Just installed pic related lads

Just installed pic related lads

Any recommended games?I just downloaded Xenoblade

Other urls found in this thread:


Eternal darkness.



Rogue Squadron II


Fatal frame mask of lunar eclipse

Pikmin 2
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario Party 4
Mario Party 5
Mario Party 6
Paper Mario: TTYD
Wario World
F-Zero GX
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime trilogy
Red Steel 2
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Little King's Story

Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2



Xenoblade Chronicles, the Wii game. Not the new one

Get 120hz monitor with minimal input lag.
Get an official Nintendo WiiU GC adapeter.
Get the 120 fps build of dolphin
Get 20XX 4.05.
Run the game at 2X speed.
Now enjoy Melee with less lag than a CRT familia.
Shit's only gonna get better once Dan Salvato releases that dank as fuck code to get ride of the in built input lag from the game engine.
>tfw Melee HD is already here.

Why would you have "and yet it moves"? Might as well play the pc version of that awful game.

>smash autists go to these lengths instead of playing a real fightan game

I thought dolphin was only a GC emulator

I use dolphin browser on my phone too

It's only one game among many from the torrent I downloaded it from. I haven't even tried it yet.

Killer 7 is GOAT

Baten Kaitos
Project M

>tfw trying to run SW Bounty Hunter and Timepsplitters on Dolphin
>FPS drops
>"FIFO is overflown by GatherPipe, CPU thread is too fast!"


Back to Paper Mario and Zelda, I guess

is wii emulation viable with a ps3 controller? or keyboard

My Dolphin Folder is 400 GB now

This is amazing

Get a dolphinbar if you don't already have one and Zangeki no Reginleiv.

NASCAR: dirt to daytona

its a wii emu too


LOL where have you been nigga?

keyboard and any controller but for games with only motion control settings you're out of luck unless you use your mouse for the motion part

and this


and this

and this

some underrated gamecube games:
wario world, wario world, wario world, cubivore, OG animal crossing, 1080 avalanche, gotcha force, gotcha force, pac man world 2, killer 7 (i think the previous two two were not gc exclusive)

Harvest Moon a Wonderful Life.
Fragile Dreams

and this

and this

and this (sorry, out of webms)

It's time to stop posting

but why there are more good games

Dont play much on my PC anymore.

Killer7 dude



what is this and is it gc or wii

Red Steel 2. Requires a wii motion plus. And stay away from the first, it´s shit (and sadly one of 2 games I bought on launch day with the wii :( )

I actually liked the first one and found the 2nd to be shit

You can run other games at silky smooth 120fps aswell with a good 120-144hz monitor.
Plus the official Nintendo WiiU GC adapter is the best one for native support from Dolphin.


dolphin is the tits. I played LotR Third Age not long ago, it was fucking great.

Get any gamecube game you want m8, plenty of good ones.

>nobody's mentioned Sky Crawlers
It's goddamn Ace Combat: Prop Edition

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
It's fun, and I don't like skating but the game is really fun cause it's a game

Zelda Four Swords Adventures
It's minish cap and four swords combined

you´re in the minority. But I have to admit it was pretty cool as a launch title for checking out the motion controls (until the novelty wore off)

>I haven't even tried it yet.
not him, but how about not wasting ops time then if you can´t recomend it?

I enjoyed it more as a straight-up FPS since it had a lot of cool features like nearly everything being destructible and shooting the gun out of a leader's hands to convince an entire room of enemies to drop their guns and surrender. I really didn't like how the 2nd, rather than expanding on what little good was in the first, just scrapped it all and made it into a hack-n-slash that needed extremely overexaggerated gestures to get certain moves it.

to be honest, I almost remember nothing about it, only that it had a chinese setting (architecture wise) and that it got boring for me quite fast.
I think if it wasn´t for the motion controls which were still new and exciting back then I wouldn´t even have touched it.

Maybe I´ll check it out on dolphin once more, just to check if I was right, but I never heard anyone reeeeeeally liking the game


Wario Land: shake it

>no Kirby

literal cancer

Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure

well then post it you slut.

I sincerely hope you got the high resolution texture mod for Xenoblade

get the 30fps patch too.

Atta boy!

>tfw AMD

Hey, metroid prime trilogy is pretty good if you can get past the shitty controls.

That was great.

Custom Robo.

Sin & Punishment 2
works fine with mouse, controller, or wiimote.
FYI look into getting a battery powered sensor bar or some other infrared source to use an actual wiimote with Bluetooth.

Platforming action Syrup when?

If you're going to upgrade in the future wait for Zen+

>AMD's first entry to viability since the Phenom II is a poor man's 5970X
>They hired a Broadwell engineer after the Zen's groundwork is laid out.
Not bad Keller. Not bad. Hopefully the guy that picks up after you does you and Lisa proud.

wot game

Timesplitters 2

heres both Baten Kaitos Undubbed



have fun

Anyway, onpinions on this shit?

Steam Controller can do it with some configuration.

>BKO undub
Cool, I may have to check it out since I have the first one undubbed and honestly am enjoying it way more than when I first played through it. IIRC BKO had a pretty good dub job, though.

I have a question for the Eternal Wings undub. The one I have has a broken part where Kalas talks instead of Xelha when she recites the prayer for her guards, and the error persists because the same lines are said in flashbacks and shit. Do you know if that was fixed?

Pikmin 2
Luigi's Mansion
Paper Mario
Eternal Darkness
Vietiful Joe
Baten Kaitos
Rogue Squadron 2
Metroid Prime

yeah sometimes its out of sync not sure if it fixes itself

>implying you ever played on PC in the first place
kek. Stop trying to fit in.

OK, then it's likely the same as mine.
I'm currently at disc 2 where the world map opens up and everyone has backstory quests for their weapons and stuff. It looks like that prayer line is the only one, then.


dolphin's progress has been quite good, I remember how Mario Galaxy used to run slow on AMD CPUs, recent revisions run it fullspeed even without overclocking the same AMD CPU

>tfw dunno what to get for gc games

Most of whats good i already own.

does Rogue Squadron even work?

only on windows 10 with dx12 dolphin build


Why windows 10?

DX12 is legit amazing
Using DX12 as a backend as compared to OpenGL nearly doubles your FPS

theres no dx12 on windows 7 and 8 only on windows 10, until Vulkan become an alternative to dx12

prime 2
mario sunshine is decent

I'm just going to be an unoriginal poster and say Killer7. Game is genuinely one of the best ever made, and looks excellent when running on an emulator.

DX12 never works for me though? I have Windows 10 and I update Dolphin fairly often but games crash on launch.

>dolphin doesn't pick up light pressing of shoulder buttons
Is there a fix for this?

>DX12 never works for me though
your graphics card doesn't support dx12 then
is it an nvidia card

>Real fightan games offer a level of control this smooth and responsive

'Old school' players will never move on to games with the expressiveness of analog controls.

but it does, I can fire the water hose while moving in Mario Sunshine that requires a light trigger press


Will my Wii remote work with dolphin just as it would on my Wii? How do I deal with sensor bar shit?

Future Perfect you lil' shit