Post your Idle animation

Post your Idle animation

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This is a thread for Idle animations



>idle animation thread
>dancing gifs/webms

same retards who post fan art in "best vidya girl" threads instead of official art

kill yourselves niggers







Again, this is a post for Idle animations only

I think you might be retarded man.


Is this your idle animation?



Who is she?




No, I was very specific when I started the thread. It is for Idle animations.


>It's an "user claims to be OP to gain credibility" episode

those titties do not look large enough for that amount of jiggle. please forward my complaint to the person who made this gif, please.




Greet me mofos.

Whats wrong with your gif user? I can't see anything.

I think he means Idle as in "Eric Idle"

i think you might be a few IQ points short of 70

I hate to bring more autism into this thread but hardly any of these could feasibly be idle animations in a video game.

An idle animation occurs when the character is standing and not moving from his position.

For example, an animation where a character taps his shoe on the ground would be a good example of an idle animation.

A few no-no's in this thread arise from the dancing characters in this thread, which seem far too erratic and lively to be an idle animation.

Another one is where a character is sitting. You could make a case for this and say your character might be in a wheelchair or another sitting device, but otherwise this would only really be viable as a sit animation, which is usually separate from an idle animation.


looks like fresh pasta to me

sure thing boss

Me on the left

The main chick from dance dance no dungeon

I see what you fucking did there OP, and now I feel like an old cunt for getting it. Fuck you kids.

Me on the right

Now Tayne I can get into


Me on your mom!

Me on the middle
















what's your battle idle animation, Sup Forums?

I get bored easily


>Cuphead Final Boss

>no sex
What's the point?


RIP, Alan Young.

>nobody knows who Eric Idle is
Fuck you underage faggots


Literally several post already pointed it out faglord.

Does every post need to reference it for you to be happy?

Holy shit brianna wu is looking terrible


final episode when

>getting this desperate for (You)s from your not so funny references
Aside from you being a complete and utter fucking faggot user John Cleese is the superior python.


>not Chapman

Cleese is based as fuck though.



With a capital I. Eric Idle. OP was being clever, you young shitcunts.





I am lurking!!!!

Can you show me a nude Tayne?

With sound too.

June 19


of course it would turn out to be gay.

thanks anyway though user.



there's a lot of sex in Rondo Duo what the fuck are you talking about



The day Sup Forums completely missed the joke



The only joke I see her is you user for even thinking of having a shred of comedic genius in your entire body. Back to the drawing board for you!

