Tfw Miyazaki is such a hack he stole most of the design ideas for Bloodborne from pic related...

Tfw Miyazaki is such a hack he stole most of the design ideas for Bloodborne from pic related. I'll post some screenshots and whatnot below for proof.





fucking hack


It takes a special kind of spastic to make a thread like this. The effort, the delusion... Congratulations, you're on Chris-Chan levels of retardation right now and I'm not even joking.

Not surprising, gooks are literally copying everything

>muh SOULSBORTNE!!! muh original game such goode story!!!

>stealing Western design
Outrageous blasphemy!

Tricorne hats existed before 2001, user.

Considering how DeS and DaS are basically Berserk I can't say I'm surprised.

But then again, those are somewhat historically accurate clothes so anyone can use them I guess.

shut up fag, you know it's true

>being this autistic
those styles existed long before that movie retard.

But the movie turned them from faggy commie shit into something cool.

>Muh saving multiple images to prove some sort of conspiracy theory to Anonymous people on a Vietnamese sweatshop message board to validate their insanity

OP needs to be on medication. He's a danger to everyone around him with this level of delusion


This flick looks so B that it seems like it was made by the Dark Souls 2 team.

Why did you feel the need to post a picture of yourself? What does that have to do with your thread OP?

But movies about leather-clad, tricorn-wearing hunters sent to slay a beast using cool, transforming weapons didn't, and the movie is literally this. Seriously, even transforming weapons aren't Miyazaki's original idea.


That's you. That's you that is, you're that guy.

>one design
>even though the crux of the plot is stolen from Lovecraft as well as monster concepts
Oh Kay Bud

>covered mouth (in a different way)
>similar historical headgear
wow such hack

>here we go with the neckbeard patrol doing their damage control

>2 universes have characters with the same hats
>must be plagiarism!
Grasping at straws desu

>not posting the real origin of Bloodborne

I really like the outfits and I am glad I get to look baller.

>I'm going to post reaction images while my parents replace my cutlery with plastic ones

Evafags BTFO

Shitposting aside, is the movie worth a watch?

The whole Metal Gear series and snake's design was inspired by Plissken in Escape From NY City

>What do you expect from Japs?

Not really. It's pretty mediocre and the plot makes no sense for the most part.

Glad i'm not the only one who thought this, when playing BB all I was thinking about was how close it was to that movie

Well Monica Bellucci's in it.
I'd say yes.

So just like BB then?


You seem to be implying something.


Didn't even bother changing the name.
I can see how Hollywood can be influential at that period though.

>normies have never read up on the Victorian Gothic era
>it's alien to them, so much that they call it "Sickdark"
>thinks BB stole from Brotherhood of the Wolf

Oi I'm laffin

Disregard this no taste /kino/ faggot.

not implying anything at all, no sir.

>game steals shit from everywhere
>autists always try to pin it on one source

It's obvious it doesn't steal from one source, but Brotherhood of the Wolf is the most prominent and blatant one.

Even plotwise there is some serious inspiration drawn from. Crazy cult, beast hunting, conspiracies all solved by 2 outsiders

There's even a whip-sword weapon being user in the movie

I love BB but it's hard to watch this movie after it and not constantly draw similarities. In fact I'm pretty sure Miyazaki probably watcher the movie the night he came up with the concept for the setting

>this thread

TIL: Devs aren't allowed to take inspiration from anywhere

protip: nothing you create is original. Everything you make is an amalgamation of the information you have taken into your brain over the course of your existence.

There's a difference between inspiration and blatantly ripping something off.

Theres drawing inspiration from a source.

And theres blatantly ripping off a source.

Everyone's too busy praising Miyazaki to really lay into him for basically being an idea thief.

As long as a game isn't copying from another game I'm fine with it. Bloodborne's mechanics, pacing, etc make it an inherently different experience than just watching a film with similar designs.

Now when you get into games where the gameplay is lazy "insert game here" bullshit like in TLoU, Uncharted and Quantic Dream games you often get a worse story you have to work to get.

I mean, the Fishing Hamlet and onward from The Old Hunters DLC is an almost exact retelling of The Shadow Over Innsmouth, but that didn't stop me from playing the game.

laughing at all the furious PC lads getting boners because they think they've finally 'beaten' the consoles.

I don't expect people who make games to be totally original, I expect them to make good games. Bloodborne is a great game, so I don't give a fuck where Miyazaki got his ideas from.

That's that shitty dagon movie right?

I thought it was okay for being low budget

>almost exact retelling
>literally no story just killing enemies

well they still stole from muh european culture instead of making some katana filled weeb fest like they should have.

Go read Shadow over Innsmouth, think about the locations from the Fishing Hamlet onward, think about the enemies, creatures, and people, and compare all that to what's described in the story.

WEW, it is not like BB is "lovecraft: the game" (while missing the point of how powerful real great ones would be), or dark souls 1 is "Berzerk: The wanna be".

The most original game in the series is DS2 and we get such high quality concepts like the mountain on top of windmills and weist high rumble blocking the way to the castle.


Can't believe this hack LITERALLY STOLE FROM HISTORY

Weeell post some must reads and must watches from that genre user.

The only thing that came near it is Vampire Hunter D if you disregard the sci-fi they mixed into it.


One for each day of the year

whats the problem?

We were making comparisons with this movie and BB since 2014, fuck off newfag.

He stole all, the absolute madman!


Not him but I've read plenty of Lovecraft and I don't see how it really matches Shadow Over Innsmouth.

Sure it was inspired by it, but aside sharing a weird town by the sea setting there isn't much similarity.

There's no 'normal' people in the Hamlet, there are in Innsmouth.

There is a dead Great One on the beach in the Hamlet, no dead gods in Innsmouth.

Fishing Hamlet was probably a whaling village, Innsmouth economy is based on a gold refinery.


fucking cultural appropriating jap literally STEALING beast hunting, corrupt sects within the church, blood healing, beast apologists, trick weapons, cage hats, and squid dildos from WHITE HISTORY and doing it better...
i am literally SEETHING right now...we shall stand for this oppression no longer...


>clearly 18th century clothing/setting
>victorian gothic

Don't call other people out when you yourself are also wrong.

>implying Berserk is original

Doing what better?


Is that taken directly from the manga?

Miura must have had a bad day, it certainly looks subpar compared with the rest of his autismical detailed spreads. The two dragons in the front and the cliff on the right aren't that far to draw them so rough.

Damn what a good cover. I wish I could get this one

Wow he colored him yellow what a bastard he can't use that color its copyrighted!

One fuckimg scene, they only ever pull off that look in one fucking scene in the beginning. Why couldn't they do where the outfits thoughout the whole movie damn it.

You guys are fucking stupid, this is all coincidence.

>Two pieces of media both based on the 18th century have similar aesthetics and themes.
>We are supposed to be shocked.

miyazaki has good taste

>MFW Miyasaki copy pasted from every XIX adaptation except Eva Green

anno is a hack

damn I forgot my image

I can't believe HackaKEKzaki STOLE Brotherhood of the Wolf's gameplay mechanics!

It was influential to Japanese hipsters who cared about "obscure" popular media in other cultures

>Berserk invented spiral staircases, iron maidens and legion
yeah okay

ITT Sup Forums being retarded as always

I liked Bloodborne and I liked this movie... why does it matter if a different form of media was inspired by another?

PC master race is still so FURIOUS that they post this shit a full year after Bloodborne was released.

Next level pathetic.

oh my god I never realized how adorable those snake bros from dark souls 1 were until I saw them up close. It's like something from a pixar movie

It's almost as if it was intentional or something.

in the final fight the bad guy uses a sword that turns into a whip, and it's just like one of the DLC weapons.

Miyazaki said the look was influenced by 1992's Dracula. Which is kind of funny since that film is like Halloween cliches come to life.

Whats this?

its not the same without the crazy sound effects

>Argento Soma

When will this meme die? It's more Iron Giant than anything

Wait, so you're telling me that japanese animators who don't use any drugs are inspired by a plethora of books and movies relating to the topic at hand? Next you're going to tell me superman was inspired by ancient greek heroes like Hercules...

OP i think i see your point, he stole the whole of the victorian/edwardian period wardrobe from this random italian movie

what a cunt hole