Final Fantasy X-2

>just finished FFX on PC
>spent ages playing blitzball and capturing monsters and shit - got most of the achievements
>loved the setting and the atmosphere
>characters and story had an innocent charm
>music was well-composed and memorable
>time to load up FFX-2 and see where they went with the story
>opening cutscene and first battle
>that music
>that battle system


Other urls found in this thread:

why is she so ugly now?

the gameplay is better

But the battle system is the best in the series you fucking pleb.

Reminder that X-2 international is so broken you can get to level 99 in about 20 minutes from the start of the game.

>They made Yuna and Riku cuter
>You can change classes

what the fuck is wrong with you

>Riku cuter


I understand hating on the gay weeaboo presentation, but you're a fucking memester who wouldn't know a good battle system if he was raped by one in the mouth.

>one of the best battle/class systems in the entire series
>worse everything else
>battle system never seen again and replaced with gambit and paradigm bullshit
I wish SE would just go under already.

X-2 is better than XII but one of them got shit on and the other gets praised

so dumb

yes, no one cared about rikku in 10

>mfw recruiting logos in NG+ with quick hit and auto-haste

Yuna WAS cute

Gambits and Paradigms were great though

and now she's cuter (and sluttier)

The battle system was decent though.

I hated what they did to blitzball however and the quest system was also horrible, impossible to 100% without a guide


>Game starts
>Use XL pod on besaid
>Recruit a flame dragon from besaid
>Go through the cups

good idea, bad execution

The battle system is better than the first one, reminds me of IX a bit which have the best battle system of all the FFs.

courtesy of deviantart

God awful remaster, should've just emulated.

>he never played it before

casual niggerfaggotmotherfucker, get off my asian drawn pornographies forum

X-2 has such an awesome combat system
Capturing monsters and assigning them jobs is fun too

I've heard the endgame content is broken-tier shit though

>shitty endgame stuff

sounds like dark aeons all over again

I don't understand. Do YRP still gain exp when you only use the flame dragon to bend over the cups or something? I didn't realize it worked that way if so

My child boner disagrees.

Paine is pretty good and I'm glad she wasn't just a moody, whiny cunt. Also the soundtrack's underrated IMO. I like the more funk/jazz influenced feel of it, shit like the various versions of the Gullwings theme, Paine's theme or the Leblanc Syndicate boss theme.


FFX holds up pretty well, but what I would give for real time blitzball in 3D...


all the porn games was x-2 rikku

>>time to load up FFX-2 and see where they went with the story
Here's where you went wrong faggot


FFX-2's combat was far better than any other ATB system, yet still worse than FFX's turn based system. And while the job system was interesting, without proper balance it doesn't add much to the gameplay.

>>that battle system
pretty good, huh? Best battle system in the series.

Square didn't make sequels back then. Even when it was a "sequel", it wasn't really a sequel. X-2 is its own thing (and the intro is GOAT).

>he doesn't use Machina team
Being a heretic never felt this good

X-2's ATB evolved into XIII's Command Synergy Battle system. It streamlined it but took away some control for the sake of flow and speed.

It got better.

Left isn't Yuna

You started the better game that's what.

It improved
Cutscenes are made with superior technology and CGI, graphics are better, especially the facial expressions YRP has, with the obvious MONKEY exception, music is pretty catchy and fucking awesome I was not expecting it back then and it still amuses me to this day and the battle system is fantastic
Complaining about change in FF is dumb

>see where they went with the story
>fanservice game
you're doing it wrong

X2 > X

OP here - I'm glad so many people are defending this game because I do plan on playing it through and enjoying it. The way they just drop you into a new battle system with no explanation confused the hell out of me though - what ATB speed should I play at?

Whatever you want
Tweak to your heart's content
I usually play with fast active ATB unless a boss or mini-boss starts passing me off and I slow down and even switch to wait mode which allown me to think without pressure and unleash absolute hell
Not that you can't in active mode but you need to memorize all the dresspheres in that case

If it works like in other ATB systems it doesn't matter. It just makes the charge meters faster for you and the monsters so battles will end quicker. Just pick the speed you like.

>music is pretty catchy and fucking awesome
This is a joke right? X-2 has the worst OST in the series. By far.

Some of its greatest hits:

I absolutely loved Yuna's songs and the 70s/80s girl power feel
Battle themes were great, character themes were great, and the Zanarkand music was pretty cool too

damn that is a disappointment to listen to after FFX

You're listing the worst songs on purpose. Most of the soundtrack is pretty good. Reminds me of the Bouncer.

Doesn't change the fact that half the songs are just shitty, 30 second loops with zero effort put into them. Listen to this crap


Repetitive, short, discordant, and not engaging at all. It's just a lifeless tune that was probably shit out in an afternoon. Yea, the OST isn't all trash, but it is forgettable - which is maybe for the best considering how bad some of the tracks are.

What's wrong with experiencing Real Emotion?

I've only just started playing, but the music that plays during the opening credits and main menu was pretty good - a total contrast to that opening cutscene. Which FF do you think has the best OST?

FFX-2 is unironically one of my favorite FF games. That Charlie's Angels feel and combat system just gets me going

No actually, I'm not. I'm trying to show how pathetic the OST is in comparison to its predecessor. Let's compare a song I like from X-2

This is the final boss theme from X-2. It loops after about a minute. It's repetitive, flat, boring, and doesn't carry the emotion of the battle at all. I actually like this track despite the fact that it's pretty simple, but like almost all of X-2's OST it's too fucking short.

This is the final boss theme from X. It loops after THREE AND A HALF MINUTES, has multiple layers, has a meaningful progression, and is fairly complex in structure. This isn't even a tune I particularly like from X, but it's a good example just how much more effort went into the music.

I didn't like X-2's opening either. In fact, I was disappointed by its first few hours. But once you get past that it has an excellent job system and the battle system is the best in the series.

I'd recommend sticking with it if you prefer gameplay over story.

Probably VIII. X and XIII are also very good. VII and below unfortunately suffer from poor sound quality that makes it hard to judge the music on its own merits. I've never played IX

Yes, you fucking faggot. Rikku also has top tier facial animations at the beginning of X-2 that make her adorable

I'm definitely going to give this game a fair go. The story was a big part of what got me into FFX. My problem is that Yuna now seems like a completely different character, as if all the events of the first game didn't matter or something. I think it's just because X-2 doesn't have a compelling opening like X did

Here user, check this out:
You're supposed to have seen this before playing X-2.

X-2 is one of those games that make me glad I watch a cutscene playthrough of a game before playing it. That way I don't get jew'd out of a shitty story that I don't know is shitty

so is it acceptable to play this game with wait mode on all the time? I kinda liked having time to think in FFX battles

The battle system is god tier.

Though your first impression is right about everything else.

Wait mode doesn't magically turn it into X-1. It just paused the bars when you're in other menus, like it used to in other games.

It's been a while since I've played, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't pause the ATB during skills, though, so either way when you're doing, say mashing for Gunner, the ATB is still going to be running.

OP here - I'm glad everyone is praising the battle system. I was mostly taken aback at how different it was compared to the FFX system, which I enjoyed a lot


what are you going to do about it, autismo?

If you hate X-2's OST you might very well be gay. You're intentionally leaving out most of the better songs too.

There's a very '70s pop/Stevie Wonder vibe in a lot of the music with the funkier guitar riffs and heavy use of horns and clavinet that works better with the overall tone of the game than if you gave it some generic "epic" RPG soundtrack and the overall (as another user put it) Charlie's Angel vibe of the game. The entire thing is a weird mix of '70s and '00s pop culture right down to Pain's disco suit for her songstress outfit.

>Reminds me of the Bouncer.
It was made by the same composers.

Memory of Lightwaves is one of the best FF songs.

It made me think everything was going to be alright without Uematsu but 12 and 13 had mediocre soundtracks.

the "X-2 is better than X' is a meme

even the gameplay is not as good as they claim, ya the base combat system is great but the balance and design are far worse than X

X, aside from the battle system, is a shit game though

I'd honestly prefer the game more if it didn't have some "epic struggle" storyline and was just the Gullwings dicking around. They're a pretty fun bunch of characters who play off of each other really well which I guess isn't surprising since Nojima was one of the main writers for VII and VIII which both have really good characters and a lot of nice interaction between them but kind of confusing/shit main stories.

the music, world building, side content are all fantastic though

it really only suffers in the writing.

>that battle system

you mean one of the best battle systems in the series and literally the only thing redeeming the game?

>People bitch about X-2 blitzball
>he doesn't like Blitzball Manager 2003
That was my shit.
The models were not changed in X-2. Also, one's an in-game model, and the other is part of a cutscene.

>"stop calling me a slut"
>Tidus has a handful of ass

>The way they just drop you into a new battle system with no explanation confused the hell out of me though
Welcome to the first 10 goddamn minutes of the game. You'll get a tutorial later, if you want it.
>What speed?
Go fast or go home.

You're not a real slut if you only let one guy fuck you.

I haven't played FF10/10-2 since I was like twelve. Is it possible for me to play it at 25 or am I just gonna cringe through the whole thing?

If you are an very insecure person then maybe.

I don't think I can do it. I remember almost even cringing back then at HAHAHA and the kissing scene.

i already beat FFX twice on PS2 and on PS3

is it bad that i use turbo mode on this playthough?







well you enjoyed X so your shit taste would tolerate X-2 at least


best vidya-whore

>MRW not using the guide
>MRW i miss items

>never fixed it

The only important items you can miss are those four Al Bhed Primers (I think three in Home and one in Bevelle, or the other way around). Everything else is expendable.

>he doesn't want to be a blitzball when he grows up

look at this man.
look at him and laugh.

post rikku

It wasn't meant to be fixed, it's just a kid being retarded because he's a kid.

>not wanting to be a blitzball


user, plz.

>shitty fanart
You first.

>They kept it in

Man, I gotta respect squeenix just a bit. That takes a certain sense of humor.

>Still no good quality SFM model / porn

Why even live?

BREHS give me strength