Less than 100K copies sold

>Less than 100K copies sold
This is an injustice, let's discuss this game.

Other urls found in this thread:


>released month before Doom 3 and Half-Life 2
They couldn't have picked a JUSTer date if they tried

Vin will always have the saving grace of funding the later projects himself in my book. That and taking a paycut to do the last Riddick movie because he "has fun playing the character and likes story."

Dark Athena was okay but Butcher bay did an excellent job of having its own identity among other FPS.

The great debate:
Which is better, 2004 version or 2009 version and why?
I've only played the 2009 version.

2009 is technically better, but it's riddled with cinematic filter shit
It's also charming that the original can run on a 2004 PC well.

Still the only stealth game in my memories where the enemies didn't start homing on your ass after detection. It was legit satisfying to bust the lights and start fucking around with clueless guards

As far as I remember you could turn those cancer filters off.
Any gameplay changes?

Can you turn off those effects from the 2009 version? My head hurts just by looking at it. 2004 looks better

One of my favorite games.
It's so fucking well made, and doesn't get boring.
I loved every minute of it.
I hope they manage to make a new one on current gen.

One of the best FPSs. Going from shivs to guns, then back to shivs was awesome.

Does he design and or test or just pay the devs

Not much, but melee fights seem better.
It's still basically the same game.

>sewer level

Was the 2013 movie the last entry in the series?
I really shouldn't like the riddick movies as much as I do, especially since I have little tolerance for mediocre movies but for some inexplicable reason I just love the riddick movies. Maybe it's just because it's sci-fi and because Vin Diesel is based.

Man I was scared as fuck the first time doing that.

>there was supposed to be a riddick MMO

I recommend everyone to play Director's Cut version. Its amazing how much thought went into the stupidest details, really makes you respect game design in general. Also, almost every inmate was modeled after the devs or their families

Literally have been looking for it at my local game shops for the last month. I guess that number explains the lack of copies. Gonna get it off the internet eventually.
I only played the original and loved it. I liked finding and trading for packs of smokes. And killing the mech suits.

That's what matters, the little things, players notice them often.

I was so surprised by the commentary. It's exactly like Valve's, but they did it first.

Is this the one with dev diaries?

Was the Xbox port any good?

The only port is the PC version.

One of the games I would actually buy right now if it wasn't for the fact that the dev team is disbanded and the money would go to some publisher fuck. I don't get why people buy old games. No money goes to the right people.

just knowing that intricate thought and effort went into a product is enough to make the game that much better


To be fair, game is barely an FPS. Yeah yeah, it's a first-person perspective, but there's so little shooting in barely qualifies. Most of the time you're sneaking around and shiving guys to death, guns only come into play rarely towards the end. It was one of those really well rounded games you don't see any more because everything has to pigeon holed into a genre.

Oh my bad nigga.
Well is the shit worth playing on Xbox?

It definetly adds to the depth of the game and feels so much better, you know these guys did the game because they love them.

Well, as far as Tigon Studios goes they're back
>Following a suspension of development work, Diesel reactivated the company in September 2013

but yeah, Starbreeze as it was back then doesn't exist anymore and it was a hilarious falling out. Actually good members of Starbreeze including their CEO are now MachineGames aka makers of new Wolfenstein.


>I really shouldn't like the riddick movies
oh, is it because some douchebag semi-critics semi-"make believe smart-ass" pretenders said that objectified male heroes are boring as shit, and you're stupid to like them?

Don't, because Riddick, despite having no character arc and just being a tad ambiguous with his motivations at the start, is a rock-solid model of how to be a bad-ass, both in fiction, and even in real life ("fit as fuck" trait has tons of neat perks)


that's fucking astonishing, how Doom 3 was fanfaring bumb-mapping and high-contrast lighting/shadow effects, and how Riddick shat all over it just a month ago without any fuss.


Man the idea of these machines is just...insanity

I actually like how different all three movies are, even though people held that against Chronicles of Riddick.

>Pitch Black
Low-key survival on an alien planet following a small rag-tag group.

>Chronicles Riddick
Continues from the last movie, this time it's a large-scale space opera.

Return to survival except focused on the badass motherfucker himself.

If you're going to watch Chronicles make sure it's the Director's Cut.

is it worth buying this game or should i torrent it? not sure if it's a V:tMB situation

Not sure who owns it now. It could either be Atari or Tigon, with the latter being something you should support.
I found the retail versions of both games.

Going further, should we get the 2004 version or the 2009 remake?

>this was in 2004

absolutely amazing

The only one you can buy new is the remake. You can get the 2004 used cheaply or just torrent it.

Nah, this was in 2004.

>oh, is it because some douchebag semi-critics semi-"make believe smart-ass" pretenders said that objectified male heroes are boring as shit, and you're stupid to like them?
It's not that, but more because Pitch Black followed a simple "stranded in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of man-eating creatures" plotline, Chronicles was more of that but decided to completely abandon the kind of survival aspect (along with adding in an unnecessary love story and reducing the emphasis on Riddick living it large on his own) which made Pitch Black good, and Riddick was just kind of a repeat of Pitch Black, despite being one of the better ones in the franchise.

One great part about Riddick is that they shift they focus from Riddick to the bounty hunters halfway through the movie and almost turn it into a horror movie from the bounty hunters' POV, with Riddick systematically hunting all of them down.

So, I don't know if that made much sense but while I immensely enjoy the films, they don't really stand out.
>If you're going to watch Chronicles make sure it's the Director's Cut.
Isn't that the version that contains the furyan ghost scene?

>mfw reverse melee kills

Mirror's Edge kinda tried the same thing, but it doesn't work nearly as well.

Now I like all 3 movies, but I think Chronicles really stepped off in a shit direction with the entire prophecy, underverse, furya, magically superhuman Riddick

Necromongers were shit too but could've passed, but making Riddick into literally the last Uchiha I mean furyan with magic flashbacks to shit his mother told him as a freshly born child and what the fuck, that just devalued his entire character.
Think this criminal guy became an ultiamte badass because he had to survive in the worst places against the worst people and under the worst circumstances going so far as to get special eye surgery and shit just to up his chances of survival?
Lel no he is just a SPECIAL CHOSEN one.

the new movie did very well do completely away with this bullshit, though it leaned back far too hard on Pitch Black.

And now...now our friend will probably be too old to be as badass as Riddick should be in the next one.

>make sure it's the Director's Cut.

I think that's the preferable option for any film, really.

>Isn't that the version that contains the furyan ghost scene?

Yeah, but it expands other scenes as well so it's worth it. It also tells more about the Furyan myth and shit which was obviously supposed to be there. I think all three movies have some form of extended, DC or unrated versions.

One of my favorite thing about this game is the body awareness.
It's the entire body with the camera realistically attached, completely eliminating the floating camera feel. It's really immersive.

>that satisfying as fuck pistol
And then you had this abomination

CoR had a killer soundtrack, too. It's the only movie where real money was put in and it shows everywhere. Shame script wasn't that good.

>There's gonna be one speed: mine. If you can't keep up, don't step up. You'll just die..

i mean, people can bash the second movie for all the silliness of the plot, unexpectedly twisted to its fantasy side, or blandness of the main character. But in my book the film is forgiven for all of that just for just one, insanely good-looking stunt scene

>And now...now our friend will probably be too old to be as badass as Riddick should be in the next one.
don't say that, damn it
in all seriousness I think he has a fair bit of years left in him, maybe enough for 2 movies if he can find an okay studio to do it

half-life 2 was alright. Just a bit more subtle with the sound design, is all

im the only one who enjoyed that gun

it felt so good to paff paff

Everything you said is true, but Necromongers were just too cool and he wasn't really the chosen one by anything other than the bad guy perceiving him as such. He has no special powers or anything, he's just a badass motherfucker and life didn't hold his hand.

That pistol was satisfying as fuck. If anything, it's the SMG that feels like shit. 45 bullets, but it can barely kill anything at range with one magazine.

Nah user, he is getting there, adrenaline pumping abarehanded combat action is just too much to look 'legit' now
He was still ripped as fuck in Chronicles but he was pushing it in the new one.
I also just saw the Last Witchhunter (its a very very bad movie) and he seems even more out of it there.

I'm sure they can write a script/role for him that'll work but I the ultimate-badass ones will fit less and less.


What are you talking about - he had a flashback from his fucking mother of all people. Magical chest sparkle explosions and shit happened
The bad guys told us that each furyan killed a hundred of theirs when they took the place - they almost went out of their to devalue every single superhuman feat Riddick has ever done as something that is "because furyan"

Yeah, I liked the game.
Always been curious if the multiplayer was any good, never played it since the game is so dead.

Resistance: Retribution had a well orchestrated soundtrack,
but honestly, i think those peaked over 90s, and then lost all of their identity and just got over-used more, than dubstep in modern vg/movie-action trailers

>pushes him off
>can't say i didn't warn you
first he tries to come off as sympathetic and then that

Should I pirate the original version or the remake/remaster?

I hope pic related made it out of Crematoria. Toombs was a bastard, but really likeable.

I wish more of HL 2 was ambiented inside the town. I really didn't end up liking much how the game paced:

-Awesome city
-hovercraft run
-Car run
-Nova Prospekt
-Back to city 17

Those 2 vehicle sessions always felt like they went on far far too much with little to break the repetitiveness of those segments (getting off the hovercraft to do some small physics puzzles, or to open a gate, the bridge part on the buggy or, using the pheromone to control the antlions.

The game becomes good agian when you start nova prospekt, gets great when you're back into city 17 and becomes one of the best experiences ever once you get the upgraded gravity gun at the start of citadel, too bad you don't get to play around with it nowhere as much as you should.

Remake would be much easier to configure for widescreen and modern drivers, but for some stupid reason they replaced perfectly good protag death growl, which bugs the shit out of me.
>inb4 your autism shows etc.

You won't lose anything with either versions (except for Dark Athena expansion, included in the remake/remaster)

All the mercs were great.

I hope pic related survived because he was a QT holy shit I just wanna watch Vin rail him