The super emeralds are canon.
The super emeralds are canon
Other urls found in this thread:
me fuking ur mum is canon
Didn't shadow go hyper, not super in SA2?
>no flashing after images
>not flashing multiple colors
>called super shadow
I don't think Sega or Sonic Team knows what "canon" means.
You need to be at least 18 to post here, OP.
SA2 is not canon
Other side of the moon
Please have sex, virgin
They aren't cause Sega said they aren't.
But they're in the game?
They exist?
They aren't needed to beat the game, they are a small extra.
DLC in its early days.
And again, sega has said they don't exist.
The chaos emeralds aren't required to beat the game either, so I guess they're non-canon.
I always thought that too, I think it was some kind of error in one of those guides or something.
I'm sure normal Sonic can do Doomsday Zone on his own. Oh wait.
Oh and w/o the emeralds eggman taunts you
Doomsday Zone isn't required to beat the game. It's an extra level.
>In Sonic's 1 through 3, the Chaos Emeralds were inconsistently shaped
>Through S3K, the Chaos Emeralds return to their rightful place in the Emerald altar, and become grayish brilliant-cut jewels (before they were in the Emerald altar in S3, they had different shapes)
>You can power them up with super energy and give them color
>In every single Sonic game since, the Chaos Emeralds are consistently colored, and brilliant-cut
>When they're drained of energy by Chaos or someone similar, they turn the same dull gray they did in Hidden Palace
"""Super Emeralds""" are canon as fuck, they're the emeralds we've seen in every Sonic game since. The only thing that isn't canon is the Hyper Sonic transformation
>Doomsday Zone isn't required to beat the game
The hell it ain't.
>not restoring the floating islands to the sky
>not doing it again as knuckles and sending it into space for some reason
Therefore, super emeralds are canon.
>but what about the salesperson for S3&K Lizuka-
Don't believe his lies
What? No, it stops shy of orbit.
The air goes away well before the blue does.
As far as """"canon"""" goes, I don't consider anything said after the departure of Naka to be actual canon. Anything Iizuka has said since then is non-canon to me.
To some people that sounds like edgy talk, manchild talk. It probably is, I don't really care. The biggest thing that clued me in was when reading official supplementary material a few years ago in regards to Sonic 4. I'm having trouble finding it at the moment due to the Sonic 4 website no longer existing (and wayback machine sucking dick) but it was explicitly stated in this story material for Sonic 4 that Sonic's campaign and Knuckles' campain in Sonic 3 & Knuckles ran parallel to each other - despite every single sign in the game itself pointing to the (obvious) fact that Knuckles' campaign in S3K starts after Sonic's has finished.
When I read that, and when I heard that Iizuka didn't even know about things such as the cancelled Sonic X-Treme until fans told him, it became clear to me. This man has no idea about the franchise he's running. With any other show/game/franchise, I take the word of current showrunner as Word Of God. But Iizuka is no God, he's a literal fucking retard who wrongly got given the keys to a giant multimedia brand
Actually, if you read the game book, it says that robotnik tricked knuckles into thinking that sonic was trying to acquire the emeralds for personal gain, and that he'd help knuckles protect them.
There are several cutscenes, and the battle in the hidden palace that show sonic and knuckles are actually going through their story simutaneously. It's also why knuckles story ends on sky sanctuary and didn't continue to the death egg, because he realized he actually needed sonic to help beat robotnik.
What I never understood is why eggman has no mask after finishing flying battery 2 with knuckles, when it isn't Revealed that he was the bad guy all along in hidden palace.
Sonic 4 was just a remix of old sonic games instead of being its own title
Splash Hill is clever though
Splash Hill
Emerald Hill
Green Hill
Angel Island
But the death egg is gone entirely from Knuckles story, and you can't see the beach on Angel Island in Knuckles story. The Sandopolis ghost capsule had already been opened as well.
Sonic even saves him at the end.
Nope, play the game again fambo. Notice how you see Knuckles in Sonic's story, but you never see Sonic in Knuckles' story? Knuckles' gameplay takes place after Sonic's finishes. This is why in Angel Island you can't see the ocean in the background as Knuckles (the island is in the sky again) and there's no water in Launch Base Act 2 initially. It's why you do not see the Death Egg at all in Knuckles' campaign - it isn't in the background of Launch Base Act 1 or Hidden Palace. Eggman isn't on the island at all because the main plot of the game is over - he has left the island, and Eggrobo (who rises from the ashes at the end of Sonic's story) is Knuckles' rival. I could go on, because this shit is everywhere
Did you actually play the game?
that WOULD be clever if it wasn't most likely a complete and utter happy accident on their part
>What I never understood is why eggman has no mask after finishing flying battery 2 with knuckles,
what the fuck are you talking about
That wasn't a mask but a robot, and it was a glitch.
Maybe the emeralds are pure energy and constantly changed shape due to their power? Maybe then the super emeralds could be seen as their "stable" form form then on.
It's like the early 2000's all over again.
Some retarded guide called it "Hyper Shadow". It's not. It's "Super Shadow" and always was.
As someone who has never played a sonic game can someone explain to me why people tirelessly argue about Knuckles super form being non-canon?
Is there something special about sanic that makes only him viable for entering a super state through muh emeralds? Are hedgehogs basically Sayians?
The worse was "Hyper Tails".
Super Emeralds are canon, but they have to be embedded into the Hidden Palace for them to work, which is why they've never reappeared since 3&K.
In Sonic Heroes, Sonic can turn Super Sonic but Tails and Knuckles are placed in weird bubbles instead of going super.
This has led to a lot of confusion about whether or not Knuckles can go super. He also hasn't gone super since Sonic 3&K i think
dunno, i dont think developers even gave it thought when they made the game and the sequels but sonic fans are gonna sperg as always
In Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Knuckles and Tails could achieve super forms.
Since then, only Sonic, Shadow (edgy rival hedgehog) and Silver (edgy silver-haired hedgehog who's come back from the future to change history) can turn Super (although Blaze gets a form that's similar to super). So yes, in a very literal way, once 3D Sonic started they basically turned Hedgehogs into the Saiyans of the Sonic series. Knuckles is Piccolo or something, idfk
That could have very well been lazyness, but ultimately since the super sonic and "we've gotta find the EMUURALDS" shit is basicaly DBZ I guess they're trying to push hedgehogs as sayians.
That means Echnidnas a namekians.
Does that make Tails Gohan?
>Are hedgehogs basically Sayians?
I mean, We have happy-go-lucky-hero, we have evil one, we have the one from the future trying to change the past.
Knuckles is Piccolo too, by the way.
Started off bad, became good, lives on a floating island (not unlike Kami's lookout) is unique, has a personal connection to mystical objects that grants wishes when all 7 are brought together.
Duh, Knuckles' whole story is that he protects the master emerald, winch is a super emerald.
>Dr Eggman Is a combination of Frieza and Dr. Gero.
>Are hedgehogs basically Sayians?
Basically, which makes echidnas the namekians.
My old ass headcanon is that hedgehogs and echidnas have naturally high chaos energy capabilities and can channel that energy with ease. Knuckles can't go Super because he's been around the ME and it's controlling/negating properties that it locked out his ability to do it. Only the Super Emeralds would be strong enough to break that, but they aren't a thing anymore.
You could, but I think the connection is a bit thin. He's just "the sidekick".
>although Blaze gets a form that's similar to super
Burning Blaze, with the use of the Sol Emeralds.
I was hoping we'd eventually see Super Blaze and Burning Sonic, but who knows if a new Rush game will ever be released, and she's just gonna be relegated to support character in any main series games.
If we were going for absurd comparisons, I'd say that Robotnik has a much better comparison to Commander Red of the Red Ribbon army.
>Duh, Knuckles' whole story is that he protects the master emerald, winch is a super emerald.
Nah, super emeralds are enhanced chaos emeralds. Master emerald is its own thing, more powerful than both super and chaos emeralds. If a mere mortal were to try to tap into its energy, they would be fried, which is why only machines like the Death Egg and Metal Sonic can use them to power up.
you're right, he's not much of a Frieza, it's just that some of his hover crafts resemble Frieza's hover throne.
I like the comic's explanation that any living being can "access" the ME's power, but only few can actually harness it. Don't know if that's still a thing post 252 though.
The Super Emeralds are just the emeralds in their current form, aren't they?
I thought he was silver for the longest time - gaining a mild peachiness from the ambient gold light.
I thought they only kept him around because Sonic Team hates sonic and he's the only reason the games are made
More importantly, are the Chaos Rings still canon?
Shadow is my favorite character he looks cool and edgy.
dumb spongeposter
No. They're as canon as Chaos Diamonds
Nice story but you're wrong.
The island only floats if you restore the super emerald in the sonic/tails ending.
Also, robo robotnik only appears if you don't collect all super emeralds. This suggests that robo robotnik and knuckles story begins while sonic and tails gather the super emeralds. I agree that it isn't an exact match but there has to be some overlap for the endings to make sense
I can't post any (cartoon/game) without being a (fandumb) poster.
Hawaiian Shirt Shadow is the best version.
>Chaos Diamonds
Oh god, don't make me go down that route again.
Nope, play the game again, or just check out this video
The island rises if you get all chaos emeralds but no super emeralds
I think Espio is cooler 2bh. He isn't too edgy, but he's got a pretty stern personality. He's also able to do pretty much everything Sonic and Shadow can do (except for maybe harness emeralds' powers) while also having the skills of a ninja and the camo benefits of being a chameleon.
Espio's a really underrated character, a Sonic Unleashed styled game that's got gameplay similar to the night mission and decent combat would be a cool thing for Espio to be theMC in.
I say replace him with Mighty and Replace Charming with Ray or Emerl.
> [Citation Needed]
Or just bring back the whole Chaotix crew.
It's obvious Knuckles and Sonic's story takes place concurrently (or very close together). They just left out the cutscenes where Knuckles fucks with Sonic, maybe they didn't have enough time or space to recreate the scenes from Knuckles' perspective.
Doesn't it go by three's?
You could put those rejects with the other cast of Sonic the Fighters and you have 2 new teams already.
>We will never get a sequel to Illbleed
I have proof that Knuckles story comes after Sonic and Tails story
What's the problem?
>Explain the Death Egg being absent in every scene and background where it was present in Sonic's story
>Explain the water being missing from the background of Angel Island in Knuckles' story, and from Act 2 of Launch Base (where, again, the Death Egg was nowhere to be seen)
>Explain Sonic's story with all Chaos Emeralds but no Super Emeralds literally ending with the Angel Island restoring to the sky and Eggrobo rising from the ashes for Knuckles' story to begin
>Explain Sandopolis ghost capsule already been popped when Knuckles arrives
Leaving out the cutscenes from Knuckles's point of view would maybe make sense if not for these facts.
That's pretty much what the comics did.
Chaotix with Vector/Espio/Charby
Hooligan with Nack/Bean/Bark.
Last i remember, Mighty and Ray are vagabonds.
Christ did I always look this bad
I specifically remember thinking that this looked better than most webcomics at the time.
It changed artists.
You know what? I'm bored.
Buckle up, kids.
Is this the equivalent of Jojo's Clamp in Wonderland comic?
what the fuck is this?
Why do i feel dread?
Everybody knows Knuckles' story takes place after Sonic's user, I wouldn't bother with proof, the only people who dispute it are people who don't want their precious childhood headcanon ruined
You're right about the all chaos.
Also, in knuckles sky sanctuary, angel island is floating, which means it took place after all chaos emeralds were gathered by sonic and tails. But my point still stands that robo robotnik only appears before the collection of the super emeralds. Idk whether it's intended as an alternate ending or a discontinuity in the story, but it's still plausible.
Well, when does it get interesting?
A quick google search and I do not want to see this.
What happens if you use the Chaos Emeralds, Sol Emeralds, Chaos Rings, and Time Stones at the same time?
that cosplay event was god tier desu
That's what CERN hopes to find out