Gonna go ahead and kill myself
Gonna go ahead and kill myself
use the catalog SHITFAGGOTS scum
>playing an fps with a controller
why do people shit on console players so much when it comes to FPS's?
Do they not know how to use a controller?
Primarily a console player and mechanically a mouse is just far better for precision aiming than a little analog stick is
I know how to use a controller, it's just more precise and fluid to use a M&K, that isn't the case with other genres though.
>linking to an actual cuck
Why should I believe his lies?
I know that aiming with a mouse is objectively better, but I hate WASD when compared to analog.
Overwatch runs 60fps on consoles.
A cursory Google search can make shitposting all the more convincing.
That's pretty obviously satire. He makes a few points that might be genuinely uninformed, then he devolves into ridiculous bullshit.
>You just move the mouse over your enemies and press a button to kill them? I’m sure that’s really satisfying if you’re a literal baby, but in the world of actual adults we prefer to work a little harder and truly challenge ourselves on the field of real-life videogame combat.
>It’s simply harder to aim with an analog stick, and if talking to Dark Souls fans has taught me anything, it’s that difficulty is literally the only objective measure of a game’s worth.
When is this fat piece of shit going to die?
Pure cancer. Fuck youtubers in general though.
This would have been funny like five years ago.
easy map your controller's analog to wasd and use a mouse to aim
there you're using a controller and mouse at the same time
>Hear me out. When I play Overwatch on my PS4, it runs at a gorgeous thirty frames-per-second.
>This lends it a cinematic feel, like I’m playing a movie from Hollywood.
>By contrast, the PC version plays like some sort of weird cartoon.
>So fast and smooth like a small hairless testicle falling down a pipe made of soap.
Took till there until I figured out he was trolling.
No shit, the game is slow as fuck and has auto aim out the ass.
>in the world of actual adults we prefer to work a little harder and truly challenge ourselves
true. this is why i play golf with a shovel instead of clubs
That's like saying having ketchup on a steak is better
Why would you put ketchup on a steak?
I know that's the point
if it's a real bad steak
This is a fucking joke yeah?
How do I know when to apply ketchup to a steak? Please help, my wife's boyfriend is going out for a business lunch AND WE MUST KNOW!!!
It objectively isn't. Just go watch console gameplay. The game literally does NOT work as it was intended with a consoller. Flanking classes, disruption classes, they can't do their job properly. They play counter to Blizzards own admitted design of how they should.
This is a rare example of an actual PC designed FPS that plays badly when a controller is involved.
This whole article is obviously satire. Fucking Sup Forums falling for every bait as always.
a bunch of assburgers failing to understand when someone is joking?
How funny that a literal cuckhold is offended by the word "cuck".
you don't know what cuck means
I understand hes trying to be ironic with some arguments to make it sound hes not.
But holy shit hes not witty enough, nor funny enough nor anything really. Man i hate manchildren who think they are smart.
This is a bait article...........I hope.
In his Star Fox Zero video he outright says he thinks the right analog is the best control system for aiming though.
T. Experienced cuck with over 300 confirmed bulls
>Sup Forums identifies with a fat guy in a trench coat and gloves who thinks sexual attraction is a social construct that's childish