Yooka-Laylee Thread

Discuss the update and hopes for the upcoming gameplay video.

Mighty no. 9 backers not allowed

It will be a Banjo Kazooie lookalike and little more than that.

It's been proven time and time again that video game companies CANNOT do remakes of similar styles. They just can't. They either make the game a literal clone of the original or they make it something totally different.

Will there be breasts?

Rachet and Clank reboot was close enough to the original

None of those attempts had the team Playtonic has.

This is now a titty thread.

I really don't like the aesthetic of this game. I really don't.
The main villain looks lame even though it seems like they tried not to be too generic.
Those companions on the hill look dumb, and the enemies are just lame gremlins.
I feel like it has a lot of potential for great gameplay, but the visuals aren't for me.

who gives a fuck about this game anymore?
overwatch is out, go fucking play

>lame gremlins
That's the point where you just went whiny.
do you want me to start posting sm64/banjo enemies?

I'm not arguing relative to BK. I just expect more out of a modern release.
It might be okay if they have themed enemies like BK, which they're probably doing. If they fit with a level, they seem less awful.

you would have said the same if they just now made gruntilda and you never saw her before. The important thing is how funny or charming they are ingame. If he can make me laugh then he can just be a pile of shit with eyeballs on it

If the fairy glacier ice world doesn't have a ice key hidden somewhere, I will be upset

I see what you mean, but I don't really see what else you'd expect from a grunt, even by modern standards. Themed enemies isnt even in question, there's no way they wont do that. The only other ones i've seen are the jellyfish things but it's just a given.

There's a gif of capital b on twitter. He looks like he's going to be silly as fuck, so I'm coming around with his design.

What really worries me is Trowser. He doesn't look as fun of a mentor as Bottles or the HUP-HUUUH-HUYUUUUHP sargeant mole.

it was better in only graphics. Like Conker, except that one had a better multiplayer at least

As someone who has never played a Banjo game I don't see the difference

It's your nostalgia friend

You're inferring that I was comparing this game to the original.
BK shined in level design much more than the enemy design, but that's what you had to focus on in those days for a platformer.

I still think they should have given the lizard a shirt.

what use would a lizard have for a shirt?

They gave pants to a bear once.

that was to hide his bear cock

So, Yooka is guy and Laylee is a girl?

What new leak? Did they announce more information besides the one about the bad guy?

no. there will be more info at e3 though


We already have PLENTY of info on this suave motherfucker

>Not "will there bee breasts?"

It's the same as Banjo. Easy way to remember.

also more info on edge magazine or whatever. isnt that in 2 or 3 days or something?

The point is theyre about to start fuckin talking, which thank the lord for that shit. This and KH3 are why I haven't offed myself yet