I want Laylee to bully me sexually.
I want Laylee to bully me sexually
I want to put my fingers in her nose.
I want her to tease my penis.
Looks like a mix of Eggman and Rouge
I wish she didn't look like outside of that short
*look like SHIT
Why they had to make her so ugly in-game?
I wish she didn't look like shit, if they fixed that nose, she would decent
"Wots wrong with mah nose?"
Its too big
How could you say that, user?
It looks like a fucking tomato
Surely you dont mean that.
this doesn't make sense and you're a sexually depraved retard
Fuck you. I just want a small cute girl to humiliate me and bully me for having a small penis. is that so wrong?
That art style reminds me of my little pony
I don't like it, I'm triggered
That's really Pony-esque.
Whatever you say, Rouge the Eggplant.
>Yooka will never rub his sexy feet in your face
>that one day on Sup Forums
the nose isnt as big of an issue as the lack of eyelashes