interesting. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of prime Mike is speed and power. When he exploded on his opponent it was unlike anything in boxing at that point. Watch some of his fights. It's really mind boggling.
So was Drake holding back when he was fighting that girl?
nigga have you seen her arms? Can you beat her? I can already smell your mantits. Settle down keyboard warrior.
kill yourself my man
>bruce lee
jesus christ go run around outside with your cheap chinese katana and rice hat. lel dis nigga said "bruce lee" KEK
some AAA super original/flavor of the month video game character
I'm sure he can beat her, she has no real muscle but it sounds like you project on to people so I'm guessing shitposter.
Because he's Canadian which everyone knows cancels out his blackness.
Are you 15?
Because Uncharted is a poorly-written series.
Uncharted is what would happen if Michael Bay directed an Indiana Jones flick.