Saurian, an open world dinosaur simulator, has started their kickstarter.
Playables are Dakotaraptor, Tyrannosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus and Triceratops
Saurian, an open world dinosaur simulator, has started their kickstarter.
Playables are Dakotaraptor, Tyrannosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus and Triceratops
Cool, but I'm not donating to it.
Man, I have wanted a game that lest you play as a Dinosaur for the longest time.
> Muh simulator meme games
Steam already has an over abundance of this cancerous shitfests.
I know you're trying to trigger me however, but here is your (you) anyway.
Good day.
Hey mr shills, you need at least 5 so the ip count won't be obvious
Daily reminder that that's how a T-Rex should look.
>fur dinos
More focused on delivering a scientifically accurate "live as a dinosaur" thing versus dank meme shit like Bear or Goat
feather dinos are gay
>if you don't die you eat a lot and fuck
>lay eggs
>repeat until extinct
When will the feather meme end?
Fucking hipster paleontologists trying to stay relevant
>Dinosaurs will never be cool again because of those stupid fucking feathers
I hate real life.
Its not a meme moron.
Totally need more survival games.
>Another game forcing the lefty Dinosaurs had feathers agenda
Dont blame the dinosaurs for this company's interest in faded colors. In all likelihood dinosaurs probably looked closer to this:
No reason to think the color of their feathers was dark or grey..
Did I ask for your input?
Don't reply to my posts ever f*cking again.
daily reminder that current science says a t rex most likely did not have feathers as an adult at best it had them when they where young
No thanks please. T rex was not a faggot.
Shit like that Parrot T-Rex is why people hate feathered dinosaurs though.
They still look like oversized chickens. It's just not the same, man. The dream is gone.
When pcucks finally get a bloodbourne port
it mostly is. the proto feathers haven't been found for the big guys, and wit convergen evolution concepts it makes no sense.
>Implying the Earth is more than 8000 years old
>Not leftist shit in the first place
No, moron. After seeing feathered dinosaurs the Jurassic world ones look like the equivalents of sphinx cats.
They look butt naked and retarded.
>say that I have wanted a game that lets you play as a dinosaur for a long time.
>get called a shill.
U wot m8?
Anyways, based on the shit they are saying on the ks page, it looks that they are trying to make something similar to what I personally expected Spore's creature phase to be (ie, surviving in an ecosystem, adapting to it's niches, hunting, avoiding predators, reproducing etc). I am definitely gonna keep an eye on this thing.
Wow. So the reptilians arent even to hide their propaganda anymore.
yea guy totally and when you go outside and look at see some lizards you say WOW LOOK ALL THOSE BIRDS
Why are T-rex's so big if they are scavengers?
Surely it makes more biological sense for a scavenger to be small if they aren't killing anything since they would require less food.
But dinosaurs are not fucking lizards you idiot.
did you even read your own article
And they dont look like lizards either.
Only in Jurassic world did they look like ones because it used what is now outdated information.
Yea, they're birds!
The whole "T-rex were scavengers" shit is bollocks.
Because they did actually hunt. The "Rex was exclusively a scavenger" meme was just Jack Horner being a contrarian little shit.
It's the other way around. Birds are a subgroup of Dinosaurs.
I'm still waiting for Mesozoica.
Scientists made shit up back in the day. No one cares enough to prove them wrong and evidence is rare
>Saurian, an open world dinosaur simulator
I'm thinking of Cubivor for some reason, but I have a feeling this will be more realistic.
Sounds fun, but I don't really back kickstarter.
they why dont lizards got wings
Because Lizards aren't dinosaurs.
Modern lizards just share a common, but very, very distant, ancestor with Birds.
If I recall my biology knowledge correctly, modern lizards are in fact, closer related to modern mammals than they are to birds. Could be wrong there though.
Lizards are on the other side of the reptile family tree.
Dinosaurs, Birds, Pterodactyls and Crocodiles are all part of a group called Archosaurs
lizards arent dinosaurs...
but birds are...
real smart your science is there
Both birds and lizards are diapsids, mammals are synapsids. Get your Carboniferous straight, retard.
How many open world survival games need to flop before you retards stop shilling them?
What is the problem with those statements?
Oh, alright.
As I said, I could be wrong there.
I am rather rusty with my biology knowledge.
Anyways, the point regarding birds and modern lizards having super distant common ancestor still stands.
The people who hate feathered dinosaurs are the worst.
I hate people who constantly push feathered dinosaurs more, they are obnoxious as fuck, and literally will never drop them as soon as they are brought up.
People who actually think all dinosaurs had feathered are retarded. It's not because birds and lizards have a common ancestor that suddenly all dinosaurs had feathers. By that logic we should have gills
Maybe you should mention that it's your game.
Nobody is claiming that all dinosaurs were feathered.
However, the ones from whom birds descended, having some proto feathers, to full on feather coats, makes complete sense.
>implying you wouldn't pet a T-Rex
Oh boy, yet another kickstarter for an open world survival game featuring memesaurs. Are you gonna implement a crafting system too?
Sure there were dinosaurs with feathers. I just don't get why dinosaurs like the T-Rex suddenly are pictured with feathers. When scientists say "this is what we think the T-Rex looked like", I'm sure they had a reason not to picture it with feathers.
On the other hand, Archaopterix definitely had feathers, deduced from the fact that they found imprints of them around the fossil.
That's cute though
Species from the T-rex family have been discovered with feathers, ergo, T-rex could also have possessed them.
Say one game where you actually play as dinosaurs.
>Anonymous 05/24/16(Tue)15:17:31 No.338756
haha, backed! love it! original idea!
Because we're finding feathers on T-Rex's Chinese ancestors. China in general has been a great source of feathered dinosaurs. Lot of sites there have been really good at preserving feathers
The new Trex looks fuckin gay
D you know how many T rex fossils we have?
Just because they're related doesn't mean they passed on those traits.
Look, I admit that it's possible, but until they find an actual T-Rex fossil with feathers, I'm sticking with the unfeathered version. It looks silly.
None that are complete iirc
We're talking about stuff that lived so far in the past we can't even comprehend how long ago, so I guess everyone is entitled to their own theory
Neat. Is that at one of the Universal parks?
>T-Rex with feathers
Would you a T-Rex chan?
Traveling exhibit in Australia
>muh gritty angry no feathers dino look
Just die already
>muh neutered realistic feathered dino look
Just die already
>Currently being rowd-funded/Early access
Interest is lost until I see a finished game.
>muh FOTM popsci feather autism
>they had feathers meme
>scientific facts are wrong if they hurt my fee fees.
>adults with feathers
9 meters long tyrannosaurid
With that said, there's no direct evidence that Tyrannosaurus rex had feathers, although you can't really call it a meme when related species definitely had it. It's a hypothesis, and as always with dinosaurs the evidence we have to go on is fairly limited.
I for one like the feathers, I think they look pretty cool.
I could give a flying fuck. I just want to hunt dinosaurs. Gimme a good carnivores or a trespasser remake or something.
>scientific facts
looks like someone doesn't know shit about paleontology.
when I was like ten years old I would dream of a game where I could play as a dinosaur trying to survive in the dino world. I don't care as much now that I see the raptors look like turkeys now.
If it wasn't a kikestarter game I might get excited. Never again will I back publicly funded projects. Elite Dangerous was the last mistake
They're more like Land Vultures/Hawks
It's a donate to another shitty kickstarted project thread.
I'm on my phone and have no pics so cans someone post a proper face palm reaction image for me.
Op is probably one of the developers trying to shill his shit game.
We don't trust western debs in these parts unless you are naughty dog
Raptors never looked like raptors.
Deinonychuses did.
Turok evolution
Don't forget Rage Wars
>Raptor was undercover OP.
Nah, just been following this thing since it got announced a few years ago. Dino blogosphere's been all over this game for some time now.
>every predatory bipedal dinosaur had a fuckload of feathers everywhere
I want this meme to end.
I'm sorry, I'm not falling for this shit again