Is it gud?

Is it?

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though my Grimgor has been assasinated 3 times in row without being able to move even once

Getting a hero up requires so much shit in this game

Have to do quests/take settlements to get that early hero to do shit

Yeah the AI heroes have huge levels very fast and assasinate yours right and left.

Best to just embed them in your army

>enemies attacking and recruiting in the same turn while in march stance
is this just a co op thing or is the same that fucking broken on higher difficulties because "so hard xD"

What kind of enemies does that?

my bro is fighting vampires and they constantly attack him multiple times in a turn while in march stance, then ran to another opponents territory AND was suffering attrition as a result and then recruited like 9 units afterwards. all in one movement with one army.


Chaos is fun as fuck

Vampire factions can use a "raise dead" option anywhere at anytime(except when no dead are available). They can raise more dead if there has been a great battle in the area they are in. Most "raise dead" units are shit tier but they can make a lot of them very fast.

I think this Total War is the fucking hardest by far. The whole game is a get-fucked simulator. Especially if you play any other faction that is not Empire. Enemy Empire is just too good in terms of diversity and will simply destroy you with their OP cavs from pistoleers and knights.

Another thing is that the enemy AI is pretty clever in open battles and will often feign and ruse you. They all love using cav in fights. Too many time have I've fallen for the tricks where they use cavalry to bait and switch you where they get in right close to some of your back up troops to keep them out of battle, which is fucking genius. You either focus on that cav and lose the opportunity in having those troops into battle, because he drags you away, or risk ignoring the harassing cav and getting hammer-and-anviled.

I think I need to replay some previous Total War titles.

Nice they fixed the launch issues and performance issues.

my PC is now running it on ultra with everything maxed.

Feels good man

It's alright.

Vamps have a unique race ability to raise the dead of previous battles, even battles they do not participate in.

I had to switch from Hard to Normal. Shit was ridiculous and not its bearable atleast

>Play Total War: Shogun 2 multiplayer
>End turn
>Make breakfast
>Take a shower
>Go to work
>Come home
>Eat dinner
>The next player is ALMOST done with their turn

Does this game have the same issue?

Try Legendary Empire. It's a ridiculous grind.

good goy

My game always crashes when I finish a fight in the campaign and get to the unit losses screen thing

What do I do?

>verified game cache
>tried offline mode
>updated drivers

I wanna play this game but it wont let me

>Only ever played 2 and was complete shit at it
>Always have been interested in WH
>Tempted to grab this

How bad are the bugs? Should I spend the money on turnt juice instead?

didn't know they could raise dead even while marching but that still doesn't explain attacking while marching though. if you've got the game open the army started in templehof, attacked waldenhof and then moved into essen in one go on like turn 4

I'd say so

You're getting me hyped.

Been playing for hours and I don't think I've even come across one. Got to hand it to CA.

Trying out chaos...

Can't occupy towns.

How does this work?

>How bad are the bugs?
If you're Nvidia you're shit out of luck.

>$0,05 has been added to your account.

They bring their buildings with them.



Set up encampment to do buildings and replenish. Your armies are your cities

Might actually be the first time I've been happy buying a 280x.
>Going to 144hz crashes youtube
fucking AMD drivers

Not played Total war since Rome II release.

I'll save the thread Rome II bashing but I'd like to know how this compares to it.

looks really good game, dont care or have never played warhammer before but i've always thought a fantasy total war would be cool.

>All those people bought Rome 2

damn, I kinda feel bad for them

thats embarassing

I'm considering buying it, even though I don't have a PC to play it right now, just so I get the DLC for free.

Doesn't have near the technical issues that Rome 2 did on launch. I did have a ui flickering issue when it first started but changing to borderless windowed seems to have fixed it. Also seems to take an ass long time to load when you first start it up, but it's fine after. Game runs surprisingly well and looks good. If you like warhammer and total war gameplay it's definitely worth checking out.

Why do you not have a PC right now?

Steam summer sale is in a month or two. I bet my ass the discount will make base game + DLC cost more or less the same.

*to play it
My current one has a 6 year old CPU and I'm to overworked right now to find the power for building a new one.

Help your Norscan subjugators out by helping them gain territory and occupying settlements. You have a nice little plot of land for a large amount of time so you can run back and replenish on Norscan troops. Because its either that, or risk letting the enemy come back several turns later to reclaim the area and having to run back to settlements close to the start.

I'm telling you man, it's genius.

I don't think they'd put in on sale that soon.

It's a Total War game

Buy it a couple years after it comes out for 15 bucks with all the DLC.

The DLC is just a pre order incentive to buy the game early.

Give it a month or two and they'll make it free for all or charge £1 for it.

With a 980 I havent gotten any graphical errors or crashes after 5 hours. The only thing ive noticed was some UI flickering, but a reset fixed that.

Downloading as we speak. Will probably play with Mannfred first but Azhag is tempting as well. There's none of my fav heroes from Warhammer so I have to play with that is given.

>no Skarsnik
>no Arkhan
>no Neferata
>no Crom
>no Valkia
>no Alith Anar
>no Malekith
>no Morathi
>no Beastmen

Shit m8, it's literally a matter of getting a new PC.
Although I guess it would be best to hold off while I'm busy to get ANYTHING done.

A 10/20% sale is practically guaranteed. Hell, legit retailers had the pre-order at -25% sale.
>a couple years
TWW is a 10 year franchise, CA/SEGA confirmed this already.

We're talking about Hebrew Assembly here m8.

Every faction is getting another 1-2 lords.

I am not touching humies till Bretonnia comes out fully

There will be 2 stand-alone expansions which will expand the map and add more factions, or you could just buy those expansions to get only the expanded part and only new factions.

I remember when this happened to Rockstar when they released GTA V close to the summer.

They just increased the price of the game, with some bullshit online coins, so that even with the discount, it turned out to 60 dollars.

It plays more like Medieval 2 than it does everything anything post Empire

that's good, I felt like the battles have lacked oomph since MTW2

Bet again. You might get a 10% discount if you are lucky, tho. $6 is totally worth waiting a month, right?

But yah, nah. Major releases don't get deals four weeks after release

>Build siege towers
>They get rekt by the static archer towers before they make it halfway to the wall, killing half the dudes inside

Am I missing something with these that makes them not garbage?

This games battles are so satisfying.

Mass assault against a narrow section of the wall. If playing as Vamps, use zombies as literal meat shields.

No more matched combat animations

They got rid if that
Now its good ol units flailing at each other

Screen with your bats(placing your bats infront of their arc of fire), If you are playing as vampire counts. Build more siege towers

>first Total War game I've ever played
>get into a couple battles
>every time it's just a big clusterfuck with no semblance of order

I don't see the appeal of these games.

Bretonnia will be so satisfying to play

60%. Looking good. About 15-20 minutes more. Should I sleep today?

>20 guys go flying 20 feet
>literally all of them immediately get back up

what's the fucking point?

Just like real life senpai.

If you played alot of Attlia you will pick up TW;WH rather quick as that game was a giant beta test for concepts that played out in Warhammer.

It's like they got hit with a tennis racket the size of a train! Hahaha, wtf

Are you winning?
If yes, increase difficulty until you cant blob and win
That should be very hard

not at all actually,most turns i've done last 8 seconds at most.

Can i just saw how gratifying it is to watch suneater obliterate anything that fucks with him? jesus he's a fun lord to play with.

I'm playing dorfs, so I don't have any zombies to throw away on it. Just seems odd to me that the towers are apparently as fragile as they are.

Use some heavily armored dorfs as meat shields to divert the fire



Enjoy that virus m8

This is reassuring

Has anyone experienced enough battles to make a general comment about whether they're over in 5 minutes or whether they last a decent length

or you know, keep your infantry line on guard mode so they don't run after routing units and fuck your line of defense

Depends on the size of the battle and how good you are.

go watch streams nigger, it seems like theyre over in 5 minutes like every total war in the past 5 years

Combat is alot slower and methodical, no more one rear cav charge and a unit disintegrates instantly like Attila. You will shift your lines multiple times during a battle as well as microing your special abilities

Fucking Empire knights... you making me so maddd!!!

Breaking formation

You have to cycle charge shock cav several times for full effect

As Greenskins I keep getting my shit pushed in by reinforcement battles, or a ton of Dwarves. I've just a few less battles than I've won. Still having a blast though.

>chaos dwarfs so obscure that they could only find a shitty /tg/ wojack to fill in for them

So, have you guys gotten in contact with the Wood Elves and promoted forceful miscegenation.


Already confirmed famalam.

The animation when you destroy walls is literally a puff of smoke and then eveything disappears. Not even any rubble

>tfw you are supreme

I hear siege maps are reused to some degree, do different factions have unique siege maps? Do capital cities have their own siege maps?

I don't think I could stand playing the same maps over and over again, especially considering how awful total war sieges tend to be

>dwarfen reading comprehension

kek, thanks for the pepe you stunty bastard

That's a big guy.

You can play the campaign co-op with a friend?!

Any of you guys found a way to remap the camera tilt button to anything other than the middle mouse button?

it's a piece of shit. nearly all the fucking factions play the same. the empire building manages to be more bland than rome 2. nearly every fucking ork plays the same with some variation in stats. skellies suffer from fatigue and are afraid of large opponents.

absolute wasted potential.

Yeah. If your friend is spectating the battle, you can give them command of some of your troops, so they can help you out. It's a pretty nifty feature.

How are sieges in this game?

My favorite map/battle type was defending my castles in fall of the samurai.

Are they at least as fun here?

Is the game working? I just downloaded and can't play because "The server is not reachable, check your internet connection". Steam is working. is working. Sup Forums is working. What's going on?

will i enjoy this if i loved medieval 2 and the first rome but hated everything they did since warscape?

do the charges look powerful now? do the fights have weight or are the units still morphing into each other?

>Raid the following region: x!
>i proceed to raze it to the ground
>mission failed!

What the fucking fuck

They've had co-op since Shogun 2 you retards.

this desu. don't forget that the skele animation is absolute shit.