Law, Neutral or Chaos?

Law, Neutral or Chaos?

>Alignment varies from game to game

Fucking hell I just want to have best snek on my party.

My nigga. I always make room for him and my boy the Lord of the Flies, the Prince of Lies Beelzebub.

>Not going neutral

Enjoy being a tool for beings that couldn't care less about you.



>All these Overwatch and totallynotshitposting threads still up
>SMT threads die instantly

Even the risk of rain thread is doing better than this.

As long as it's Masakado or Steve Jobs


Neutral. Lawfags and Chaosfags say Neutral's shit because it's only protecting the status quo, but from what I'm seeing, the status quo is usually the infinitely better alternative to what Law and Chaos are selling.


I don't care, so long as they're good.

>playing anything but lawful neutral
Depending on the setting, lawful evil might be okay

I dont understand law fags

>Strength shouldnt matter
>Let me beat ya up to prove my point

Chaos Engine


If we don't follow laws and rules, we are little more than wild animals

I always find it weird when they say 'Neutral is temporary! All you are doing is delaying the inevitable!' when Law and Chaos are just as temporary.

Think about it. Humans are impulsive beings that try to change things all the time. A Chaotic world would have people start banding together to fight the strong or the strong will start establishing order.

A Lawful world would start to have people chafing under the strict laws and being to want anarchy and rebellion.

The thing is, in SMT, Law is absolute order, God literally controls you and everything you do, imagine 1984 except way, way worse

As opposed to food for the humans that couldn't care less about you.

>A Lawful world would start to have people chafing under the strict laws and being to want anarchy and rebellion.

This isn't possible in the Law endings where YHVH or one of his agents brainwashes humanity.


Me and Brotatron going on righteous adventures every game.

My White brother

I feel like it can't last forever, even with brainwashing. Lucifer might do something, Zel might hiccup while singing her song, a human becomes immune.

Entropy you know?

Neutral, it leads to the most peace even if for a short while. There is always going to be someone to take on bullshit so why choose chaos or law?

Neutral gets lolis, m8. There's literally zero room for considering other choices.

>Humans are impulsive beings that try to change things all the time.
That's the reason why Neutral is retarded. Law and Chaos are alternatives because the Neutral ideal is a worthless pipe dream.
>"Strength is all that matters!"
>God is the strongest
>"Wah, I hate Go!."

>Neutral leads to more peace

There is literally no end that ends up being more peaceful than Law or SMT IV White. Neutral leads to more conflict, not more peaceful. What can be more peaceful than a gigantic brainwashed society ran by angels?

Neutral. The only game where that wasn't the objectively best ending was Nocturne. Law is always the worst, might as well rename it shit in your dickhole path.

Very nice post my man, gave me the lols haha. Where can I uovote?

It's lasted us for 20,000 years.

Neutral seems to be doing well. Yes there is conflict but that's what makes us human,

The world is been a war between the forces of law and chaos since the beginning. It's time to choose.

I don't remember gods and demons every fucking everything up, do you?

I don't need some self-righteous ass-fuck telling me how I should live.

Or we can tell the demons to get the fuck out and take their war some place else.

>It's time to choose

Sorry ive only played smtiv but I thought neutral was the good end for that game?

I got law for ny first playthrough and it fucking sucks. I had to watch isabeau kill herself because of me

The White were right.

That's about more than that. It's about deciding what you value most.

The world is the result of YOUR choices.

Neutral is the only correct answer.

One person's choices should not decide the fate of the rest of humanity. I'd rather leave the world alone and let humanity run its own course, for better or for worse.

Besides, I like this world. I'm fine with it the way it is.

Neutral is the closest to a 'good' ending you can get, especially in SMTIV.
As such it's also the hardest ending to get.

I value humanity and free will, but not forced into a world where we are supposed to kill each other for dominance like Lucifer would want.

Look at all we've accomplished without angels telling us what to do or devils having us kill each other.

Fuck demons.

>One person's choices should not decide the fate of the rest of humanity.
Well, you have to here, cowardly neutral.

Fine. My choice is to keep things the same. I don't give a shit about what you want. This is what I want so I'm sticking with it.

Why do Westerners hate Law so much? Are they just naturally edgy?


>Willing to fight Heaven, Hell, and everything in between with barely any backup for his or her faith in humanity.

This. There always going to be someone to keep humanity neutral so why not? I always hear people say "neutral is just denying the future" but as long as someone is going out there and keeping the neutrality do we really give a shit?

>go Neutral
>die in a cave because Lawfags set you up

Hero had a hard life.

>Neutral is the closest thing to a good end in SMTIV

ow the edge

Can we just take a moment to appreciate the art of the series. What are some of your favorite designs?

Law, easily

SMT does a really good job of making anyone dislike Law. If you like being a slave, Law is for you. If you like following some esoteric plan laid out by beings that couldn't possibly give less than half a fuck about you, Law is for you. If you like being less than a molecule against the glory of your superiors, Law is for you.

Basically, the meme is that Law is oppressive, Chaos is destructive, and Neutral is pointless, so there's no way to "win".

Jack is always great.

The choice is obvious son of man.




That's what will happen if you're a pleb. Not seeing things negatively, Law is Hand of God, Chaos is King of Hell, and Neutral is Hero of Humanity destined to die miserable and alone.

That is until Final happened anyway.

My Favourite demon has to be divine cherub
Very reminiscent of the angels in bayonetta

Looks better then kaneko's art.

It's funny because despite how often Neutral touts out this response you never actually fight the big bosses for the other alignments except Lucifer, and even then only sometimes.

You rarely ever strike out against Heaven or Hell to actually eradicate them and solve the problem. You just push it off to the side, tell yourselves "hey, maybe the next generation will fix it?" and fuck off for the rest of your lives.

Neutrals are the baby boomers of SMT.

The way I figure, both Chaos and Law are pretty pointless too. There is absolute no way Chaos can truly last. Above all, at their core, most sentient beings desire happiness and stability. You can't get that in a dog-eat-dog world where you're constantly looking over your shoulder. Eventually, people will start coming together and society will be born once more. The cycle will merely start again because humans simply aren't capable of surviving alone. We're a social species.

Law is more stable, but it prioritizes stability over all else. There is no room for growth, advancement or happiness. It's a sterile world of eternal stagnation. It'd just be a world where people live, go through the motions and die. Peace without joy is a meaningless existence. What's the point in living on this word for the few decades we have on it if we're not even allowed to carve out our own hopes or desires? It's completely pointless.

Even if a world of Neutrality is meaningless, it at least allows humans to find their own meanings in their lives. We can't expect some greater force to give our lives meaning. It's up to us to figure that out on our own. If at your deathbed, you're able to look back on your life and find some measure of satisfaction from it, then you've found your answer.

But that is Kaneko's you failure of a human

We usually don't have the means to be that decisive. Still we do sometimes.

Aleph kills YHVH and Nanashi kills YHVH in every universe.

Law isn't stable because YHVH himself is not stable. One day he'll be all "okay, everyone sucks my dick so I like this world" and the next he'll be going "I changed my mind, I don't like this one anymore".

Law is only stable in a world where YHVH is a tyrannical dickhead but at the same time actually sticks to his promise of looking after humanity if they give a shit about him.

Same user, but I figured I'd chime in on another few favorites. Parvati and Setanta always stuck with me. I love their designs a ton.


Then he really went to shit. Why did he ruin his already good art style?

At least it's good to know the Great Will of the Universe has our backs.

Is there a way to make a Light-Chaos world?

In Devil Survivor OC you could make a Light-Law world where angels mostly take a back seat and let humanity do their thing as long they believe in the Lord and don't be assholes.

But is it possible for their to be a Light-Chaos type ending?

The only time Law means a brainwashed society ran by angels is Strange Journey or fucking up on Devil Survivor 1 non-OC. 1, 2, and 4's Law just has a Millenium Kingdom of righteous humans with no angel/demons fucking with them.

they have an ending where you become a benevolent demon lord

But isn't that just another Law? Sure it's opposing YHVH but it's still a 'Law' ending no?


Light-Chaos would be something like Naoya's 8th Day where you become King of Bel but only kill Angels. You're a demon king that fights for humanity and to free them from God.

And if you could just brainwash everyone, you wouldn't need to kill most of them for not being "chosen".

How is that Law? You're directly opposing YHVH's will, slaughtering the heavenly host wherever you go, and fighting for the creations He's all but abandoned.

What is the diference btw an angel and a demon in smt?

Well it's not Chaos because you're basically ruling humanity.

You are still ruling. It's not Chaotic.

By your logic, SMT II doesn't have a Law end.

I swore I read somewhere that the reason that even angels fall under being called demons is because the term 'demon' wasn't always associated with evil monsters, but just supernatural things in general.

There is none, but don't tell an angel that to their face.

This is true, everything supernatural is classified as demon.

Angels are demons, just distinguished from the others. Like how humans are animals.

SMT2 has the most lawful of endings because you're siding with Satan, who is more lawful than YHVH himself.

Actually I've got a question. Anyone know what the deal with the 4 heros fighting Steven is about? That has me really curious

That Law is only true of Strange Journey though, where it's not even led by YHVH or any higher up and is done as a last measure to revive YHVH rather than a means to please him.

SMT4's Law makes it clear that even the archangels think humans can research technology to better their lives, which means growth and advancement is an inevitability. It also has people laughing in the description of the world itself as it describes how they're a society willing to help their fellow man but entitled to what they work for.

I might go full autism some day and have someone make me Setanta's scarf.

Oh, now i get it, they kinda feel better just because? Ive only played smtiv so i dont know perfectly and jesus in that game the law system of mikado feels like i woukdnt like to live there

Lets not forget the angels would probably off you if you did anything they didn't like.

This. it's like choosing whether to be primitive savage barbarian or mindless slave robot.


More like whether to be a Viking or a Crusader. Or either Genghis Khan or the Pope.

They died at some point in their respective games and Steven is forcing them to defeat him in order to prove that they're worthy of being revived.

>they kinda feel better just because?
They "do" good things because it suits them. They tell you what to do and if you don't do it they just kill you, but in their little world it's justified because "you were going against God" or some shit

Chaos is all business all the time, fighting amongst themselves like barbarians

Neutral is often the only good choice in these games

This exactly. Just because you kick the demons out doesn't make neutral a pussy. In III's neutral ending the Demifiend gets warned that he'll need to hold onto his powers to protect humanity from further bullshit.

How canon is it?