How do you feel about the 2 big games at EVO this year?
EVO 2016
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>marvel 3 still has a scene
It doesn't, it's just there because there has to be a Marvel game at Evo.
why is that? I was under the impression marvel doesn't give a shit about games anymore after their movies hit big time
Community thing, rather. But you're right about Marvel not giving a fuck.
A 15 year old game confirmed more relevant than the shitty new version which is actually supported by Nintendo.
>new SF is released.
>people move onto it and get used to the new mechanics.
>new Smash is released.
>people afraid of change cling to a 15 year old game.
Smash is a joke.
putting garbage like melee next to the godliness that is SFV is a fucking sin.
The magnitude of mechanical changes between melee and later iterations really isn't comparable to that between SF entries.
No problems at all. I'll watch both, play both, cheer on the autists who practice enough at the games to play on a professional stage, and all that jazz.
Eh, everyone but the autists has already grown tired of new streetfighter
SFV evolves from SF4 and is a better game
brawl was intentionally made to not be played competitively, and smash 4 was too but not to the same degree as brawl
(you) btw
>>new SF is released.
>>people move onto it and get used to the new mechanics.
Forgetting that SFxT was meant to replace SF4.
>>new Smash is released.
>>people afraid of change cling to a 15 year old game.
Forgetting that people DID move on to Brawl, but went back to Melee after it sucking. And the people that stuck with Brawl did move on to Smash 4.
Bring back MvC2. Might be more entertaining than watching whoever fight to face Chris G and SOULFIST in the finals.
Melee isn't a Smash game anymore, Melee has evolved into it's own genre. RoA tried to cash in, but Melee is still king.
Don't even deserve a (you) for that one.
thanks for the preview of how terrible the evo threads will be
Don't care, just want to watch Killer Instinct.
>company makes good games in the 90s
>people afraid of change shill for a company that hasn't made good games in 15 years
>its new so its good
I wish we didn't move on from mvc2 to mvc3
>Nintendo releases Brawl in that condition to spite compettiveness and it kills Melee for a bit
>after a while Melee returns from the dead, and Brawl dies
>Melee currently thriving along side Smash 4 (though casual smash 4 fans have moved on)
>Nintendo now wants to cash in on this competitive audience
>Pokken is released
>Pokken is literally fucking dead within the month, will spike a bit at EVO, and then plummet off the face of the Earth because Nintendo doesn't know what they're doing and Bamco doesn't give a shit enough
>>people afraid of change cling to a 15 year old game
You have to be retarded and completely ignorant to think thats the case.
melee HD when? Im tired of this CRT shit
Will both but more interested in seeing how SFV turns out.
I'm more excited for the KI tournament because Rash.
>waited 8 years for alex
>his charge moves are all garbage and his normals are poor
Why not?
>Forgetting that SFxT was meant to replace SF4.
Are you retarded?
Actually Nintendo already set up a whole bunch of Pokken tournaments and incentives for them.
unbalanced as fuck
The difference is that each new SF doesn't go out of its way to not be competitive, unlike Brawl/Sm4sh
I miss HAL. HAL may mostly make easy games, but they could really make a bull busting game when they wanted to.
So? Same as many other games
not even close to the level of mvc3 though
even melee, a game where half the cast is useless, is more balanced than mvc3
top level marvel 3 is boring because it's just one touch death combos followed by coin flip mixups into one touch death combos
not that it isn't insanely difficult, it's just very standardized
Marvel is in becaise it still has plenty of players that still play and go to tournaments.
Mahvel 3 has way more viable characters than Melee, that's a fact.
even then, marvel 3 is get hit once and die: the game
I disagree that MvC3 is less balanced than Melee
Anyway what exactly makes you think that it is less balanced?
A lot of people like that and just because it is not your cup of tea doesn't mean it shouldn't be in
Did I say it shouldn't be in, fuckface? Suck my ass
>Anyway what exactly makes you think that it is less balanced?
character wise, you can argue marvel 3 is more balanced sure
but the problems become apparent in the neutral where everything is looking for an opening till
Levels of viability in melee depend on play level.
Up to Regional level you can become a top ranking player with fucking Kirby. There are top kirbies even in stacked states like Florida.
At National/World play, then yeah only the top 8 cut it.
>tfw melee is literally cancer because they have absolutely no crossover with any other game
completely ruins the whole event tbqh. like a 3 hour gap you just ignore.
The game is designed around that
That is not bad balancing when it comes to Marvel
zero, vergil, morrigan, dark phoenix.
They killed the game, shit was so boring to watch towards the end the whole community left it.
Not him, but making MvC be ONLY about ToDs is bad design. MvC2, while having ToDs and infinites, had a big focus on high damage resets.
Kind of annoying their time slot is an hour longer than everyone else and they go over on time usually.
What is stopping Capcom making MvC style system with just capcom characters?
At top level play? Sure, crossover is not possible because the game is too different and requires ungodly expertise.
At spectator, mid-low level? There's tons of crossover. I watch the Mahvel/SF/GG finals every time with my melee group. Most of them are into different fightans.
We have Mahvel, GG, Skullgirls, MK, Arcana Hearts, Tekken, Vampire Saviour, 3S/V, and even Melty blood in our group. Plus melee.
Only a few of them specialize in traditional fighting, but we all love melee.
>I don't like this game, so it's cancer
MK bores me to death, so I dont watch it, but I dont trash on its players.
Fact: Melee is the hardest "fighting" game to play at a top level, only behind the likes of Starcraft
Fact: Melee's evolution and optimization over 15 YEARS is something we've never seen the likes of before and will most likely never see again
Fact: FGC retards will dispute Melee being the king and shit one it because at the end of they day, THEY'RE the ones afraid of change. This doesn't apply to everyone, some FGC members can appreciate and respect Melee as such.
Fact: Melee was founded on grassroots and still is to this day, the chance of it dying anytime in the next 20 years is basically 0. Even if Melee does get into an organization and that organization fails, it can still carry itself as it had for years.
Anyone else have some great facts to share?
Budget, opportunity costs, developer availability.
and they will again with hand warmers.
melee is completely alien, the players are completely different, the audience is entirely different. gosh its like they dont belong there or something.
never has one game triggered so many
and melee is not fun to watch for me and they smell. Melee never wanted to be in the FGC because they never could hang. Melee is going to die because players are going to stop playing because there is no money in a game where the dev/pub gives zero support.
smash 64 > 4 > melee/brawl
It's a work of art to be honest.
I don't think there's a single game outside there (besides Tetris) with more longevity on its own than Melee.
Fact: It doesn't really fit at EVO
Fact: That's alright at the end of the day
Fact: Please fucking shower once in a while
Fact: If there's 0 overlap between two communities I'm not sure it really makes sense to force them together but it seems like melee guys really wanted to be a part of evo for some reason, maybe they feel it legitimizes them somehow.
too obvious m8 no ones falling for that
>Melee is going to die because players are going to stop playing because there is no money
That sure stopped its massive hordes of players in its 15 years of life.
Man you people are so funny.
I only care about Tekken and Xrd desu.
Not bait just facts, Melee is a game where you can literally mash the buttons and be as good as someone like M2K
Man I love melee but I wish more players took more care of themselves.
It's a shame to shower every single day and then get lumped with BO-ridden fuckers.
Thankfully my local scene is clean.
Its the legitimizing of them. But most have zero interest in fighting games. they just want to play their party game like autistic children. Funny thing they were at evo before and then it got dropped because that community didn't support it at evo. Then they come back when evo is pulling down almost close to a 1 million live viewers.
>more precise stick inputs than any fighting game
>mash buttons
Yeah, vertical shield drops are so easy mang.
Ya and enjoy playing at bingo halls and at college dorm rooms.
Because people still play it.
Marvel is not dead, that's never been the correct argument. The problem is that Marvel's meta is stale because Capcom isn't allowed to patch or change anything.
They are, just do what everyone else does and mash and you'll win.
>Bore Fighter 5
>when evo is pulling down almost close to a 1 million live viewers.
The fuck are you talking about retard? EVO barely manages 200k even at its best games in terms of viewers (SF and Melee)
it worked for hungrybox
Marvel 3 also has a focus on resets and for touch of death's to occur there usually need at least 2 bars for DHC or TACs which can be broken out of which means gambling your chance of killing a character
There is also the factor of getting optimal hits for getting kills, managing conversions which may not be easy at times, the fact that starting out of grabs scales the damage so badly so killing out of it may be a struggle for most characters and meter and x factor efficiency
touch of deaths are not as free as anyone would expect since there are other factors to take into account, mainly the opponents x factor
Fact: EVO is about bringing popular fighting games at one big "super bowl" event. Melee is not only popular but is played at a very high level like most others.
Fact: Nothing is being forced, we simply coexist.
Fact: Melee doesn't need legitimization, it's proved itself enough over 15 years and would be 100% fine without EVO. Joey wants Melee in because it brings in numbers, hype, and money.
Fact: Melee had over 200k viewers last year. Defend that.
Some people respect it because it bring money and viewers.
it's more courtesy than anything really. You are not supposed to tell a retard that hes is retarded, even less reasons when they have money in them.
Fuck that guy, watching him in the smash 4 tourney was terrible, people cheering on someone who plays like your little brother.
And what's wrong with that? You're playing a videogame for fun, as long as the venue as AC and its comfy what's the issue?
You're not a top player.
You will never win a big pool.
You will never be sponsored.
What do you care about small venues? You're playing a videogame.
people still play ST and that game is what? Close to 20. its not going away. But unless someone comes in and supports the players with money, its going to be you and your friends in a basement or bingo hall.
>marvel 3 has been cucked by melee
feels good man
Smash has cucked so many games out of main EVO its not even funny.
Can't wait to see the tears of the animecucks that have to watch their shitty games on a cellphone stream.
My sides are waiting to implode.
>>his charge moves are all garbage and his normals are poor
Wow it's exactly like 3rd Strike then
if you're worried about glory for making pixels dance on a screen then your life priorities are six ways from fucked, dude
Money.... who the fuck sponsors melee, Nintendo? you got 2 years and then it is back to the bingo hall.
4th fact and first one literally state the opposite.
evo is not a day care center.
Smash doesnt really belong with real fighting games. Some people exploit them because they bring money to the table but that's it, nobody cares about smash except the manchildren and children that watch it.
Marvel had 816 entrants last year at evo. That's not bad for a game that is VERY niche in what types of people will play it, and is 5 years old.
>mfw the weekly FGC-Melee autism shitflinging thread is here
Because you think players are going to stick around if there isn't money to be had? You going to spend hours of your time for a 100 dollar pay day?
Smash-only events keep getting bigger every year.
What the fuck are you talking about?
How about the money to be won?
Do you REALLY think that the majority of the entrants actually think they have a shot at winning it all? There's a reason why it's almost always the same 20 guys in the finals of every game.
>who the fuck sponsors melee
Red Bull
Twitch (Amazon)
Just off the top of my head. And Nintendo has sponsored tournaments, just not many.
The large majority of people know they have no shot at winning , they go to tournaments for the experience of playing other people without being being limited to online which is never going to be like offline and to just socialize in general.
I don't really think it makes sense to throw things with no audience overlap into the same event personally but feel free to disagree.
I think it's a little forced man, there's no overlap between the two communities and there's a bit of tension.
I didn't say it did, I said maybe some melee players felt it did. I think you're being a little defensive and I think I've been pretty polite.
Defend it from what? I don't know what your deal is man. Melee is fine, I just don't know if there's really any overlap between the two communities.
Autism money. Millions of it.
About 0.001% of a game's community will ever place in worthwhile money.
Melee has NEVER had money and that never stopped it.
Why the fuck would the average SFV player care about the prize money when he has about a 0% chance to ever placing in money? Top 32 is almost always the same people.
Nobodies will never place on money. Money is irrelevant to 99.999% of players.
Prize money has never been a thing for melee. If it didnt stop it in all these it's not going to stop it now.
You should be playing to win and at the very least play to get better. And the amount of time it takes to get good at melee. Why even play when those 20 dudes are in another solar system when it comes to skill?
It's part of the human nature. Trying to be competitive.
Plus it's a lot of fun to attend to the events and the free redbull is fantastic.
that image is cracking me up
>you NEED to have the same players play each game
Gosh the Olympics suck so much ass... Why aren't the javelin players swimming and running?
Because money brings talent. Without money you don't have pros and people will find a real job.
Same could be said for just about any fighting game.
Actually, it's even worse.
Why the fuck does anybody that's not Asian or Japanese even bother to enter most fighting games when top 8 is just going to be the same Asian people?