Damage is shit

>Damage is shit
>Shield barely absorbs anything
>Ultimate is 10 seconds to knock people around a few feet

How do we make Winston not terrible?

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Start by using him correctly.

Give him a glock

>ultimate just pushes people out of melee range

did anyone at blizzard play this character?

Winston is a disruptor, and he's great at it.

There are few things worse then having your team collide with the enemy and suddenly having an enemy Winston behind you.

>Last seconds of the match
>Enemy team does the usual "Gets their shit together and does a last second push" thing
>Ult and jump into them
>Win game

Winston's ult is for moving targets off objective or pushing them to your team.

Or you could play another character and kill them outright.

Thats not the point.

His kit is designed around disruption and positioning.

A widowmaker has no option but to TRY to pick off enemies when she is at an advantageous position.

Winston MAKES advantageous positions. With his jumps he is one of the quickest and most mobile. His shield does the job of making cover and creating the battlefield you want your team to be in.

His ult is pretty much the safest in the game, take your time and force the enemy into a bad spot.

Everyone else either needs their team right there and/or can't easily get into ult range (reaper/reinhardt)

> he doesn't disrupt bash the target against a wall

went 14/0 and held the first point with this fucker, he's a good tank but even better when paired with another.

>Winston MAKES advantageous positions.
I've completely stopped playing Winston because of this. I don't have a five man group to play with, and playing Winston in pubs is an exercise in frustration.

Winston is considered top tier by pro players because of the current meta. Widowmaker is OP as fuck right now and most teams are running at least one and sometimes two Widows and Winston is exceptionally good at dealing with her.

He's also quite good at dealing with squishies in general because his tesla cannon doesn't miss and he has high mobility and HP.

I imagine zenyatta and even mei are top notch with coordination, but in pubs not so much.

I played a round with him last night. He's not as bad as I initally thought. The key is to use the jump to get around and end up behind people.

His ult is pretty shit though. It's only use is to get you a huge heal and to knock people off cliffs if you're on specific parts of the map.

>Buy 5 dollars worth of Loot Boxes
>Get a Legendary and a Purple
>Winston's Scavenger Skin and Winston's Heroic Intro

I don't even play this nigga.

Guess it's time for you to start then.

It is mostly a counter.

>Enemy doing some sneaky or coordinated attack?

Go Apeshit and knock them around.

>Enemy using pretty much any ult?

Go Apeshit and knock them around.


Go apeshit and run, or knock them around.

About to cap or they are about to cap?


Unlike pretty much every other ult it is consistently a helpful thing to do.

Most other ults can miss, or you can be killed during, or you misjudged and now the enemy turned a corner ect.

Who else has disruption even close to on par?

Maybe mei or reinhardt, but with rein it's an expected thing. Not much ambush apeshit with him.

If you have a friend near you or a team it can really make him shine.

you kill supports and snipers and they cannot do shit against you

this is my only gripe with winston EXCEPT on maps where i can push people to their deaths

That reminds me I still got to watch the last batsu.

ill play with you user

Winston is literally the best character. Lucio and McCree are up there. You're just fucking trash.

>There will never be a Hamada skin for Winston
Why live?

I win assault games single handedly with this fucker all the time. Git gud.

A good Winston can ruin anyone's day. He is one of the harder heroes to learn, but the payoff is incredibly satisfying.


Give him a real gun.

The same way we can make T. Hawk good in street fighter: give him a gun

>no Strength skin

why live?

Winston needs to stun and damage people he lands on or really close to with his long jump. That's pretty much it, it'd give him that extra damage and it fits his role as a disruptor.

you're not suppose to kill people, just bruise and mess them up, slowing them down and letting your team to finish them off, basically a big distraction.