Alani is out today. Post intersting/funny Battleborn lore. C'mon just do it.
>Whiskey Foxtrot is essentially the ghost of Duke Nukem (his being damaged sound is the same as Dukes, and they have the same personality)
>Boldurs shield is a Golems dick that he ripped off
>"The Algorithm" is a joke about the games coding. Isic is trying to crack it and hack the game when you stop him.
>Boldur and Rath are rivals, they always challenge each other vocally on sight. And always have a line ftw.
Alani is out today. Post intersting/funny Battleborn lore. C'mon just do it
Other urls found in this thread:
Please, there's already a ton of Overwatch threads.
Are there? I started hiding them because they're all stanky bait threads filled with unclever shitposting.
>>"The Algorithm" is a joke about the games coding. Isic is trying to crack it and hack the game when you stop him.
I loved this exchange with Phoebe and ISIC
Not Overwatch.
It's sad, that the Overwatch F2P-like game damaged such a good game as Battleborne.
But thanks to the Overwatch shills, the Battleborn community is god tier. All the retards left for Overwatch.
Alani is best waifu by the way
This was touching.
Playing Alani is fucking amazing, so fluid and she has a great flow!
Can't wait to pvp with her tonight with some friends, i bought Overcuck for reviews sake and Battleborn absolutely blows that barebones bullshit """game""" out of the water.
She sounds like one of the main characters from mlp
The character lore in this game is fucking great. I thought id like only the jenerrits when i bought this game but EVERY faction has grown on me.
The doomsday scenario theyre stuck in really brings out the best in them. Like Oscar Mikes diary entry.
Or Deadpool. Or any character that breaks the fourth wall :^)
No, literally sounds like. As in the same voice actor
I wouldnt know. Shame on you for having such knowledge.
I love how its their little secret that Thorn tried to steal from him when they met
You're replying to yourself. I just fucking watched you do it. You do know we can see how many unique IPs a thread has now, don't you? Because you're acting like we can't.
How much to Gearbox pay you? How scared are the people at Gearbox that their game is failing this badly?
I know shitposters will never pay attention to any of these, but i'd like to think that someone will pop in and see some of the good lore that Battleborn has
Just go
You know when gearbox wants to they can make some really good material.
He probably just wanted to add something that he wanted to say to his original post, why do you care so much?
He's wrong too I wasn't even replying to myself
honestly who gives a shit about the lore. some of the voice lines when characters interact are nice but other than that couldn't care less.
Shut up Overshill. Get out of the thread and let us talk about a game we like.
I'm the guy who posted the lore image. Other guy probably just wanted to add a comment.
Hey OP, how much to Gearbox pay you per post? Because to my count, you're at 12 posts as of this post.
>honestly who gives a shit about the lore
I do. I think it's a damn shame that despite a campaign and an interesting world, there aren't that many actual cutscenes .
>Boldur's shield is a golem dick
Wait what? Is that like in his challenge lore
Biggest thing I didn't understand were complaints about the character designs. It's almost like all anyone cares about are ladies in skin tight spandex.
Unless it's porn fodder, people don't care.
Sad but true.
Many of them are shit. You're cherry picking one of the few good ones.
>Battleborn shill thread
It's too late. You lost Pitchard.
Blizzard has already made more money on loot chests than you did on your season pass.
They're all pretty awesome in their own way you cock sucker. Go ahead and post one you think is bad and I'll carefully and intricately explain why you're a biased retard.
Where are the cute battleborn wafus?
Fuck off faggot, go back to posting in overwatch threads because you're bored and got nothing to do with you're bare bones game, we'll be here discussing lore, leveling characters, and playing the newly released character.
Which ones?
character designs are fine. it's the fucking art direction people have a problem with. everything looks like ass ingame even alani.
Yeah if you heal with his shield ult you unlock the lore that says he ripped of a golems "codpiece"
Which ones are specifically bad?
But she looks awesome.
>but the concept art!
Things never look as good as the concept art.
Out of curiosity, what are some bad ones?
Cus I feel like each design has it's own flare.
...that was awful. Is all the dialog in the game like that?
if there's one thing nocontentwatch does right it's the art direction. if you took alani and put it in that game it'd look even better than the concept art.
Not even CODguy is a guy.
Dat Vegeta VA I never get tired of hearing him
Yeah, bro! It wasn't that bad! Just buy the game and give it a go! :^)
It's not the art direction. It's the actual game engine itself. Battleborn is using an upgraded version of Unreal 3/BL2 stuff.
Whereas Overwatch is using Blizzards inhouse engine they were going to use for Titan before it blew up in their face.
>upgraded bl2
>somehow looks even worse
Tfw when you hide every overhype troll
codpiece is what covers the dick, not the junk itself. Like a protector
Holy shit I did not know he looked like that with no helmet
he looks like whiskey foxtrot
Is this game the anti tortanic? Sup Forums desperately wanted it to fail, but it's a massive hit that everyone likes except the angry babies on this site.
Kinda digging the tidal wave skill and the Water Dragon ult. Dunno if I'm ready to drop Cald or WF at this point, but I'd run Alani on story mode.
Any clue who the next dlc characters are?
gearbox needs to die asap
Yep. First artwork popped up.
Snake man/tentacle fetish man.
That's a cool Soldier 76 skin. Is it from Origins?
I just think it's a shame that every mission is basically a Ghalt/Kleese/Melka/Deande circlejerk.
Nobody but them, ISIC, Boldur, Caldarius even speak outside of the rare random dialogue. And those three only speak because the mission is basically all about them.
>do Algorithim as Marquis to test something
>get to the part where you destroy the ice generators
>ghalt (or is it Kleese) mentions that the loss of a governing AI to the varelsi or whatever is what caused all the Magnus to lose their sanity to various degrees (and how Nova was also affected by it)
>Marquis chimes in with something along the lines of:
"What the hell are you saying? Because you're absolutely correct!"
>and starts laughing manaically
It's such a waste honestly.
Please kill yourself false-flagging shitposter.
Found a better quality image.
No idea why i saved that awful compressed shit.
It seems to me this game was rushed. That story trailer actually looked like it had snippets of a ingame cutscene. Not the last shot but rather the "live together or die alone" speech that Ghalt makes and the cereal gag with Mellka and Montana.
It sucks.
There are a lot of random contextual lines. But they coded it so that they don't trigger every time. They wanted them to only happen some of the time so you might still hear some fresh dialogue ever after many playthroughs.
The problem as I see it, is that the characters in this don't seem to have any personality from an initial glance.
I'm not saying I'm a professional designer or anything but when you see a character from a piece of press-release art or a generic standing profile shot, you should get a general idea of the character's personality or how they would act. I just don't see it from any of the art of the characters from BB, or if I can tell from a shot, the idea is usually a very flat 2-dimensional character.
Take the robot butler guy. From this image I can tell he's british and probably full of himself in a gentleman-ly way. He probably has a tea joke or something.
Character design has never been a strongsuit of Gearbox but when you're making a game where the characters are supposed to be the big sell, it falls short.
I know but golems dont have actual organs in BB they are like energy inside. So the codpiece is the closest thing to a dick they have.
>make a big deal about new characters being free
>unless you have the season pass it costs 47500 points to unlock them
>get maybe 200-400 points a patch
If you knew anything about Battleborn you'd know there is extensive hidden lore. They explain basically every detail of why a character is how they are.
>No more than 420k sales across 3 platforms
>Budget was an estimated $70 million of which it's made about $25 million back and at this rate will never make all of it's budget back
>Already had a price drop
>Has less maximum concurrent players than Evolve and it's player count died off quicker than Evolve
Absolutely! What a massive success!
All the characters look like background npcs for a different game, not something the player would want to take control of. I think they all look astoundingly ugly or dull.
>>Budget was an estimated $70 million
Source for that? I mean the actual number, not something you pulled out of your ass.
A company that has become larger saying that their next game is a bigger investment is just par for the course.
>Implying they wont start a double credit weekend after her actual release
>>No more than 420k sales
i think that would be a success for most games. unless you actually know the budget i'm gonna assume it is though i hope it isn't so gearbox has to put more work into battleborn and not abandon it. the price drop is temporary by the way.
Gearbox themselves plus basic math.
Gearbox stated the budget for it was larger than the combined budget of Borderlands 1 and 2. We know Borderlands budget was around $25-30 million and Borderlands 2 had a budget of about $35 million. So a figure of $65 to 70 million is a good estimate.
Perhaps the finer details are up for debate, but all the characters in Battleborn have REALLY good silhouettes.
There's very in the way of overlapping shapes. Visual coherency may be sacrificed, but I wouldn't choose that over the ability to always be sure exactly what I'm shooting at through a sea of particle effects.
Also, Marquis (your pic) is intensely classist, sociopathic German.
>Gearbox stated the budget for it was larger than the combined budget of Borderlands 1 and 2
No they didn't. They said that the commitment/investment of time was larger than BL1 and 2 combined. Considering they just opened a studio up in Vancouver and moved offices just to accommodate the sudden influx of staff they got, it makes sense.
I literally address this in the previous post. Try harder
I'll never play another Gearbox game if they abandon Battleborn.
When is brendan fraser going to make an appearance?
He's perfect for this game
>420k sales is a success
No, success is determined by profit.
420k at $60 a pop is only $25.2 million. With a budget of $70 million or more, that is in no way a success.
To break even, the game has to sell another 1.1 million. Which at this rate it's never going to do.
He actually would. Hollywood won't cast him because he turns down parts he doesn't like. Thats right in the spirit of Battleborn.
>No, success is determined by profit.
>With a budget of $70 million
>With a budget of $70 million or more,
Making alot of assumptions there.
I'm taking a guess and saying that Battleborn cost roughly the same as BL2. The real money maker though is gonna be Borderlands 3.
That game is going to top every chart imaginable whenever it comes out.
What's sad is that this game could have ignored campaign entirely and just made 20 more heroes and it would have been better. Damn shame
I wanna fuck the shit out of the little demon witch thing
She's the only reason I'm interested in this game
Source is Gearbox themselves and a bit of basic math. Like holy shit why do you even keep asking this when it's been posted in this thread (and every Battleborn thread posted over the past week).
How fucking hard is this for you retards to understand? We also know Borderlands 1 had a $25 to $30 million budget, and Borderlands 2 had about a $35 million budget (as stated by Gearbox themselves).
A combined total of those two has to be a minimum of $60 million, but we know they spent over this by a significant amount.
You guys like acting ignorant as fuck when it suits you. But this doesn't change the fact that Battleborn is going to be one of the biggest (if not the biggest) flop of 2016.
Then it would be a shallow game for casuals like OW. I'd never play a game with no story unless it was like cs where there are no actual characters.
I'd like her more if she was a little less "randumb".
She's like that fucking orange boomerang character from Sonic Boom.
She worships chaos. Chaos is random.
Again. Source.
Because i actually listened to the Polygon interview when it came out. And the statement was not about a budget. It was about actual personnel
"We've invested more than Borderlands 1 and 2 added together into Battleborn," he said. "And we don't even know if people will be interested or not."
There it is. The quote in all its glory. For a company that just opened a new subsidiary, it's all bunk. Keep digging.
It's a grower. You learn to love the characters through lore challenges and through extended gameplay (hearing all the voice lines), rather than passively watching a cinematic trailer like Overwatch and then barely having anything in the actual game.
Seriously, all the characters in Overwatch are memelords.
>that glow coming from her panties
Keep crying Sup Forumsermin. This game is a smash hit and there's nothing you can do about it
Even then it still wouldn't hurt to dial it back a bit.
At the very least I haven't heard any fourth-wall breaking though. So ultimately I can let it slide.
Please kill yourself false-flagger-kun.
Does this game have local co Op?
In business an investment means money.
What else are they going to invest into a video game? Time? That's money. People? That is money. Resources? Money.
I'm really curious as to what you think they invested into the game if not money.
Oh shit really? That might convince me to actually give it a try, Ive been looking for some new split screen vidya for a wgule
Read a book
I actually hope that he's a striker/assassin type that stealth snatches people away and reks people ala Loki from Smite.
Back during BL1, the company had roughly 75 people. During the growth period between that and BL2, they expanded to about 200. Now they're at around 300.
No shit it's a "larger investment". They just have more staff and they opened an entire second studio to work on other things as well. They also want to release a new BIA title. How do you suppose that's going to happen if they need a dedicated team to work on BL3?
Stop pulling numbers out of your ass.
That is arguably the best piece of BB I've ever heard.
And most of it is really shit.
Also, that ending was awful, killed what sounded like an actually interesting exchange and a poke at the developers themselves.
>that snatches people away
>that stealth snatches people away
Shayne & Aurox
Please no more hook characters they're fucking apex cancer alongside dedicated supports and snipers in incursion.