Paradox? More like ParaCUX!

Why the hell isn't anyone talking about this?!

Paradox caved to the SJWs!

We are mods keep deleting post aspd.


>“...our job is to make computer games, not push political agendas.”

Mods have been deleting every single thread which wants to discuss this for hours.


OP here. Are Sup Forums mods on payroll for Paradox or something?

Why the fuck are these threads getting deleted?

Wtf? If we make a mod where all humans are black will it get deleted as well?

Did the same with Tracer's "sexist" pose.


Have a bump in exchange for the info.

then stop fucking posting it stormcucks

Butthurt Sup Forumsfags. Thread spamming and ban evasion is against the rules. Please fuck off and kill yourself defender of le fucking white race.

>feelings are more important than creativity

Shit thread
roll 'em

Yes, soon Sup Forums will only be marketer's threads as all others will be banned. If you see a thread, there is a 99% chance its a marketer

But all blacks mod is still up.

Paradox probably made the mod themselves to ban it for some desperate publicity to remind people Stellaris exists when it's already been forgotten.

Paradox are faggots but I'll still roll

rollin for snakepenis

I'm not thread spamming or evading a ban. I saw this on Twitter, came to Sup Forums, saw no open threads about it, and started one.

Had no fucking idea mods and janitors were on a crusade to suppress discussion about it


my post is not spam

>crusade to suppress discussion about it
They're not. This thread has been spammed to death for HOURS.

I'm as leftist as you can get without abandoning the realm of logic, but "spamming" is when there's more than one thread up. If mods keep deleting the thread, it's their right to remake is as long as it doesn't violate any rule.

>Please fuck off and kill yourself defender of le fucking white race.
I don't know where does so much anger come from, but nobody will tell me which mods I install in my games.

Dude, /civ4x/ was /ciV/ general months ago. Now is /stellaris/.

>caved to the SJW

The only Swede that hasn't surrendered to Social Justice is Notch

>I saw this on Twitter
then stay there faglord


>can genocide and enslave whoever I want
>playing an empire which only consists of white people is forbidden

wtf is this shit

I don't want to bump the thread but I want my powers.

Can it goobergator. You do the crime, you do the time.

What the fuck are you talking about, no one has been baned, and no one is spaming people just want to talk about the topic and since the breads get purger aspd they just make one themselves.

Fucking retard in denial

but if you make everyone a black guy it's PROGRESSIVE


fuck PC people

rollin !


see Genuinely, please kill yourself you waste of oxygen. Stop crossposting, stick to your own board.

fuck, re-roll

So if you wanted this mod where would you find it? What's it called?