Many gamers start from humble beginnings

Many gamers start from humble beginnings.

Got any cheap/dirtpoor ass vidya stories to tell?

I had to sell a lot of lemonade to save up for Conker's Bad Fur Day for the N64.

Most recently poor thing I've done for gaming is 3 years ago I had this garbage laptop I played TF2 on, my HP would heat up so bad it would shut off it got too hot. Even the AC in my room wasn't cutting it, so I grabbed Go-Gurts from the freezer and would put them underneath my laptop so I could keep playing and enjoy a gogurt every once in a while. Embarrassing shit, man.

I just pirated everything like a normal person.

That looks like a vagina eheh

I used to pirate back in the golden age of vidya, now i'm guilty that i was part that killed the industry, but hey, i was a high schooler with no income.

Its called cleaning your laptop you fucking savage, there was probably a small animal sized clump of dust in there.

I thought the thumbnail was a vagina

Nope, I treated my laptop very delicately and had gotten it repaired whenever necessary. Truth is, HP laptops, or at least the one I had from that generation of laptops have godawful circulation and are prone to overheating very easily, unlike the Toshiba I should have gotten instead. Shoulda coulda woulda.

Probably, but older HPs were famous for being hot bricks.

i just asked my parents. didn't start buying my own games till about 14. at that point i was given 20 bucks once a week and had to save it to buy games. used to use it on a f2p game i played heavily back then though.

My main source of vidya were the demo games on the CD from my countries vidya magazine.
I still basically play demos, I pirate a game, play it to a point and then drop it.

Last game I actually finished was Dark Souls when the expansion came out.


My dads PS2 drained alot of electricity for some reason so I could only play games for 20 hours a month before the bill got too high for him.

Every session of FFX was a death race. Every death meant lost time. Brainstorming days before hand with older friends was necessary. Defeating Sin felt like i won a marathon

I used to trade pokemon cards to this kid at school for batteries for my gameboy color.
My parents wouldn't buy me new batteries because they didn't want me playing videogames.

The only way I got pokemon cards when I was 12 was because there was this girl 2 years older than me that would give me her extra cards if I kissed her

I have a job and I still pirate

to be fair, I gave money to charity every month

God, that sucks

Anything from the Wii and back generation wise I had pirated. After I bought a 3DS I never pirated again, the end.



I knew you were going to be here motherfucker.


Are you a manwhore by trade now?

that's a lewd picture

No, but I'd probably do it in a heartbeat

Playing CS 1.5 on 500mhz AMD K6-2 with 32mb Riva TNT2 and 128mb of RAM. GTA3 was a fucking slideshow.


This is worst than getting off to tiles.

It would be much easier to fuck a wallet than a tile, user.

Back in 7th grade i stole roller tycoon from the book fair. Dumb seller put the expensive shit right by the door enterance. Stole the sims game a few days later.

Sorry for what?

Pretty sure I'm going to beat everyone in this thread.

When I was a kid, I wasn't allowed to play video games. If I wanted entertainment, I read books or watched cartoons.

A neighbor needed a babysitter, and when I found out they had a Game Boy with Bomberman GB, Qwirk and Kirby's Dream Land, I took the job right away.

A few years later, a friend of my parents gave me their kids' old Game Boy. It had Tetris.

It was 2007 and I finally owned my first video game. And it was Tetris. In glorious black and white.

My parents weren't happy, but they let me keep it. Eventually, I got Pocket Bomberman (thinking it was Bomberman GB - best mistake I ever made) and Super Mario Land 2.

A few months later, a friend let me buy his Game Boy Color for $5. He even gave me Mario Golf, Mission Impossible and Tony Hawk 2.

I had played demo kiosks in Walmart and Target before, so I knew I was missing out, but I was elated to have more games - in color! Finding out I could play my old games in color was mind blowing as well.

I got a job in 2008, and I was finally able to move up in the world. I got a GBA, then (foolishly) traded up for a DS, then (foolishly) traded up for s motherfucking GameCube.

It was 2011 and I finally got a GameCube.

Full 3D! High res gameplay! Voice acting!

Then the next few years kind of exploded.

I got an N64, a Genesis, a PS1 and a PS2 and even a 360 and a gaming rig that can play Skyrim on Ultra at 78 fps.

Life's sweet now. I've got hundreds of games.

But the funny thing is, now I just look at them all and feel like I have nothing to play.

I almost miss the point in my life where I had 3 games to choose from. I would game for hours.

Now I just browse Sup Forums and rarely sink more than 20 minutes a day into actual vidya.


I sold my PS1/2 & GC collection to build a cheapo gaymen PC.

You seem like a cool guy.

Curious though, what are your top 5 favorite games now?

I had to work my ass out for 4 months in a shitty factory to afford my xbox 360, I don't regret it since I could flash it and play all the games I wanted

For a long time, my mother and I was fairly poor and I typically got maybe 1 or 2 games a year if I was lucky (usually around my birthday or Christmas). My dad might buy me one from his disability checks if I was lucky when he was alive (He was 500 pounds, schizophrenic, and had not worked since I was alive. He died in '96).

Renting was huge with us, and was how I played a lot of my games back in the day. One of the biggest godsends was the Sega Channel, which was more or less Sega Netflix way back before the concept was even concrete and nothing since then had come close.

Eventually once she got a better job stuff started to get better, but for a long ass time there was a period where I was playing demo discs over and over for new content or replaying stuff as much as I could. Biggest things I remember was saving up for a Game Boy Color and a Dreamcast after Sega dropped it to like $100 and included SA and Sonic Shuffle. I think I saved up a good year just for the GBC, and it was worth it.

I'm only 23 so I grew up pirating everything because I lived in a third world country and didnt understand taxes as a child. My family got it's first computer when I was in 4th grade and my cousins had a computer with internet access since I was in 2nd or 3rd I think. My cousins dad gave him a disc that had on every version of a Pokemon game up to japanese gold/silver and another seperate disc that had a collection of Megaman games on them. Each game ran from its own executable in a folder and had a nice patterned header around it, to this day I have no idea how he did it or where he got it. What sucked was that because it was emulated that meant no trading but we didn't give a shit also we were both awful at Megaman so we rarely played it.

Also there was a website where you could play Marvel vs Capcom online in a browser, that was the shit. Other than that I was basically obsessed with figuring out how that man managed to get Pokemon on a computer and I figured out how to pirate and emulate gba games in 4th grade.

In highschool I worked a summer job and bought a used playstation 2 and had to pick between MGS3 and Soul Calibur 2 because vidya was so damn expensive. Went with Soul Calibur because multiplayer. It was my first console and I probably got ripped off but my friends and I would sit around playing it every Saturday for hours on end. Eventually we got other games in the mix like NBA 2k7, Gran Torismo and Resident Evil 4 that I lent to some kid who pretty much stole it(his excuse was his mother confiscated it from him and he didnt know where it was) then ended up getting shot and killed like 2 months later. So I couldnt even ask for it back.

When pokemon was new and downloading games was not invented

>Rich kids threw cards in the school yard to make the poor kids fight for em
>I wrekt some kids to get those cards
>Hundreds of cards including 20+ star cards later
>Go to legit game store, talk with store owner about my Pokemon card collection
>He also collects (I'm 9, he is 30, wtf)
>Trade cards for games

Man I wanna go back to those times, simpler times...

Ooh, that's a toughie.

Probably, in no order

Silent Hill 3
Test Drive Unlimited 2
LA Noire
Yume Nikki
Portal 2

Though there's several dozen honorable mentions that could just as easily fill those spots.

I miss days when pokemon cards were literal money on playgrounds. That's probably why it got banned pretty much everywhere.

>enjoy a gogurt every once in a while
Stopped reading.

And that is just stupid, both my parents and my teachers were like:
It's good for kids to learn about economy and trading this way

And it fucking was.
(Also, it's always good when you're winning :P)

I played LA Noire with my friends mum...

Every night during one summer, until her husband finally told me I should stay somewhere else so they could spend some time together during their vacations...
He was just jelly

(I was sleeping at their place cuz I had accidently rented out my own apartment)

My first console was an NES that my parents had left over from their failed Christian music store venture. I hand a handful of Bible games, SMB, and Gyromite as my introduction to video games

My first handheld was a used green gameboy pocket and a used copy of Pokemon Blue. The game's faceplate was a little loose, so it was taped with plain school tape. I still have it tucked away.

When I got a gamecube for Christmas, my parents had no clue how the memory card system worked so they got me Animal Crossing because it came with a memory card. I wouldn't have it any other way because it introduced me to one of my now favorite series

>it introduced me to one of my now favorite series
Stopped reading.

That's some interesting reasoning for allowing it to continue.

I had gone to two schools during the big pokemon card boom, one public school that never banned the cards, and one on a U.S. military base when I was in England.

Military base banned it because kids were stealing and fighting each other over cards. I agree there are a lot of benefits to pokemon being introduced to children such as reading, memorizing simple algorithms such as weaknesses and resistances, math, and some more I'm not thinking of. Holy shit though man, the fights and crying I witnessed between children based on a children's card game are things I'll never be able to forget. Maybe that's one big example of why capitalism doesn't work? Fuck if I know, I'm bad at economics so take that with a grain of salt lol

i stole a gba from some unknown creature at daycare
it was just sitting on a counter with pacman collection in it, no batteries, took it home
mom bought me the mario and pokemon games and that's my childhood
i also stole yugioh cards
i'm not sorry

>"kids were stealing and fighting each other over cards."
What is wrong with people? wow...

Well, for the trading in my school it was more about how rare cards were, if they were in any basic booster packs, how many times you had seen them before... and also if you knew someone who needed them to complete a set or whatever, the demands for certain cards rose and went down very quickly. It was a very interesting and lively market for trading. Few actually played the game.

This reminds me of that one infamous picture that I have never seen, because I think the guy wears a ring as well...

>mom bought me the mario and pokemon games
She didnt ask where you got the gameboy from?

fuck you, cant unsee

Sounds like a much nicer school! lol
Seems like when YuGiOh came out in my school a while after, the Card ban was lifted and it was just like the old days for a short while.

Then BeyBlades. Oh man.