What's Sup Forums's opinion on Japanese Scooby Doo?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on Japanese Scooby Doo?

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I love it.

They ruined whatever value it had by continuing it with spinoffs.

It's okay but people praise the main cast when most of them are absolutely shit.

The only good characters are kanji, dojima, and nanako. You can make a case for adachi as well

The story is okay but not great, the gameplay is decent, and the music is fantastic

The waifufag fanbase is awful like usual

Best game evah


I haven't played any persona games but I strongly believe Yukiko is best girl.

Going to be replaced by Japanese Lupin in a few months.

patrician taste coming through there.

>I don't know anything about her but I feel she's best girl

I'm an expert on these things, I can tell at a glance.