So now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this is the best FPS on the market right now?

So now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this is the best FPS on the market right now?


Battleborn is clearly the best FPS right now

Seriously, though, how is Battleborn?

>out for one day
>best on the market
If you finally decide to emerge from your mom's basement and are released into the wild that doesn't make you the best.


t. ONE THOUSAND players

No. It's already been forgotten. Notice no one is talking about it now? HMM...

A game without proper single player can only compete for the spot of the worst.


It has a full single player campaign with co-op. PvE and PvP multiplayer. 30 heroes, leveling, and thousands of different loadouts and ability specializations.

Overwatch is baby food compared to Battleborn

>So now that the dust has settled

People still love this dumb meme?

>tfw soldier 76 ends up being your best character
all you need is him and a tank to get shit done.

>complains about memes while posting a meme


>not this shit again
>a meme


Shit thread but I'm using it for my own purposes. Is the Origins edition definitive, ie is the character you get worth the 20 extra bones?

>So now that the dust has settled

No, Doom is.

Can we all agree right now that Widowmaker has a bit too much ass?

With its competition being:
Homefront The Revolution
New Doom
Far Cry Primal

I'd say it's probably the best FPS to come out in the past couple of months.

Also holy shit Far Cry Primal came out on March 1 and nobody's talked about it since a week after release. I totally forgot that existed.

I always do great with him, but he's so boring compared to the other characters. Its like playing CoD.

You don't get any characters with the Origins Edition, all characters and maps will be free. With Origins you get Tracer in Heroes of the Storm, a bunch of skins for the game, a pet for WoW, and some other bullshit.

If you REALLY like Blizzard games and haven't bought Tracer in HotS then you may want to pick that up, otherwise you'd be better off saving 20 bucks.

Why is everything a fucking meme?

>pick turret dwarf
>running to point behind a widowmaker

>Its a "everyone pick offensive and wont even stick together" episode

Fuck you I was gonna post that!

My brain say no but my dick say yes.

What should my average healing be per match? I'm at about 3400 right now and I can't figure out when I should be buffing them.

You starting the thread with this picture like an assnigger pretty much proves you don't care about actual mechanics and only care about waifus.

The Origins version comes with extra skins. Just get the standard version

>Play with some pub who added me to friends
>I get sick of shit shit cause he'll never play support
>Leave party
>Next game, up against him, his team doesn't have supports but mine does
>He rages in all chat about how his team doesn't have supports and they all suck

Jesus fucking christ. Is it really THAT bad to just pick up a mercy once in a while? I kind of enjoy it now and then.

Code Geass is a meme in and of itself. I mean, it did ruin Sup Forums.

What do you mean? As a mercy your goal is to just heal whoever needs it, and be a pocket medic for your pharah if everyone's fine. Just fly around as necessary. Also, don't fret too much about averages, if you have a really fast game then you're obviously not gonna do as much as a long game.

It's the best with a decent size playerbase at least.

Try game
>right now
Try ever released

How do i get gud with the best support?

i came for more lewd pics
am disappoint


>need to have direct line of sight for heal orb and orb of discord
>die in 1-2 hits from everyone

I don't know, man. Zenyatta is hard to keep alive

It's shit

t. Unreal Tournament

Finally, someone who isn't completely retarded on Sup Forums.

its the most casual yes
i am glad this shit is going to die after 1 month

I feel like playing zenyatta as a support is kind of like, the wrong way of doing things. He feels to me like he's kind of a front liner who sometimes buffs and debuffs. His damage output is really high so you probably play him like a sniper.

Terrible the hud is just god damn awful. So good luck trying to figure out what is happening half the time. There are only 3 multilayer modes not including coop and a handful of maps. I'd say it wasn't that bad but the worst part is the characters. They just are not charming in any way. So the writing is really off putting and certain characters are broken broken tier. Like once you get them never stop being them. Also its got shit in terms of teamwork. However in its defense I do like it's artistic style and the actual gameplay is pretty fun. Different characters play vastly differently from one another so it doesn't get too repetative. The only real issue I have is That the game suffers from a degree of length. Overwatch matches can be pretty short and you can go through them in about 10 minutes. So no problem there. Battle born you have matches last an average of 35 min + and it's usually decided who will win within the first 10 min. So it feels like it really wastes your time and jot in a good way

stop it Ireland. Nobody likes you and you're probably drunk. Go away.

It has 3000 concurrent players and it came out like, a month ago. There's a reason for that.

You are way too confident in people. It isn't going to die that quickly. Blizzard has put total fuckloads of money into advertising it, and the game was built FROM THE GROUND UP to pander to casuals, weabs, and e-niggers.

It's also pretty fun to play and it's got a degree of depth that's not apparent at first.

Yeah definitely, plus you don't really have to bother aiming or anything either, much easier to just press Q and call it a day anyways.

There's plenty of ways to counter S76.

Don't you mean the best of all time.

Nah man. Overwatch is pretty good, but Doom single player is also pretty good.

Everything else is sorta garbage though.

Does this have a single player campaign? It's worthless to me if it doesn't have a campaign.

Doom is.

I keep getting killed because widowmaker's ass is seriously distracting. I gotta stop each time and fap at the same time I play

>caring about single player in 2016


Then my answer to OP is DOOM.