10 years of Gabe newell bullshitting people about Half Life 3. Feel old yet guys?
10 years of Gabe newell bullshitting people about Half Life 3. Feel old yet guys?
>half life 2 is 12 years old
>A former translator for Valve Corporation is suing the game maker for more than $3 million, alleging that her supervisor at the company created a hostile work environment by referring to her as "it" following her sex reassignment surgery, according to the suit obtained by Polygon.
>The employee, who is identified only by initials in the lawsuit, also says that Valve fired her after she complained to human resources about the company's practice of "utilizing people who were interested in their products to provide translation services for free."
Its funny because its not like valve cant afford to make it, its not like they can hire the best employees to make it, they just dont want to for no reason. Yet you fags worship this fat fuck.
>Half Life 1 is now 45 years old
nobody has worshipped gabs fat greedy ass for like 7 years
3 million bucks is a drop in the bucket for them, theyll just settle and pay he/she hush money
nice try newfag
until the summer sale rolls around the corner.
I just want an explanation. It's not because they are scared, and if it's just because they don't have to then there is no reason for them not to just release it.
I bet most of the team there at valve are getting pretty bored
>Freeman's Mind will finish Hal Life 2 Episode 2 before HL3 exists
yeah, when reddit starts sucking him off. no surprises there.
Its funny because if they made HL3 vr vive exclusive, it would sell like crack
>tfw you were in high school with a full head of hair the last time half life was relevant
>watch vid
>gabe gets older and fatter over the years
>his smile and optimism start to die
he stopped giving a fuck around 2011
It really wouldn't, not many people have vive and not many people can get the vive to many many years.
>plus they would never make it vive exclusive. They would get more hate than cod still making future games
Ruh roh. 2008 was a turning point for Gabe. He went from "It's gonna be great" to "I went too far in some places"
Gabe on the HL2 in-game commentary said he told his company that money wasn't an object when they made the game. They just worried about releasing a fantastic product.
Now apparently, after they gained control of the entire market with Steam, making the retardedly most money possible DOES matter, since they said they're only interesting in releasing games with microtransactions. MAKES NO SENSE>
>Poorfags haven't seen the HL3 easter egg in The Lab
>you can actually pinpoint the year when his optitmism rips in half
Yo yo hold up, hold the fuck up. It's that easy now to extort money from big companies?
>start working at company
>casually drop that I identify as otherkin now
>insist to be referred to as xir
>some co-worker slips
>sue company for discrimination and rake in millions
Is that all it takes?
Hey, Gay Ben, I don't know no nothin' anout no video whatsits but you look like a fine coneesour of pizza rolls. Do you want some? I have them, in my basement. Ignore all of the creepy sex dungeon things and the bodies. They add to the flavor
you can sue over anything the biggest hurdle is getting a judge to award you what you want. if you go into a lawsuit with a stupid claim you'll likely end up paying both yours and the defendants lawyer fees when they counter sue you for wasting their time
>Literally being a blacksmith
>"So when's episode 3?"
>"These things take time"
>Goes back to blacksmithing
I call bullshit.
>Hurr durr they're suing because they accidentally didn't use a made up word once
No, they called he/her or whatever "it"
If you don't see the difference, you're retarded
it is an "it" head ass
I wish people weren't so impatient. im with gaben, id be pissed that these dumbasses keep asking about it
Haha, you watched the video too?
>No, they called he/her or whatever "it"
Ah shit. It's good to know that valvedrones have been lying to defend their precious company.
Persons aren't it. Gender neutral is "he."
why do people still care jesus christ
find something better to do
>Released on October 9th, 2007
Very old.
>trannys confirmed to not handle bantz
They ain't gonna make it. Whatever they make, it's not gonna stand up against what people are expecting. It's better to keep the hopes up than outright killing them with a shitty game.
They he should give us a straight fucking answer
They he should give us a straight fucking answer...
If Valve had a response other then dead radio fucking silence, I'd have more sympathy.
The Duke Nukem Forever of our generation. I can't wait to get off this ride.
That scene always triggers me, his brain doesn't get pierced yet he drops dead
Vapourware\development hell hall of fame
Duke Nukem Forever; 15 years, shit
Mother 3: 12 years, great
Prey: 11 years, decent
The Last Guardian: 9 years, unreleased
Too Human: 9 years, shit
Half-Life 3: 9 years, unreleased
Beyond Good and Evil 2: 8-9 years, unreleased
TF2: 8 years, good
DOOM 4: 8 years, mediocre
Zelda WiiU: 6 years, unreleased
You'll just get onto a flaming car wreck. That's what happened with the Duke Nukem Forever guys.
He's a literal billionaire, gets no sympathy from me.
if he gave even half a shit it would either be out or cancelled and we wouldve stopped talking about it years ago
The worst thing about being left on a cliff hanger for 9 years is all the people who have died waiting.
I knew one personally
>tfw never played half meme 1 or 2
feels good
he straight up said no one there cares anymore.
not really lying.
Kid Icarus: 21 years, shit
Red Alert 3: 7 years, ok
Citation needed
Blame this.
why would it be out already when they are barely done with their new engine, Source 2. Holy shit you are retarded. No wonder Gaben doesnt give you idiots any info
if half life 3 was released what other game would we bitch about not being released? Gabe knows this and is doing us all a huge favor by sacrificing himself for the greater good. all praise gaben
>Kid Icarus Uprising is bad
Are we on Bizarro Sup Forums?
>The portable Cleveland Steamer
wew lad
They he should give us a straight fucking answer....
he bleeds out
Prey 2
did gabe even direct the games? what does he hawve to do with anything? why does no one ever mention anyone else at valve?
Star Wars 1313
Megaman Legends 3
Maybe if there was literally ANY news about it, like even a "Hey guys, yeah, we're making it"
they've stated several times. feel free to look if you don't believe me.
nice source
>implying implications
You said something incredibly specific, I don't have to bust my ass to find your source
I'd rather them say that then be this grossly incompetent. I hope they're not working on it.
Starcraft: Ghost
>bust my ass
>doing a google search
THERES A PREY 2?!??!?!?!?!?!
It'll be announced at E3 this year.
I can feel it.
>being mad at a company for not just pumping out some shit they arent happy with
FF Vs 13
You are just as bad, if not worse for having a picture of that scumbucket.
>googling a quote
>at all accurate
>saying how easy something is
>proceeding to not do it for his own post
Epic memeing going on here
>Wii U exclusive
Kek, valve would be announcing more games for Wii U than Nintendo this E3
Yep. And it's never seeing release, despite being mostly finished because PUBLISHERS.
that was very likely an absolute shit game to be honest, i'm glad it wasn't released.
Is valve even making games now?
I know Dota 2 and cs:go is kinda new and getting updates but it feels like valve doesn't care anymore about games.
man i dunno, the first PREY was very good, i doubt a sequel could do better, also how the fuck could they make a story after how the first one ended? oops i missed the sun?
They're doing something.
We know Source 2 exists, so they must be doing something with it.
The community is making more for Dota 2 than valve is, they're just packaging community made stuff into $2.50 boxes and calling it a day.
>doom 4 mediocre
their popular games and steam require a lot of resources to support.
honestly tho Steam was a pile of shit back when Valve was making games full time. I'm glad they made it better instead of pumping out portal 5. i remember the fucking steam friends was broken for like an entire year.
oh look an outlier sharing his subjective opinions on widely acclaimed games, yawn
So the same team that works on steam app is the one that makes games?
Could be, workers can be shifted to basically any project.
Why do people still defend valve?
Why do people still defend any company like the corporate cock sucking slaves they are is beyond me
Half life 3 will be an RPG
is that even a thing
sorry user
looks like the game got trashed around 2011 trashed
Don't tell me these are the fucknuggets from that Spanish translation scandal thing from a while ago.
the gender issues element is irrelevant, but the drama surrounding the STS is real and very troubling. people are rightfully apprehensive about the advancement of the 'gig economy' and coercive unpaid 'crowd-sourcing' replacing actual employment, and what Valve was doing with the STS was one of the most egregious examples yet seen.
>calling defensible opinions bait