People LITERALLY spend their time on Sup Forums complaining about a game that no one is forcing them to buy

People LITERALLY spend their time on Sup Forums complaining about a game that no one is forcing them to buy.

Why should anyone give a shit about others opinion? If TF2 is better than why does hardly anyone play it anymore? If it's too casual why not just go play CSGO? Why do people waste their time sperging out instead of just playing what they want? Are most of you underage b& since adults don't act like this

Because TF2 came out like 10 years ago

Games get stale.

And no one is forcing you to care. You must be 18 or older to post here.

How do I contact Blizzard for my fucking noire skin I pre-ordered 30 minutes before launch wheres my skin

If everyone are adults why do you guys cry like fucking bitches?

Preorder bonus stopped May 20th lad

Nobody on Sup Forums actually enjoys video games any more. This is why we're all here shitposting 24/7 instead of actually playing games.

b-but my tranny friend bought it the 22nd and got the skin

E-mail Blizzard. Mine was there when I downloaded the game. Try redownloading it??

I wish people would stop comparing this to tf2.

The game is already filled with people that think its tf2 and are trying to solo shit by themselves and not acting like a team.

Still not there. I just emailed Blizz so now the waiting begins

>give a shit about others opinion

because Overwatch got shilled over a month on Sup Forums.

It is nothing special. A F2P game with a starting price of 40/60 $ and a cash shop with 39.99 $/50 loot boxes.

This was mostly a marketing campaign, not uninfluenced oppinions.

If the top twitch streamers wouldn't stream Overwatch and Blizzard hasn't the best marketing campaign, Overwatch would be dead day 1.

Why is it a problem paying money to play a game? No one is holding a gun to your head to buy lootboxes with actual currency. Also when was it stated that it's F2P?

These games hurts the industry as a whole.

The hype around these games creates a bias in game companies that people actually want these games. The subsequent rapid population decline of the games is mis represented as consumer habits and not attributed to the game itself. This represents a fundamental shift in the way games are developed and marketed, watering down the market as a whole.

If the cycle continues, the game industry will become increasingly volatile and crash.

Therfore, it is important to voice your opinions that these games are not only terrible, but dangerous.

Do you think voicing your opinion on a Chinese cartoon image board will benefit anything? I don't understand what kind of hype you're talking about since normies don't even know what this game is. Battlefield, Assassins Creed, Bethesda, and Activision are worse offenders than Blizzard since Overwatch is actually a fun game to play. I played TF2 and CSGO but I never forgot to enjoy games when they are good. But I guess everyone on Sup Forums will just stand on their soap box and spew bullshit. Sup Forums has bought shittier games for $60 than Overwatch for $40. Not to mention this game isn't $60+$40 season pass bullshit. Stop pretending that this game is as bad as the Holocaust

great game

It's less of complaining and moreso just shitting on a 20 tick rate piece of casual garbage only popular because of its marketing budget

What's really pathetic is people defending OW; it's making millions it doesn't need you sperging out because someone pointed out overwatch is trash

I feel like you're not aware how many man children there are in the world, let alone in vidya.

People are crybabies

I dunno there are an insane amount of people who are "extremely excited" for OW that will drop it a month in

It's the same type of group of that subscribe to channels on twitch.

The problem is that the game could've been fixed and it would actually be good.

How to fix Overwatch
>60 tick
>Remove all abilities
>Replace abilities with weapons that do similar
>Weapons drop on death
>All classes have at least one optional weapon to counter their default counter
>Auto-aim removed entirely
>More maps, more modes
>Custom servers
>Remove leveling, cosmetics drop randomly based on the game and how well you did
>Add trading and market
>Devs take the story and characters less seriously

Easy fix, but it will never happen.

Overwatch is definitive proof that games succeed on marketing and not actual merit.


So lemme get this straight, from what i've gathered from the shorts, it seems like the backstory of overwatch is about the evil bigoted robot haters who can't get with the changing times, and a genetically modified team of super SJW's that are created to stop them?

>how to make a game bad

Not even close.

It's about two old closeted gay men trying to kill each other because they blew up their house with their tantrums and now one of the guys joined up with some homoerotic terrorists to frame robots and start a war just because the other gay dude's liberal and it hurts his feelings.

But I enjoy the game.

So make the game like CSGO?

Also there's no auto aim on PC version so that's false flagging.

But seriously, do you guys think adults sperg out in rage over video games? Act your age, go play the game you want to play, let others play the game they want to play, and stop shit posting.

>Encouraging skill and decisionmaking

CSGO is a high-skilled successful game. Overwatch would be improved if it went that route.

>no auto aim
High noon
Hanzo's arrows
76 ultimate

But why does something have to be competitive to be good?

My boss is having a suing battle with his brother just because he might have more money than him. They are both 65, everyone is a kid with different toys.

fuck off ledditard

Fuck off and post in the other 10 overwatch threads.

>its ok to keep paying for a game after you already bought it

are you retarded?

we get it blizzard can you keep it to one or two threads at a time

I fucking hate reddit so I'm not a redditor.

I'm not paying for anything? I don't get this post

It's fun.

It is casual

I don't care because I already have competitive mlg af games that I also play

>Remove all abilities
>Replace abilities with weapons that do similar
>Weapons drop on death
>Devs take the story and characters less seriously
What's the point of having classes then at all?
It's obvious it's a shit idea because you want to fundamentally change the game and make it into something else completely.
Go play Unreal.

>People LITERALLY spend their time on Sup Forums complaining and debating about people complaining about a game
just play your fucking tf2 ripoff or end your life you fucking loser faggot jesus christ

I tried Overwatch. I hadn't played TF2 in 2+ years, but I tried it again to make sure. TF2 is better, even today. Overwatch maps are over way too quick.

>Being this upset

Are you 12 years old lad?

>Overwatch maps are over way too quick
that's one of my favorite things about the game

Play against better people. Love how everyone here things they are godsend at gaming but whenever I partied up with anyone from Sup Forums they were fucking trash

Are you? What part of YOU DONT HAVE TO PAY FOR LOOT BOXES dont you understand? They dont do anything aside from cosmetic shit. Stay poor you low class scum

>I enjoy a depthless, repetitive, low skill cap piece of trash

wew lad, you sure this is the hobby for you?

I like OW and I dont subscribe to twitch channels. Why are you generalizing everyone?

The average Sup Forums poster is arguably much more skilled than the usual gamer.

I bet the average Sup Forums poster is pretty average

>Video games
>A hobby

Wew lad

fuck off shill