Where are you on the scale?
Horror games
I've never actually played a horror game
petrified when alone
jaded when with other people
depends on the game, too
Jaded for the most part, the first jump scare always gives me a jolt then I just play the game.
Horror games don't really do it for me anymore.
worst i ever get 2 to MAYBE 4 and id really like to play more game where i get to 4 but i imagine i usually make 3 face while feeling a bit of 4
I don't consider them games.
Sounds about right for me
I fucking love horror games but I cant actually play them. I have to watch friends play them or watch an LP.
There is something about KNOWING that something spooky is going to happen but I don't know how or when just cripples me. It's as if im not scared of the spooky monster but im scared of being scared.
Yes I know im a pussy
2, sometimes 3 if it's a very good game.
4 if i play permadeath modes
Deadspace 2 hardcore mode was scary as fuck.
What's the face for "immediately quits the game when if I get the feeling I will soon be scared". I have never lasted more than 5 minutes in a horror game.
Needs something between 4 "skill level never drops" and 5 "runs out of the room"
Ususally a 2, and that's only if I'm alone. Silent Hill P.T. is the last game I played where I had to stop because I was too scared to go on.
2.5 - spooked
The only two games that have ever genuinely made me nervous/scared while playing is the first few areas in Bioshock and Dead Space.
Terrified when alone, i masked my fear by laughing aloud when i'm with other people
I don't find games that scary just at times jumpy and the same with Movies the only scary movie out is Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
Depending on the game, 3-6
I thought Dead Space was pretty unnerving the first time I played it. But the only horror games I played up until that point were Silent Hill and I think Fatal Frame.
So 1-3. 3 if by myself, completely dark and there are gunshots outside since I live in East LA.
>Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
A cross between Jaded and Entertained depending on whether the games core mechanics are actually fun while disregarding the horror aspects.
Also Horror is the worst genre.
Yeah see how is that not terrifying adapt that into a game it'd be scarier that Silent Hill PT
I'm a 3. Games like Silent Hill really get under my skin.
it all depends on the game really.
original SH it was always a solid 3, did not leave until I saw every monstrosity in those games.
resident evil series was a 2.
Siren was a 3 because of the wtf and siren on ps3 with em bug ghost wtf was that?
Project zero more or less a 2 the jump scares don't get to me.
dead space a solid 1 was just jump scares upon jump scares.
Evil Within was a 2 since it was in another ones nightmare but did not contribute any disturbing images like other horror games havee.
Amnesia was a 2 did not get why people panicked over hur jumpscare and minor atmosphere. Soma had the same problem with me.
I rarely if ever play horror games, but silent hill 2 and amnesia both scared the shit out of me, i was a solid 3 while playing both.
>Games like Silent Hill really get under my skin.
Thats the point
It feel Silent Hill is less about the monsters and more about the oppressive atmosphere/sound effects
5, I just can't stand being spooked
Jumpscares in particular just prevent me from playing horror games entirely
But what about the scariest game of all
Corpse Party
Im A -1 because im chasing the monster!
You're a cool kid
RIP negro hand
4, sometimes 5
4 is pretty accurate. I love how some horror games can give me that thrill of terror, unlike anything else and I try to be as emerged as possible. I'd never play a horror game before 2 AM or with friends.
Entertained; except I dont find the gameplay fun so I dont play them
0. Horror games are boring as fuck.
that shit gave me nightmares nigga. Never mention it again.
What are all you guy's opinions on RPG maker horror games
This. Any kind of actual stress/fear in a horror game comes much more from not wanting to go into the menu and press the load button, because that just straight-out breaks immersion.
Now, spooky shit in non-spooky games is what gets me more than actual "i'm trying to scare you please be frightened" type games.
I'm a 3-4.
Also, playing Isolation or Dead Space in the summer with the fan off is tense as fuck. The oppressive heat adds to the game's atmosphere and it's awesome.
The game and visuals itself aren't that scary but the horror is in the details. Literally.
It's verbose and descriptive as fuck with all the horrifying shit to the point that it makes me feel physically ill at some points. Words can be fucking terrifying.
4 or 5. I have never played a horror game but I've seen horror movies and I absolutely can't stand them.
What's scary about it? Tried it out, felt like typical weeb shit and uninstalled.
Is layers of fear a spooky game
outlast was tough one but i paused alot.
what i did
anywhere between 0 and 2 depending on the game
4 to 5.
I fucking hate horror games. The fear that some decomposing thing is behind you or about to jump out stops me from playing them.
Where on that scale goes "bored, but will shit his pants on random jumpscare and probably gonna stab people that made him play that game"?
>What's scary about it?
>It's verbose and descriptive as fuck with all the horrifying shit to the point that it makes me feel physically ill at some points. Words can be fucking terrifying.
At least bother to read the whole post
You played the PC version? Play the PSP version with better art/cgs. PPSSPP is a thing.
I'd recommend giving it another shot. At least until you've reached a few bad ends.
>At least bother to read the whole post
Give me examples.
>I'd recommend giving it another shot. At least until you've reached a few bad ends.
I probably will, I want some creepy game to play but it just seemed "Meh".
Corpse Party has a pretty great OST
Any of those depending on the type of horror game.
Certain horror tropes really get to me, others I can shrug off without a problem.
Fearless. I do enjoy the atmosphere, gameplay, and enemy and level designs in horror games, though.
Games like Amnesia I can't enjoy, they just feel boring to me.
Somewhere between 5 and 3, depending on the game. Not gonna lie, I was a solid 5 while playing Alien: Isolation.
1 because horror games are fucking shit these days
>if you let her pee she dies
I enjoyed this game.
this is why I don't play most jap games
The Witch's House and Mermaid Swamp(?) were great, although I'm not quite sure whether Mermaid Swamp was actually made with the RPG Maker.
My first dead space playthrough was a 5
the vita version is also prettty good.
god your a wimp matthew
I typically have a blank face but I still feel terrified
If only they fixed the loading and framerate
Jaded. I have yet to play/watch someone play an actually scary horror game. I even watched my friend play that game that came out a few years ago that was supposed to be really good, it was made by a director I think (not PT)
>Give me examples.
You see this image? At this point in the game you're sat down for a good 5 minutes to read some pretty descriptive murdering for a group of children. Said murders are happening in a row while the children are blindfolded and immobilized, and you're "viewing" things from the perspective of the person last in the row so they get to hear all of it and you experience the thoughts before dead(like wanting the previous child to die faster so their death wails can stop). Each child is killed in different ways(one is repeated stabs in the abdomen, another having the head cut off above the jawline, and the last gets their eye stabbed out) and after they're killed they get their tongue's cut off.
Are there any good horror games that don't rely on jumpscares? Not too big on the horror genre. I'm looking for something that's more unsettling or disturbing instead of scary
Because you're a prude who can't deal with innuendo?
I found learning about All Gods' Village and its history in Fatal Frame II very scary and unsettling.
Jumpscare heavy shit is a 5.5 for me while the more traditional horror stuff is a 4.
Fatal Frame
Thanks lads
Not quite the same feeling because of participation
I don't think you can compare it like that. I love horror movies but I get easily scared by games.
>Mermaid Swamp
Never heard of this one
Silent Hill has very few jump scares. The horror is is the visuals/sound design
Give it a try. Personally, I enjoyed it a lot.
depends on the game, somewhere between 2 and 3 leaning closer to 2
Any good LPs of it?
Can't deal with buttered poopers?
I don't know, since I don't watch stuf like that. It's not that long or hard, so you won't be wasting too much time if you don't like it.