Literally impossible. Been stuck on this fucker for 2 days. So aggressive. Even his first form fucks me up

Literally impossible. Been stuck on this fucker for 2 days. So aggressive. Even his first form fucks me up.

I'm done with fromsoft for good. Fuck you, stick to memeborne from. I don't want any more PC games from you hacks. Fucking bullshit hyper aggressive enemies.


_____________git gud

Think of how many people already beat this game
You are worse than every single one of them

He's really easy though

He's pretty easy honestly. Those teleport attacks are really telegraphed and when Lothric joins the fight he adds nothing but like two attacks.

Memorize his atack patterns.
On his second form atack his back with fast weapon.
Learn to dodge fast when he disappears.
Always stay close to him.

One, two princes kneel before you. That's what I said now.

1. Take all of your shit armor off
2. spend fifteen minutes just dodging him or until you memorized his attack patterns
Works for every boss

The only part that really has any semblance of real challenge is in the second phase where you have to contend with all those little magic shitbits coming at you, while also dealing with *teleports behind you* at the same time.

Just summon you faggot.

I'm serious, my little sister beat him alone.

>tfw helping faggots like op beat these guys without using a shield
20 something sunlight medals well earned


Unlike DS1, this game is hard as balls if you try to shield your way through it instead of rolling all the time.

nameless king, twin princes, and soul of cinder are all literally spam roll to win bosses.

Once you realize that and equip carthus bloodring its a cake walk

literally spam roll and you win

>literally Gower's ring: the boss

Can't Miyazaki come up with anything new?

Pirate copy, can't summon anyone.

I'm shit, I know.

>not using a greatshield

>pirate copy

What's your level and build?

i lit this fool up with soul spears to the face.

Continue to use a greatshield, it worked the last 2 days like you said

Just get a FUGS and hyper armor that nigga

It literally werks for PvE

The only greatshield that's even remotely useful against later bosses is a +5 Havel's. And even then, it's much easier to just roll through the attacks than to waste stamina blocking.

the greatshields are a crutch my man
Unless we're talking PvP, because there is no counter to a two handed greatshield shitter

Fuck you, fuck every last one of you, this word used to mean something and now the English language lost it without having found any proper substitute.

It's a meme
Sup Forums loves memes

Literally fuck off

except it makes sense in this context because if you were to tell someone to figuratively employ a moveset or strategy they wouldn't literally do it and therefore continue to lose to the boss.

I switched to it, before that I couldn't even get past his first form.

Sword and greatshield are maxed.

>Literally impossible


>Pirate copy

>45 STR
>using a weapon with D scaling

Oh wow i beat this nigger using the firekeeper set and the morne's greathammer at level 80

Use a better weapon you asshole, they shower you with a bitchload of upgrade shit

>Use a better weapon you asshole

Like what? Everything else is slow as fuck.

Get another sword and infuse it with heavy
Any other sword will do better even a normal longsword, but i'd go with an UGS or Greatclub

>Admits he's shit
>Tells people how to play the game
You do think about what you're typing, right?

Deadly Maracas

The universally frowned upon bestoc

>all of OPs posts

Jesus fuck you are shit at this game. Pc gamers should have never been given dark souls.

Any straight sword with heavy infusion will be just as fast with tons of str scaling
Stop using drake sword 2.0

you use a shield. You're the problem here. Go fight a real mans boss like The Nameless King and then I'll listen to your whining.

I beat the whole game using WKGS because that shit is great since it deals extra damage against any enemy with Dark affiliation. If you didn't get the spinny-meme sword from the Wolf's Blood Soul you can transpose it.

The hardest attack is when he drops from above, but even then its dodgeable. Try to work on your reaction time if you are getting hit by the charging attack.

There are no excuse to get hit by any other attack, even though the killing speed will depend if you can hit both princes with the same hit.

Is this your first souls game?
If so why didn't you play the other ones?

That reminded me i haven't beaten that asshole using Mornes great hammer

You must be on PC. Git gud PC casual.

It has C scaling with STR.

This guy was easy as shit compared to the other bosses like Dancer

try pic related :^)

>he hasn't picked up the memesword

because he had to jump on the bandwagon while it was still here. Since he couldn't beat it he decided to shit post about it instead, but either way he's here now getting the attention he hoped for.

>spends way too long caressing his brother's hand
>close up of his lips
>sensual whispering
>Riiiise if you woooould

I played and completed DaS1 including beating kalameet. Skipped 2.

So what fucking weapon should I be using? All other weapons hit so slow.

Which memesword?

How is it possible to be this bad?

We gave you the name of all the meme op weapons nigga

>So what fucking weapon should I be using? All other weapons hit so slow.
literally any straight sword


>Drake Sword
Use the dark blade like everyone else. and invest in the fire buff from your local pyromancer for the sword. It does a fuck ton of damage and works just as well as the blade you're using.

You beat DS1 and still don't know how scaling works?

Any staight sword like the short sword or the longsword has almost the same moveset as the sword you have now and at +6 already way more damage than your sword with heavy infusion
Or jsut use a huge fucking club or UGS and kill them in 5 6 hits

Claymore any good?

the dark sword

thats not a straight sword, thats a Great Sword

Straight swords include
-Long Sword
-Dark Sword
-Astora's Straight Sword
-Sunlight Straight Sword

That gay brother fucker gets his big gay brother to help him out, so you're allowed to summon someone for that fight.

longsword + raw gen +10

Never cared about scaling. I went for weapons that hit hard and very fast in DaS1. Worked fine apart from a few areas but I still got through the whole game.

>implying he isn't baiting for exactly this response
Good job.

That's what the OP is using

You gonna complain about how slow that shit is, try the dark sword/estoc like every shitter

yes and it can be used to beat the entire game from start to finish.

Every attack he follows through so hard just dodging into it opens up his back so completely for a few hits. Makes both forms so easy. Not to mention he is affected by bleed.

Stream it OP
For live feedback

Bosses being aggressive isn't the problem, getting killed in two hits by just about anything regardless of what you're wearing or using is.

i play on sony

Fug, don't think I have any of them. Don't tell me they are hidden off somewhere?

>I didn't upgraded Vigor:the post

No he wasn't.

Not me. I'm PC

Oh my.

Irithyll SS is literally the drake sword

Disregard this, I'm retarded.

the long sword can be bought from a number of merchants or found in the first area of the game called Lorthrics high wall or some shit

the dark sword is found just after Farron Keep before Abyss Watcher bon fire, the two dark wraiths that walk towards that gate have them

Astora's straight sword is also in Lothrics High Wall area and the Sunlight Straight sword is found in Lothric castle before Twin Brothers boss

Kill the Dakrwraiths outside the Abyss Watchers bonfire, they can drop Darkswords. Upgrade it all the way with a refined gem and you're set. It hits almost as hard as and has almost as much range as something like the Claymore but swings a lot faster and uses a lot less stamina.

You can buy short sword or just use the broadsword which is pretty much the same as the longsowrd. If you haven't found the broadswrod then you just rushed through every area

Dude even with DrakeBlood Armor and 50 vig you die in 2 hits to almost every boss, don't even get started on potential counter hits

Why? I'm not even trying to be a smartass here, but how are you people having so much trouble with DaS3? This boss... It took me one try to beat him.

I remember people bitching and moaning over flamelurker, false king, maneaters, capra demon, ornstein and smough, gwyn, manus, gascoigne, son of kos...

But souls 3? Yes, there are some hard bosses. Actually, I love every boss in souls 3, is the game with the best boss lineup in the entire souls series, but they are not that hard.

I don't remember seeing people complaining this much in previous souls games.
Souls 3 is not that hard...

PC players and people that jumped on the hype bandwagon

Upgrading past 27 isn't worth it due to massive diminishing returns. You'd have to get it well above ~40 to get enough extra HP for it to make any sort of noticeable difference.

lorian lothric and i all had massive erections during that fight

What the fuck is the OP serious

After fighting Nameless King and Champion Gundyr this boss was a fucking pushover and I did it on like the 3rd try

First form is easy, second form is harder just because any hit takes out at least 1/2 your health and you have fewer openings to heal.

>Pirate copy

I actually beat Champion Gundyr yesterday with the same build as He wasn't that hard. I was maybe 2 levels lower. I just tanked everything and fucked him up.

Most of his moveset can be parried. Just fucking do that.

If you can't parry and can't dodge and aren't running a high stam/greatshield and 9-10 Estus isn't enough to beat him, maybe you should pack it in there champ.

Lothric knight sword is pretty good, too. Dropped by Lorthric knights, obviously, and sold by Greirat after returning from Irithyl

whats the objectively best halberd im looking to do some out ranging and rolling away infinitely


Dark Knight Halberd

You fuckin casul

Then how are you losing to the princes?
Use the pillars if you need to.
Just stream the game and we can see your mistakes

>Broken PVP
>Shit weapon balance
>Significantly less replay value than DaS1
>Can run inexplicably poorly depending on your machine
>No demo
I see plenty of reasons to pirate until it's significantly cheaper.

I played a good 80 hours and enjoyed the game, but let's be real here. It's just not as good as DaS1, closer to BB in terms of replay value.