>FFVII has the far better story of the two (FFVII has the literally BEST storyline of all games ever made, so it's nothing but logic really), there's really no competition unless you're the single most biased person on the planet and have no real idea of what a good storyline is suppose to be or how it's suppose to be told or anything.
>>FFVII has the far better story of the two (FFVII has the literally BEST storyline of all games ever made, so it's nothing but logic really) This is why people consider FF fans a joke. Please stop.
Justin Perry
Andrew Myers
I was so disappointed.
Jayden Rivera
FFVII has the best atmosphere, writing, and plot in the series but holy fucking shit the gameplay sucks massive cocks. It's one of the most braindead games in the series.
Thank fuck for modders.
Jason Sanders
it's a good game even if it's over-rated though.
The best thing about the remake is going to be Aerith and Tifa, Tifa will be playable?
Ethan Collins
Its not about liking or hating FFVII. Its about sounding pompous and making people dislike the fanbase.
You're basically turning FFVII into Citizen Kane. People going off and spouting its the best movie ever just makes people hate it out of principle.
Jace Sanchez
Disk 1: Fun, but the story kind of takes a nose dive after Temple of the Ancients. Disk 2: Holy shit, everything is filler and plot twists Disk 3: There was a Disk 3?
Aiden Garcia
Luis King
Disk 1 > Disk 2 > Disk 3
Disk 3 is the final dungeon and boss.
Parker Myers
>Jenova is The Thing Mind blown
Hudson Young
u srs m8?
James Watson
Should have used his Dissidia look. He looks like one of the starving puppies on that sad commercial.
Jayden Myers
>FFVII has the far better story of the two
What "two"? What are you comparing it with?
Caleb Brown
With the other game who was supposed to be FF7 as well.
Chase Kelly
PS1 polygon final fantasies FFIX > FFVII > FFVIII though
Bentley Cruz
FF8 was an excellent game though. I hate these faggots who instantly dismiss it just because of some plot holes. At least it broke the mould and pushed the boat out with it's plot rather than FF9's safe rehashing of FF4s story.
Jayden Brooks
Tifa's breasts are too big for the remake.
William Richardson
>I hate these faggots who instantly dismiss it just because of some plot holes. Every FF game has plot holes. FFVIII did have three absolutely major ones. But still, FFVII has so many of its own, people are still debating over what the story even means 20 years later. And while fixing the story should probably be the major thing the remake focuses on, Nomura is actually going to make it even more convoluted. Not to mention splitting it up over 6 parts.
Anyway, all that ranting aside, FFVIII has a broken story just like all other FF games. But it is one of the few games that actually had a solid conclusion. And doesn't need a dozen sequels, prequels and remakes to 'fix' it.
Grayson Lee
FF7 had an alright protagonist FF8 had a shitty protagonist FF9 had an excellent protagonist
that's pretty much all the rankings come down to
Ian Wood
>FFVII has so many of its own Name one.
Camden Adams
Who was the protagonist in FF9 again?
Ian Cruz
Zinedine Zidane
Caleb Torres
The entire Midgar start is unnecessary to the story outside of seeing Sephiroth once.
Jason Sanchez
The football player?
Justin Fisher
half of Disk 2.
Brody Clark
Holy Materia
Isaiah Murphy
>they had an entire disc for just the last dungeon and 3 bosses (maybe 2 hours of gameplay)
They should have just cut some of the shit parts from disc 2 like the key of the ancients and just made it two discs
Cameron Perry
Squall is better than both
Sorry for your shit taste
Aiden James
Do you even know what a plot hole is? And the Midgar portion was necessary
What was the purpose of Mega materia on disk 2 if you can get Bahamut Zero on Disk 3 with the research thing?
Tyler Torres
Sephiroth is also kind of pointless since the main antagonists are actually Jenova and Meteor. Then you have the Turks, Hojo, Shinra President...
Man, if you really cut out all the fat, FFVII would be like a 10 hour game. But all that fatis actually what people think makes FFVII so great. Which is why Nomura is gonna add a ton more in.
Jordan Perry
I have completed FF9 but I don't remember this guy, now that I think about it, I don't remember any character
Cooper Baker
>There are people IN 2016 who still think Jenova was in control.
Your complaints with Squall are due to a bad localization. Not his actual character. But this is excusable since you would need to know Japanese to actually understand the difference.
Carson White
Jose Fisher
If its such obvious bait, you should be able to counter it.
Ryan Morgan
Dylan Butler
>spoiler Oh fuck you, you cannot tell me that bullshit was a great story. It was fucking retarded and had shitty characters that no one cared about
James Howard
Who are they and why did you reply to me?
James Perez
>I have completed FF9 but I don't remember this guy What the fuck?
Logan Long
FFVII story is literally a fanfic.
I just can't play FF because they're poorly written.
read a book niggers.
Asher Perez
While we're talking about FF...where in the fuck is my XII HD with trophies?
>inb4 "wahh trophies are gay ur gay"
Don't care, faggot.FFXII was the tits and anyone who likes X more should be imprisoned.
Carson Lee
Are you implying that those the characters from FF9? you are kidding. I've never seen them before
Connor Flores
>this bait
Ian Edwards
Give it up dude. Trying to argue with FF fans over which is the best or worst story is like trying to get Star Wars fans to admit the prequels were bad.
Nathan King
you will be impressed by FFVII story if you have never read a good fantasy book.
literally anime fanfic tier, which all anime is, fanfics.
Owen Stewart
>anything I don't like is bait
Chase Wilson
>I just can't play FF because they're poorly written. Perhaps the same could be said of all video games.
Dominic Reyes
FFVII is the best PS1 Final Fantasy. Best cast, best plot, best customization, best world, best variety, best pacing. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with it (that isn't wrong with every other FF), whereas VIII and IX have a shitton of problems that hold them down.
It's not necessarily the best game ever made, but it is certainly one of the series' high points.
Ayden Lee
Sebastian Campbell
my opinion is your opinion sucks. 12 is the worst besides 2 and the MMOs. wasn't even final fantasy i imported that shit, made it through the japanese menus somehow, got to the first battle and was like what the fuck am i playing
Joseph Bell
you perfectly summarized FF tactics.
Caleb James
I love FFT but it's a spin-off.
Also the plot kind of falls apart at the end.
Michael Allen
indeed, metal gear is barelly a conspiracy story with some sci-fi BS and robots. haven't seen uncharted, but it seems like typical hollywood crap.
TLoUS was american zombie TV show.
All garbage if you spend time watching classical cynema and literature.
only manchildren without taste think games have good stories.
Dominic Peterson
Your words are as empty as your soul Videogames ill needs consumers such as you
Kayden Fisher
And here comes the FFTactics idiots. The only fanbase that can out stupid FFVII.
Owen Hernandez
Yes, how dare a modern FF game not be a hallway simulator where the game gives you only one place to go for 85% of it. It's not even real Final Fantasy when the world is any good, it sucks!
Asher Harris
when i buy a game in a turn based rpg franchise i expect a turn based rpg
12 did not deliver on my expectations of the final fantasy franchise
13 sucked too but at least it was recognizable to me
Noah Murphy
Face it, FFVIII was a disaster in every important way.
Caleb Rodriguez
>FFVII has the literally BEST storyline of all games ever made this is true
Name one video game made today that will be remembered as fondly as "Infinite Jest" or "Game of Thrones". I'll wait.
Brayden Peterson
>Draw magic
Isaiah Morris
I have more apreciation for the story in Super mario world, doom and castlevania SOTN.
The best stories are: you're here, you have this world, you can do this shit and these guys want to kill you.
games need no more.
Jason Adams
with Xenogears. (Only Storywise but the dude went overboard with his shit for FF)
Justin Ward
Squall was a good character surrounded by retards, which made his personality clash too much with everyone else.
Tyler White
Austin Cooper
well to be fair its much more difficult to make an interactive story compelling and have good pacing and balance that with some kind of good gameplay than to just passively show something to an audience
Connor Nguyen
He didn't mention FFVIII.
Robert Bell
Michael Bennett
Okay but VIII was still a disaster.
Camden Thomas
>well to be fair its much more difficult to make an interactive story compelling and have good pacing and balance that with some kind of good gameplay
But FFVII didn't do any of this. The type of game you're describing would be something like Suikoden II, Chrono Trigger or Dragon Quest VIII. FFVII is the exact opposite of an interactive story and good pacing.
Jaxon Miller
i mean me personally i'll remember final fantasy 10 as fondly as some of my favorite movies
the public at large? probably not. get back to me when theres an annual video game awards show attended by celebrities on ABC
Oliver Ward
yeah i wasnt responding to the chain just saying in general. i actually agree. anything that takes me like 7 playthroughs to fully understand doesnt explain things very well
still a great game though
Justin Jenkins
it's really not >hey let's be idiots and do this crazy guy's dirty work for him when we could easily just not
Jack Bailey
Zack was the true hero of FF7
James Sanders
This, definitely one of the best written character arcs by SE.
Christopher Brown
>it's a spin-off. why does it matter? It's not like this series has any kind of continuity. It's not even thematically consistent.
>Also the plot kind of falls apart at the end. explain
Isaiah Rodriguez
And then the side character in his own game.
Matthew Diaz
I've gotta be the only one who wants to see Gift-of-the-Goddess-kun back in FFVIIR
Brody Brown
Cecil was the best protagonist
Thomas Martin
He was alright. I wish TAY didn't exist though.
Jordan Richardson
Infinite Jest is bullshit and faggy readditors just say it's great to look smart.