Nightmare fuel thread


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>Starting off a spooky vidya thread with soulshit
D- see me after class

Why are souls monsters excluded? Not OP but wondering.

Souls doesn't have any scary shit.
They have disgusting shit like the sin hand blob thing.
They have annoying shit like the fucking crows and dogs.

But no genuinely spooky things.

No game has scary shit, they're fucking video games, movies, whatever. You see shit coming from a mile away and it's all clearly and obviously fake shit.

Stop being a pussy.

Is that portrait spooky game any good. About the mad artist and changing house?

>Ah yes, everything is fake so my rational brain can not get tricked into fear
Kill yourself autist.

No, I'm scared of heights, especially in things I can't personally control, passenger seat of a car up a mountain, planes, etc.

Stuff in video games just aren't scary, they can be unsettling or creepy in design, but flat out scary, no. Same goes for movies. If there was an invisible ghost or demon running around me right now I'd be a little freaked out, but video games and movie, nah.


>they can be unsettling or creepy in design,
That's what these things are for.