It it fun?

It it fun?

Should I get it?

If I do it'll be for PS4.

So tell me Sup Forums, is it good?

No. FPS are cancer.

Considering the fact that you're thinking about getting a FPS on console, you're probably the prime target for overwatch.

Enjoy user.


Its shit, Jim.

no, it's a meme game and will bore you


It's fun, well polished and difficult to be bad at, a bit shallow maybe.

I'd get an FPS on PC but everyone on my steam friends list are sperglords. Everyone on my PS4 friends list are cool guys with jobs and lives, also people that I know and associate with in real life.

I have over 200 games on steam, but literally haven't played a PC game in over a year. Not to mention a nice rig I built myself spending about $1,000 on (Monitor/Keyboard/Mouse/Speakers not included)

Console is comfy.

>it's a meme game
Never change Sup Forums shitters, never change

>Paying full price on consoles for a FPS that's going to die at the same rate that Diablo 3 and MGS5 did.

Christ almighty, why do you people even ask these things?

cool blog where do i subscribe

Forgot to add

Fucking hell man. Why do you wish to punish yourself?

I play it on PS4 and it's fine. Sure you don't get the tacticool precision of a KB+M but I do get my friends and that is MUCH more preferable for me, especially since on console everyone is on the same playing field as far as control scheme goes.

if u get it i'll assrape it with u ;))))))

it's a f2p game costing $60, no. The only good thing of the whole thing is soldier 76, but just the way he looks.

god this site is getting gayer by the day.

agreed but donĀ“t forget about the way he acts as well.
watching him go full Dredd in the newest cinematic was pretty funny

I've literally played FPS games all my life on consoles and this is the first game I can say plays poorly on consoles (that I've played)

No ADS, little to no aim assist, low FoV, and the acceleration feels very wonky. Almost impossible to make any kind of precise movements. I really feel like console shooters all need ADS; broad quick movements for general movement and spotting enemies then ADS to get an accurate bead on the target.

Feels like a direct port straight from PC with no consideration taken to account for controller aiming, even worse since it's an arena shooter and many of the characters require precise aiming.

they should have stopped before he said "Anymore" in the video, the rest was good just that part felt marvel quippy

>it's a f2p game costing $60
What did they mean by this?

the game acts just like tf2 and LoL with microtransactions and having to pay for cosmetics with ingame or real money, but it costs $60 upfront anyways even though it is like those games that are free.

>aim assist

>the game acts just like tf2 with microtransactions
no weapons
>and LoL
no heroes behind paywalls
>and having to pay for cosmetics with ingame or real money
no, you get them with playing
>but it costs $60 upfront anyways even though it is like those games that are free
nice comparison, like fuck everything else right, this one thing is the same as in this other game so it's the same game!

eh, the game is multiplayer only and I am never near reliable internet, pass.

Yeah, kinda happens, doesnt it?

seems to work just fine on PS4 for me.

Tried playing reaper earlier for the first time (ignored him and really most characters that weren't lucio and roadhog in the beta) and while he's kinda fun I think he's actually 2edgy4me. I just wann have a good time not listen to someone go on and on about how much they love death and shit.

Considering it's not even on steam, it shouldn't matter if people on your steam friends list are spegs.

also you can point out tf2 wasn't f2p originally, but most of the newfags wouldn't know that and on top of that it turning f2p has been cited by many as one of it's biggest problems due to people having no reason to value their account (i.e. just trolling or hacking) and the fact that it brings in a lot of people who would be understandable in most circumstance (glares at huehuehue's)