How well does this work?
PS4 Controller PC
You may as well just be using a 360 or Xbone controller and not have to reply on shady malware infested third-party drivers.
Is there a difference between 360 and xbone controllers?
It's essentially an improved 360 controller.
DS4Windows works fine, but it's keyboard detection is off for me so I still have XPadder on the side if I need keyboard -> controller inputs (mostly for really old games).
Don't forget to hide the DS4 controller if you have it in XInput mode, otherwise you'll get double inputs due to your PC detecting two inputs.
>not have to reply on shady malware infested third-party drivers.
You're thinking of MotionJoy which hasn't been relevant in forever and most drivers are now open-source anyway.
the xbone controller has a superior dpad
works like a PS4 controller, there's no real issue -- and alright d-pad unlike 360
binding the touchpad to the mouse is handy for small things too (so you don't have to pickup the mouse every time from the couch)
just be sure to use it wired, the batteries are useless
>not writing your own drivers
It works great,
Controllers USB mini is trash though and will constantly disconnect
the xbone controller is a downgrade for everything except the d-pad
i would stay with the 360
The tool is functional and highly customization
Also as said, the touchpad is convenient
However, some games looking at you dark souls 2 have some really weird interactions with the tool
You probably have the inferior version with shitty lever triggers and no headphone jack.
get a better cable (preferably one that's not overly stiff), $2 cheap cables not a good idea for controllers
on PS4 it gets away with cheap shit by always using wireless even when the controller is plugged
Tricks games and your system into thinking you're using a 360 controller. Works 100%, the features like share button and more functions are turned off.
i dont use cheep cables. dont get me wrong the xbone is also not great for it but i get lots of disconnects still. Personally i would prefer them to make a cabled DS4 but i doubt they will make them.
it's a bad controller no matter what the version compared to the 360
What's bad about it then?
360 controller is shit, complete and utter shit
90% of the time I use a controller it's because I'm gonna use the d-pad
Works perfectly.
Dualshock 3 is best because it uses Bluetooth to connect unlike xbone. Whenever I want to play a game I just hit the home button on the controller and it connects to my pc imediately. I even set it up so the led light on the back displays the battery life. It's maximum convenient.
t. shitter
Very well.
>use touchpad to navigate desktop
>enter game
>switch profile by swiping right on the touchpad with two fingers
>mouse input disabled
>exit game
>swipe right again, back to touchpad mode
It's honestly the most convenient peripheral I have. It's very hard not to use it since it makes desktop navigation so easy. When I start up my computer, I reach for the controller over the mouse and keyboard.
Now if I could somehow hook up my WiiU gamepad and get the dual screen shit working well, I'd be fucking set. I'm honestly looking at buying a Shield just so I can do that, but I heard it's kinda restrictive.
The 360 controllers have shitty analog sticks, pretty low tier gamepads to be honest, but most games have native support for them thats why they are so popular.
You probably should find you a logitech game pad those shits are awesome and will last for years.
works fine I've been using it for a while and haven't had any problems, you can even buy a Bluetooth usb adapter and use the DS4 wireless, that being said the Xbone controller can do the same without any setup, and can also go wireless
Not true
You need to buy the Microsoft dongle to use the xbone wirelessly. It doesn't use bluetooth.
This, if i was going to buy a dongle for a controller i would just get the wii u pro dongle
>people still use the 360 controller despite the d-pad and praise it as some of the best controller ever made
is souls literally the only games you play with it?
most games that play better with controller typically need a good d-pad
ds4windows is great but I just stuck with inputmapper bucause it just werks
this desu senpai