Do i need to watch the anime before playing this game?

do i need to watch the anime before playing this game?

also dot hack thread

Other urls found in this thread:

.hack//SIGN happens just before the anime

.hack//Liminality happens along side the anime

The .hack//Legend of the Twilight anime is non-canon, and the manga happens years after the games and doesn't matter at all.

You don't have to watch SIGN before playing the original series, but it clears up some shit in G.U. such as why Sora grows up to become Haseo and the reason why Skeith is his avatar is because Skeith absorbs him at the end of SIGN

Nothing besides that spoiler matters, and even then, it's a super tame one

I meant SIGN and Liminality happen just before and along side the games*

thanks for clarifying, never knew this series was such a clusterfuck

It gets worse when you factor in all The World R2 and The world RX shit

HD collection when
Last time I looked at my local store they wanted 210 total for mutation, outbreak, and quarantine, they didn't have infection and none of the games had the liminality discs either

I thought I was overpaying when I dropped $80 on Quarantine in mint condition

Now it's the crowning jewel of my complete collection of all the games that were released in North America

I saw characters from this series in PxZ, I want to get in where should I start?

Start at the beginning dumb ass

I paid 4 dollars for the entire IMOQ set in 2010.

You can pretty much pick up anything and be good to go, but:

>The World

.hack//SIGN is an anime that happens before the original series. It's about a girl named Tsukasa who has an abusive home life and uses the MMO to escape from reality, then she gets trapped inside of it and loses her memories. Aside from what was already spoiled, nothing of note really happens in it

The original games are where the series really starts and lays the foundation of everything to follow

.hack//Liminality happens along side the games, but the only thing note worthy is that in G.U., Kuhn is the ex-boyfriend of Mai, one of the main characters.

.hack//Legend of the Twilight bracelet is some gaiden manga that's not even worth talking about that shows what Balmung is doing a couple years after the games (spoiler alert: he's a GM. That's it. That's the only thing that matters.)

>The World R:2
.hack//Roots happens after the prologue of G.U., but before the time skip that happens immediately after the prologue. You should watch it while playing through G.U., but make sure you finish the second game before starting the last two episodes because it spoils the ending of part 2 which a huge fucking deal

.hack//G.U. stars Sora from SIGN (but you're never told this and have to deduce it yourself, but you're pretty fucking thick if you don't pick up on it relatively early), and it's as big of a deal as the original series of games.

Then G.U. has a bunch of side mangas and light novels you can read if you really want but none of the characters show up in any meaningful form. For instance, .hack//Alcor is about a girl who has a crush on Silibus and wants to jump his bones. She shows up in the G.U. games with a new character and you're only told she's the same character in supplementary material.

>The World R:X
It's trash just go home

Just play the games. I'm going to get a lot of shit, but fuck it. the anime is pretty boring and is only really worth watching if you're already a fan.

The games are pretty boring unless you're a fan of the setting already.

The setting and aesthetics are the only interesting pieces of this franchise. The Legend of the Twilight manga is the best part of the whole series of games/animes/mangas/novellas because it makes the game seem so fucking comfy.

People will disagree but I don't give a fuck, fite me.

when i worked at gamestop in 07-08 i could have gotten SO MANY rare ps2 games for dirt cheap. gamestop was overflowing with old ps2 games at that point i even saw marvel vs capcom a few times

.hack is another series i wish i picked up when i couldve gotten them all for 5$ each in almost perfect condition. if only i knew

Take it from someone who actually plays mahvel. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for any system other than the Dreamcast is only expensive because it's rare. The PS2 and Xbox ports are not good ports at all


.hack//SIGN started airing just a little before the release of .hack Vol.1. It stopped airing shortly after the release of .hack Vol.2. People were watching .hack//SIGN while playing the first two volumes of the game, and none of them really had an issue with keeping up.

.hack//Liminality, the OVAs released alongside the games, can be viewed at any time while playing their respective volumes. Each game comes with a volume of the OVA, so it's impossible to spoil yourself so long as you stick with that order.

One day, we'll have a game that's just literally nothing but Kites.

Kite in the original games was a great character

Kite in G.U. had a purpose to be there, but it was a bit much with edge

Shugo in Dusk was horrible

Kite in Link is just pandering

FemKite on Quantum is a joke

I don't want any more Kites. Please, just let him play soccer in peace

He's a log-in bonus for New World. You're also forgetting the Pursuer of the Azure Flame from Guilty Dragon.

Why must setting up .hack//fragment be hell?

compilation for xbox one and ps4 when?

Because we're not allowed to have nice things. Only Japan is, and even then, they're only allowed to have nice things for about a year

it's online and in english right now.

I think he knows that. Its just very difficult to set up. I think I fucked up the online config settings when I was inputting it and was too tired to screw around with it a second time.

you just press the auto config button.

I'm glad to see .hack// threads are becoming more frequent but it just serves to remind me that my youth is far behind me and we'll never get another decent .hack// game ever again

Piros and Sanjuro a best

>auto config
What? Where? There is no auto config button. The whole edit area is blank and glitchy.
I have trouble once I get to Network Profile setup

>compilation for xbox one and ps4 when?
Fucking this. Holy shit the money I would throw down for this would be absurd.

Back when I was 12, .hack// made me a weeb

Then when I started G.U., Endrance made me gay

.hack has been reduced to a mobage franchise. Feels bad, man.

endrance doesn't deserve to be as broken as he was

Just a little note, make sure you watch liminality with subtitles on, it will give you code words for some dungeons with special loot

I kinda figured he was bullied relentlessly in school which is why he always wanted to play The World with Mia. That was the only way I could understand his character being the way he was in G.U., which was already pretty damn sad.

Mind you, most of that special loot is pretty pointless.

>he doesn't know the true power of the rusty nails
You aren't wrong but it's good for trading

legend gave me some pretty big bonners man

Too bad she fell off the face of the Earth right after Dusk, and her G.U. replacement was the worst party member that they give you personality wise.

nah he's a faggy little bitch
i meant stat-wise he's one of the best in the game maybe just behind kuhn

>i meant stat-wise he's one of the best in the game maybe just behind kuhn
That's because Endrance and Kuhn get the super broken gear from cancer cat.

Bro Pi was badass wtf

I played all 7 games like 2 years ago and I did a comparison of all the blade brandiers with the exact same gear on each of them at the same level and endrance has much higher sp and attack naturally
even without his lost weapon

I really do wish we could get a console remake of the original four games.


Why was this never finished? ;_;

That was my favorite form of sexual tension

Everyone else was TITS but Haseo was just HAG

>Suikoden threads
>.hack threads
holy shit Sup Forums

I'm just making this post so you don't feel like you killed the thread

Can you guys help me setup fragment?
>Set "Auto" to IP/DNS/Gateway Settings in the PS2 Netconfig menus.
What is he talking about here? Where are the PS2 Netconfig menus

I know, this is rare

It's like people still remember what good games are

thanks user
im not surprised at the ded thread though
its mainly nostalgia since no new games are coming out

Here, have another Alkaid for your troubles

I already have that one user
thanks anyway

it's probably for the best. I can't imagine how it would be if they make another game/series these days



can't find official art for suikoden for the life of me though

wasn't there the fucking sao game with .hack costumes?

What in the sam fuck is going on with those legs

What possible hell could allow those proportions

There's already an official crossover event.

Shut up, Butt-Rice


Ugh! Don't call me, Butt-RICE! It's ωRICE! O-h-m-RICE!

>back then
>yoshiyuki sadamoto art which is one of the most aesthetically pleasing styles


>that horrible UI
the fuck are you doing man? why would you mod that shit

>you will never recruit the chaotic pk's

Hello Everyone, I am Kazubolo, the World's last hope!

It's an online game with character customization, and you made Tsukasa


They made her a Suburu clone just to fuck with me. I know they did

That's a dude.

>.hack//Legend of the Twilight anime is non-canon
The manga for it is canon at least, as noted in GU.

Because Tsukasa is my favorite character and customization is minimal

Road to Hack//Infection:

- Hack//SIGN (anime, 26 episodes)
- Hack// AI Buster VOL 1 (novel)

While playing the games, you should watch //Liminilaty, one episode per game.

Yeah, but nothing that happened in it matters at all. I've never heard Aura's daughter's name mentioned once after, or even the fact that she had a daughter.


So he really did fuck his sister

Yes, that is me.
Would you like to team-up and assist in my quest?

>It's a "you have to kill that thing that oozed out of Skeith at the end of Infection while forced to take Mistral" episode

.hack//SIGN has an amazing ost.
That's it.

>Guilty Dragon.

Please, user.

Never, sadly. This is the age of shitty shows like SAO.

>I've never heard Aura's daughter's name mentioned once after, or even the fact that she had a daughter
It was mentioned in GU in one of the logs. Right before the end of the first The World, the last person to log out who was the scientist or whatever saw her daughter, and said that there might still be hope for The World.


Never really got into .hack

How complex is the story? Is it supposed to be DEEP?

>It's a Piros or Mistral episode in general

At least Piros got a lot better in G.U.

How did you make your HUD look like that?

Guys, best optional party member?

It's retarded 'Net is like real life' adventure(which is jarring when far too many people not involved in the cases where people are hurt in real life due to the game act on that) that eventually turns into an aco terrorist plot

>How complex is the story?
As complex as any other run of the mill shounen series. It's not complex, it's just full of self-contained stories that sometimes branch into other self-contained stories.

>Is it supposed to be DEEP?
To this day, I have no idea if you're supposed to take everything at face value, or if it's all presented as an over the top parody.



There is a ton of different media like LNs, anime, manga and all that which all goes deeper into certain characters, locations, or concepts that are from the main series. Has some of the most lore out of any franchise.

Zelkova, because he has the decency to not be a shitty wavemaster like Helba whose hand you need to hold to experience the hacker train.

I just downloaded the normal client from coldbird's website. It looked like that by default

Helba's unbeatable, though. Maxed out stats and everything.

nigga its supposed to be ten times as huge and bright blue.

Good lord that body of hers still gets me rock hard.

Well then I don't know how to make it look normal. I just downloaded the top client from here:

She's a wavemaster. She literally follows you around the dungeon and doesn't do anything unless you go out of your way to open the party menu and manually cast her spells at shit because wavemasters are garbage in the original series.


Is there any way to play New World Vol. 1 in english yet?

>Why look, it's Bear, Mimiru, Tsukasa, and four people I don't remember from the anime!
>Why are they calling Bear "Orca"?
>Why are Mimiru's colours all different and why are they calling her BlackRose?
>Well there's Tsukasa, but why are her colours all different? And why is Mia an actual character with a sword now?
>This is not acknowledged until THE THIRD GAME