Why do tank users act so entitled?

Why do tank users act so entitled?

Because we can.

One of them. Three or four of you.

because they play a class that no one really wants to

Because playing a class that "isn't replaceable" somehow entitles them to special treatment, even though tanks are just as easily replaceable as a healer or DPS when the game designs them well.

>tanking A7S
>people fuck up
>never say a word other than "wipe it up"
>prey mechanics happen, stand max melee range from boss so can still DPS
>boss flys up, I head towards the add to DPS down, DRG follows me and gives me Prey
>watch the recorded video I have for every raid we do
>mfw dumb nigger won't admit he didn't realize Prey was on him and he was heading to add to DPS it too

Fuck all of you.

because while tanking is really easy, it is also really boring so nobody ever wants to play them

thus the few people who do play tanks are in such high demand they get really inflated egos

The ones who overreact are the best kind.

Why do healers act so entitled?
>it's another "Healer doesn't dps episode"

People act entitled, because people are selfish.
It's not exclusive.

Only PLDs do this shit. DRKs and WARs never give you this kind of bullshit

>when the dps pulls aggro and outtanks the tank

How long were you in the queue for a new tank?

>tank users

>He's been dicked down by an alpha tank and now he's making a thread about it on vee

All the gameplay complexity of DPS without the large community pool to compete with. They are DPSers under the delusion that they are a special snowflake.

t. former tank and dpser in top 50 endgame WoW

Less than a minute.

That's lucky, when we had to kick a tank for being too fucking retarded we waited for 20 minutes until I just asked a friend to join us

Why can't DPS count to three? Why can't healers realize they can't keep up because they constantly overheal and get hostile when you tell them this?

Because you kick the tank and have to wait 30 minutes for another one to continue the raid. Kick the dps and have another almost instatly.
Heler is the middle ground

>I'm going to stand here and not do anything, heal me bro

It really depends on how long the person has been playing tanks.

If he's new he's probably just getting stressed due to not knowing how to do his job well and thinks he's special for playing tanks.

If he's been playing for a while he probably overreacts to mistakes because he doesn't want to wipe again thanks to a DPS or a healer being stupid for a second or two or due to his own shitty mistakes.

If he's a veteran, he just doesn't give a fuck, he doesn't care about other's mistakes or about wiping, he's there to do his job and won't freak out over some retards pulling aggro, he's just going to do his best to fix the situation while thinking he is the only competent party member.

At the end of the day, idiots will be idiots, regardless of what they play, just pray that they don't end up on your group.

spotted the WAR shitter

Two words that never belong together.

they expect you to applaud them for playing the most boring role