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literally who cares
no one thought it would be good
I guess Sup Forums's dream of vidyashit replacing capeshit won't come true.
Angry Birds will have 80.
>copy Lord of the Rings and Warhammer
>becomes a massive success
>make a clone of the Lord of the Rings movie series; which had tons of problems
>what could go wrong?
>pretentious variety critic giving a movie a bad score
what else is new? wait for more reviews. if it's still shit then, it's probably shit.
Armond White will probably like it atleast.
I'm not going to watch it because its good, I'm going to watch it because its Warcraft.
i didnt know this existed thank you user
if it starts off at 29 good chance its not getting any better user
Literally why we can't have nice things.
>This is what I've been waiting for for atleast 5 years
I won't even go watch it. I wish WoW was dead because there's at least some Dignity in death, but they've turned it into a walking corpse instead.
I recommend working on your reading comprehension. You'll enjoy Sup Forums more if you do.
I mean, even if LoTR had problems, it was still a pretty decent trilogy, definitely entertaining. I expect the same from Warcraft. It's just a movie anyway, no reason to get all worked up about it, just pirate it if you don't like Blizzard and you won't lose shit.
>video game movies
OP here ill probably still watch it next week, looks fun
like what exactly
Angry Birds wins the video game movie-off
They should have gotten whoever made the CGI scenes of Warcraft 3 to make a full feature CGI movie instead
>mfw just read the variety review.
It's a pretty shit one to be honest.
Literally could be summed up as "I haven't played the game and as a result I think everything is stupid and should be done for camp"
Good, It's what Bowie Jr. gets for dissing Tolkien over being white, but in the name of "progression"
This movie is probably shit but we all know disney kikes are paying for these negative reviews
>4 critics
>meanwhile the imdb score with 1000+ reviews is at 9,0
What is the basic scientific process..
>have to waste hundreds of hours on a video game series to enjoy a movie
Sounds like a really shitty movie
I'm going to go see it because its directed by Bowie's son. It looks so bad though.
casuals love lotr movies tho
yfw when Angry Birds is considered one of the good ones
>in a couple of years you will prefer Angry Birds over Warcraft
Who wuda thunk
Since all Blizzard is looking for is a quick cash grab from ticket and BD sales, Warcraft really don't have to be a good movie. They could literally take a shit in a toilet, film it for 2 hours, then sell movie tickets with the name 'Warcraft' on it.
But it also points to how Warcraft as a series is no longer about quality.
>it never had quality
>people in this thread literally spent childhoods, middle school years, high school years, and countless weekends, summers, and holidays playing WOW for most of their waking hours
>they look back at this time with nostalgia rather than regret for wasting their formative years
>for nearly a decade they have been waiting for a cinematic blockbuster to capture the universe they were engrossed in
>they get Warcraft
But is it realer than real life?
it's out I was gong to take a group of family members with me since they all played everquest back in the day
I thought they hired some studios for those scenes
what the fuck, it actually does
That isn't even what I said.
The reviewer didn't take the film seriously and thought it shouldn't have too because he knew it was based on a video game.
Thankfully I stopped caring after The Frozen Throne and didn't waste any of my life on WoW.
warcraft lore is retarded kiddy high fantasy and should never be played straight
now TES on the other hand would work well
It's weird to me how anybody thought the Warcraft lore was ever good. These film critics kind of prove that.
This. don't turn your fucking games into movies and don't turn your movies in to games. It's always medicore at best.
Good thing Angry "Stop Immigration Elect Trump" Birds is gonna be awesome
Dude, this guy didn't like Pacific Rim, Ant-Man or Jurassic World
maybe warcraft is just bad
>stop immigration
illegal*, he still needs dem cheap workers and dont you forget that
I see potential deja vu. This is going to be a loss no matter how many copies of WoW they bundle with tickets.
I don't know but it has nothing to do with this you dumb piece of shit
worked for Game of Thrones
you have to remember it wasn’t written by an old, white man in the trenches in World War I. It’s going to have a different vibe.
i dont know what this kino meme is
Nope. He wants to cut out Work Visas as well, especially H1B. The best way to raise the wage is through labor scarcity. When companies compete for your labor, you win.
Image folder screencaps were a mistake
This. The quote always make me rage and cringe at the same time.
>Dude, this guy didn't like Pacific Rim
How can you not?
The movie was pretty okay in general but it bombarded you with cool shit, good fight scenes and great CGI.
Mortal Kombat
Chronicles of Riddick
>now TES on the other hand would work well
Is even worse and much less entertaining. Dunno how you idiots can stomach that crap.
The problem is all these video games are just broke ass versions of books and movies to begin with. So what is the point of watching a movie that is based on a video game that is inspired by a book/movie? It becomes so intellectually removed at that point.
It is like the faggots who want an Uncharted movie.
We already have that, its called Indiana Jones.
so how much for a single ticket?
I thought this didn't come out for another two weeks?
But then who mows the lawns and ferries the fat ones around?
Modern Bethesda is as distanced from Kirkbride's crazy lore-making as they are from Obsidian's contribution to Fallout or what made Id-shootans good.
It would just be another Tolkien or GoT excursion.
Fuck off to furrafinity faggot.
I never got into Warcraft.
Should I be glad that I never did?
Game of Thrones isn't trying to copy Lord of the Rings. Its more like the typical shit you see on Adult Swim. As much sex and violence as they can put in there to grab attention, but no substance to the actual story.
Sup Forums was right again
The only way it could be worse is if it was directed by Uwe Boll.
>The movie was pretty okay in general but it bombarded you with cool shit, good fight scenes and great CGI.
I thought outside the acting it was a story of redemption for both humanity and the characters.
Its not the deepest movie but I enjoyed a lot of it.
Visuals mostly, quite like Tron : Legacy.
Not really, the 3 Warcraft games were really good
>TES lore is worse than warcraft lore
Yes and no. On one hand, you missed out on the three rtses. On the other, you didn't get to experience Blizzard and Metzen taking a shit on everything that made them good and popular.
Whatever your local theater charges.
It releases in a little over two weeks, yeah.
It's amazingly ironic, isn't it?
A movie that has extremely subtle hints at real world problems like immigration, is the best game movie in the past 2 decades. Not to mention the game the movie was based on was made from a stolen flash game concept.
Mortal Kombat wasn't bad for what it was. even Street Fighter was enjoyable.
But in the sense of animation, budget, production, and over all quality Angry Birds beat them.
I wonder if Japan makes any good video game movies. They're into that shit, right?
Watch the Warcraft retrospective on screw attack. The story is so cringe worthy you probably won't even make it through the whole thing.
no they wasn't, that meme le redpilled xD image is wrong in every single pannel
children and teenagers in tight-knit communities of people who know each others' faces and names
That is a big, fat lie.
There will never be a good movie based off a vidya.
Except for Mortal Kombat.
>tfw enjoyed all those movies
Things are looking up for this movie.
but they're all too fat
That dog knows what's up, and he's the only one acting appropriately.
How do you know?
>They're into that shit, right?
Sort of. They mostly make movies\series out of anime and shit, not video games. Plus, their games would be hard to adapt to movies anyway
This. Modern Elder Scrolls lore is boring. They use only scraps of the interesting, unique stuff.
Pacific Rim annoyed me because they picked the wrong character to be the protagonist.
I can't remember the names, but I remember that the asian girl was a way more interesting character than dudebro, especially with the stuff like the flashback scenes where she was a little girl walking in a completely destroyed city.
Uwe wanted to produce it iirc but Blizz basically said "nuh uh, fuck off, we can rape it ourselves thank you very much".
And they did, the absolute madmen.
>blizzard actually thought this was a good idea
>Bethesda makes a TES movie about Vivec that takes place between his betrayal of Nerevar all the way up to Morrowind
>bring Kirkbride back with full control of the script
>audience face's when
>Metascore: 100
>"What the fuck is CHIM?"
You haven't watched Adult Swim in years apparently
Critics may pan it but there is no way this will flop
Also got a 9 on IMDB so far
Bad game gets bad movie. More at 11.
desu, I promised myself I'd never watch the film on cinema nor pirate it.
With this metascore, I'm that much closer to keeping my promise.
Torrenting it would be spreading it around. I hate modern Blizzard.
>I thought outside the acting it was a story of redemption for both humanity and the characters.
Was it?
I watched it in theaters so I may have been too gripped by the action to think about it, but I never noticed any underlying tones in regards to redemption while watching it.
Might rewatch it and see if I pick up on anything.
anyone who emphasizes the good qualities of something instead of shitting all over it must be a ledditer!!!
i better call him out and then i'll fit right in! r-right guys?
FF:SW was a decent movie though.
Warcraft decided to ignore the GOAT RoC/TFT plotline in favor of the generic WC1 plotline.
and here I was hoping we'd get a Warcraft cinematic universe where they just sweep gnomes under the rug like the cinematics.