Literally impossible

Literally impossible

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Just summon Black Hand Gotthard for some jolly cooperation.

Try parrying


Literally just use your shield because his attacks don't reduce much stamina

I have a 2H Mace, I can't parry or block.

Rolling seems incredibly wonky because that fucking monkey changes his combo all the god damn time and I need at least a 3 second window where I can hit him

Find a new fucking weapon to use then jeez

That's why you always keep gear off specced.

Let me summarise Dark Souls 3's plot for you:

>Pontiff Sulyvahn is a dick and fucks up everything

>Buy a buckler

come on user, that first play through needs to be pure solo.

Would you?
I would


I beat him solo on fucking 15 fps with a great machete.
git gud faggot
fucking cucks i swear

>Equip caestus
>enjoy your 1.3 second chance to parry

Ez PvP mode activated

W-what is this?

At least one of them is OnlyAfro

>mfw everyone keeps talking about the difficulty of bosses in the souls games
>mfw i always summon 2 phantoms for every single boss in every single souls game and just steamroll through the game because i dont give 2 shits about muh difficulty

stay mad

you're literally ruining the game for me user. if you don't solo SL1 the entire game you are what is killing the video game industry.

Is there more?

>poorly made outfit
>doesn't even remotely fit right

It'd be hard to notice the outfit with the skirt rolled up.

>inb4 buttmad autists
I don't do this but I don't blame you. Souls combat is boring and repetitive, I play these games for the exploration and gameplay driven progression.

>body of a refrigerator
Forgot one. With a body as shit as that the clothes are everything. Literally 2/10 wouldn't bang.

Anyone farmed the 30 proofs yet? This is driving me mad.

Is this a meme? I solo'd him first try, first playthrough. He telegraphs everything and can't one shot you. Was pretty disappointed after all the crying about him.

Have you farmed thirty wolf blood sword grasses yet? If no you can't complain about shit

I have, yes. That's why this is so tedious. Last ring and spell that I need.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, fag.

learn to fucking roll

you shitters clearly never played bloodborne, he's maria 2.0

If a Canuck LPer can do it, you can.

just wait till you get to the dancer or nameless king those took me around 40 tries on solo

>beat Pontiff one try
>took 10 tries to beat crystal sage

Strange how the "hardest boss" seems to vary so much with different people where in DS1 it was almost always Artorias, O&S and Kalameet

>40 tries

I'm getting summons every 5 minutes. Got 12 today alone so far. Works for me :^)

use the estoc

My first playthrough I got stuck on Cursed Greatwood. I still struggle with that boss and it personally gives me more struggle that any other boss, even Nameless King. Seriously, fuck that tree

What's your level? PC or console? I'm SL125 on PS4 and have not had one summon.

oh right it took you your first try because you summoned 2 people to help you

Its orange sweater man isn't it

Stack fire resist, lure him into a corner where he can't do his gay little sidestep and beat him down. If you just keep wailing on him, you'll get him down to 66% or whatever percentage he summons his stand at, which takes forever and should give you enough time to finish him off.

i find it interesting, no problem with pontiff or NK here, i'm on the dancer side, never know when that bitch is safe to hit

I don't get how DSP managed to die against this guy so many times.

I blocked all of his shit with my 'Twin Dragon Greatshield' + 'Magic Shield' and destroyed his clone with my Zweihander. They should have made the clone invincible. That way I would have had to actually time my attacks on his second form.

>wreck crystal sage first playthrough
>roll pyromancer second playthrough
>mfw they're wrecking my shit

This is no longer pickle pee.

>Pontiff threads

SL 130. Xbawks.

Exactly, and I found that boss very simple once you understood the trick of it.

Guess its a sign of good boss design if different people struggle with different bosses

I always found it interesting the different bosses that give people trouble. Like Oceiros gave me more trouble than most other bosses, but everyone else says he's ez pz. But then everyone rips their hair out over the champ and I beat him in like 3 tries.

He wouldn't be able to sit down to make memes for a week after I'm done with him.

I recently saw a girl streamer do this. She played blind and had a strategy book on her lap following it and instantly summoned for every boss.

I guess whatever floats your boat but I only used the online wiki after I cleaned an area so I didn't miss shit.

It takes all the fun away IMO to follow the strategy guide from the very beginning. Is this a girl thing? Saw her console account and she had almost 100% achievement completion in all of her games.

>Is this a girl thing?
I summon for bosses sometimes but don't look up anything online. Most of the Souls players I know who look up stuff on wikis or online are men. I have no qualms about summons though, souls cooping is fun as heck.

Then why play?

Boss difficulty in DS3 was very dependent on what kinda build I was using for me. Pointiff was pretty though on melee characters but a joke for caster builds. Conversely, Aldrich's fanclub is barely a midboss for melee characters but a goddamn nightmare for caster builds. The only bosses that were somewhat consistent in difficulty for me were Soul of Cinder and Nameless King, which is appropiate considering they're basically the most straightforward battles in the game.

>Guess its a sign of good boss design if different people struggle with different bosses

No, it just means From can't balance their bosses for various people or playstyles. It's not good boss design when the boss you fought hours earlier was more difficult.

hey i dont care about how you play it just ruins the way it was intended to play.dark souls if popular for difficulty

>Aldritch is a Nightmare for Caster builds
>Not just melting him with Chaos Bed Fire Ball

You know you can just fight him on the staircase at the middle and always try to have him on the high ground so half his attacks miss right?

same here
I was stupid enough to get hit by most of oneiros charge attacks though, and often died to his charge attack + spin2win combo. once it got into my skull that I have to roll earlier, it went smoothly.

champ too was one of the easier ones because I kept my distance and only attacked directly after a roll. his damn shoulderkick combo though

Which is not to say they did a bad job at it; but it's a flaw, not a virtue, that the difficulty is based off your build.

I think he's talking about the Deacons.

so your a girl if didn't misunderstand?

farmed 28 for like 1000 hours then just moved to NG++ where I can find the last 2 I need

Got 1 every 30 Silves Knights with 382 item find


Not that faggot but because the game is even more fun when you co op?

abyss watcher is maria 2.0

>dark souls if popular for difficulty
not really, the difficulty lies in recognizing enemy patterns and making good use of your brain

that is pretty mild in terms of difficulty compared to other games

Literally did not nothing wrong

>people using their brains
come on now

is there really a big difference for casters and melee?
I just recently finished the game on a

>you shitters clearly never played bloodborne
I prefer shields

>No Pontiff armor

you don't have to excuse yourself you beautiful creature but I do apologize for the brutish ways of my brethern that look up stuff on wikis

again, very thankful to be able to talk to you and that you shared your opinion on this subject

pic is me, highly euphoric

im just saying, the boss is all about dodging

well, we talking about the power of an average brain

it's not a puzzle game, FromSoft is just very cryptic with their fucking games

I tried to beat the abyss watchers with dodging but couldn't do it lol

I would say from that perspective alone without having played it, that bloodborne is probably the hardest souls game

>recognizing enemy patterns

>making good use of your brain
if you mean that one should research and reflect, I agree. one the other hand, explain using your brain on figuring out various quest lines. it's like a that kid story
>behind the spider boss is a secret wall that leads to the spider bosses sister and can become friends with her
>when you deepen your friendship, she opens up a secret passage to solaire and you can save him!

You're an idiot. The game gives you options so use them or shut up.

I forgot how much of an alien Haruhi looked like

user grasscrest shield is one of the hardest bosses ever what are you talking about?

>if you shoot 100 arrows at the dragon's tail in the beginning, it will come off and you get the strongest sword in the game!

>Play through 80% of the game with ~15fps. >Shit seems hard but kill every threatening boss after a few tries.
>Upgrade my rig
>Game is a fucking cakewalk.
>Kill Nameless, MG and the brothers each on my second try.

Somehow it felt like cheating.

A crossbow melts him for no reason, I love it.

>mfw I end up in the same squad as her in arma 3

>rolling now has a full second of invincibility frames

time to downgrade my rig for pvp suckers

It's not the strongest weapon by any means
and cutting off a monster's tail to get a weapon is a thing in japanese fairy tales.

Doesn't help when you also only see their attacks coming a second later.

>every noob believes it's the strongest at first
>cutting off a monster's tail with a shortbow and arrows

no user

[Spoiler] ..........................Yes............................

no, only up to 4 frames later. you stretch 15 frames out over a second as opposed to 60, so reaction is only affected to a very small value. you can take an action in every frame, so 15 possible points of action per second as opposed to 60.
lets say you get the maximum delay of 4 frames, then you reaction again with the maximum delay of 4 frames, which are an 8 frame delay, which is about an eight of a second, or 130ms. you would trade that for invincibility though.


Sorry quick question ... HOW To get this! almost a 3 hrs looking a way like an idiot, plz

If you don't want to use a shield or parry.
Move far away from him, bait his dive, roll, hit twice or so. Go ham when he transforms.its not bad to be hit by his clone and now you can predict his moves because he does the exact same as his clone. If you kill a clone once, wait a bit for him to summon another and kill him while he summons

>arco de llama de carthus

For that reason the game wont even let you play online and even if you are lucky and dodge the fps check somehow because you were looking at a wall or something, online opponents will be inanimate models that just float arround. I guess they have the same problem though, since I easily kicked some faces in while playing in diashow mode, so theres that.


What is wrong with Jojo?

You let squidward die, didn't you?
Go to the church with the gross hand in the swamp then:
>Take the ladder down and bypass some rubble, a Headless Gargoyle will show up right before a series of narrow corridors. Go through the corridors and be careful not to fall through the holes in the floor. You will emerge to find a church located in a swamp. The church is surrounded by Sewer Centipedes and the sticky water causes Toxic buildup. Take the ladder on the right of the church and make your way to the roof of the church. On top of the roof is Logan's Scroll. From the roof towards the stairs, there is an open window in the wall that you need to jump through. You will have to jump from the roof to enter, and it leads to the cell. Using the Old Cell Key frees him and nets you a Titanite Slab. You'll also find Covetous Gold Serpent Ring in his cell.

thats not him

listen to his voice, he sounds like dunkey, and dunkey is a fatty. so therefor he must be as fat as dunkey.

Pontiff has a Stand.

kek, never thought of that.