How BTFO can sonyggers get? Sony builds the most needlessly complex hardware, and PC bros are already on the cusp of emulating it flawlessly. Screencap this: by next fall, PC users will be emulating Persona 5 for free.
How BTFO can sonyggers get? Sony builds the most needlessly complex hardware...
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They're doing gods work man.
(You) as someone who has a pc but not a ps3. I wish that could emulate some ps3 games, but that's no more than a dream
if i can play heavenly sword in 1080 60 ill cum my pants off
This is DX11 right? I heard the Wiiu emulator was making huge strides but it had to use DX12 to do it
>Sony builds the most needlessly complex hardware, and PC bros are already on the cusp of emulating it flawlessly
And it only took them like what? 10 years? And it doesn't even run properly also how's the og Xbox emulation?
Hey retard, how about watching the video before posting?
Get back to me when I can play Tales of Vesperia undub in 4k 60fps.
wait can i play hot shots golf: out of bounds on my PC now?
Wow, you must really hate people interested in video game history and preservation and stuff. I guess sonnygers are the people that give Sup Forums the rep that it hates vidya.
Call us when they get to PPSSPP, Dolphin or at least PCSX2 levels, in order of best to worst.
Cute deflection but I'm not a sonyfag
But I think it's pretty retarded to brag about taking a decade to crack a console while hackers hasn't even figure out how the original Xbox works
>first cemu
>now this
All we need is some microsoft emulators now
I think this is awesome. I have a PS4 but my gaming rig is even stronger. HD mods ho! Do they have an og xbox or xbox one emulator in the works? Doesn't Xbox One run on something similar to Windows or some shit?
soon I'll be able to play the resistance trilogy
just because you can doesnt mean you should
If they use fuckery to get M&K working like how those adapters do it, I don't see why he shouldnt
>This is DX11 right?
its Vulkan API which is way better than DX 12. DX12 is only windows 10.
Vulkan API is crossplatform based and works on every OS therefore will most likely be the future.
Pretty sure you can emulate whatever you want if you get an stable emulator to work.
>PlayStation 3 emulator
But there are no games to emulate...
Kek, how far behind is emulation? You Pkeks should be easily emulating PS3 by now and instead you're struggling with PS2 and the fucking Wii.
eh resistance was alright
but there are much better shooters on the ps3
>fresh crispy clean 2008 memes
PS4 can emulate steam, get rekt faggot
Tick tock...
We'll have your precious little PS4 games running on out big powerful PCs very very soon...
Post YFW you aren't a PCuck
So it's still the same trash with no games
>PS4 can emulate PC games
>literally at 15fps
Until Jojo's All-Star Battle runs well on it, I'll shed no tears of joy.
Most of the PS3 libary is also on PC.
in a few months or less u fucking retard
RPCS3 exists for about 3-4 years now. Before that some people probably tryed a little, but only them got any significative progress.
Who are u quoting fuccboi?
you are fucking retarded and miss the entire point of emulation. Go back to your cave.
You can probably buy a real ps3 for the price of a McDonalds value meal right now.
whatch out the edge guys!!!
fuck that trash, i want 60fps, custom textures and insane resolutions.
What's the point of emulation when the PS3 is at the end of its lifespan and you can definitely pick one up for way cheaper than you can build a PC that's able to run this? I'm sure this is exciting from a technical standpoint though. Surely it means PS3 backwards compatibility could be possible on the PS4, or if the PS4 isn't powerful enough, it could at least come on the PS5?
10 years just blows right by
By like 2020 yeah. Also ps4 exclusives are overrated. BB was good but it ain't that good.
Also PC pals have double standards
>consoles suck PC master race :)
>create a petition so they can get a port of a console game
>spend years creating emulators that don't even work properly to get games they didn't petition
Make your minds up guys do consoles suck or not. You clearly yearn for their games.
That's not happening anytime soon.
all this work to emulate demon's souls and nothing else.
I mean.. what? MGS4? You can just watch it on youtube, it's the same experience.
>Tfw demons souls emulation
How's that edgy, nigger?
I'm not quite sure if you people really understand how incredible this is.
Allow me; There's a game on PS3 called Bayonetta that ran like absolute shit. What if.... what if this fixes the issues and the game runs at a smooth 60fps?
Given that this console generation is basically just HD remasters of last gen games, you could just get a PS4 and play most of the PS3 games worth playing at 1080p 60fps. Also a lot of weeb shit on the vita/ps3 seems to be coming to Steam now.
Who fucking cares
But why would you create an emulator that emulates nothing?
He isn't quoting anyone, get your memes straight.
Hopefully nowhere. Piracy and emulation would kill any hopes we have of getting a Vita successor.
>Still no OG Xbox emulator
For fuck's sake my console's been busted for the last 10 years, I just want to play JSR Future again
Demon souls, MGS4 and dragons crown are the only good games on PS3. Everything else is HD collections.
>emulate steam
>i say words i don't understand
I get your joke but come on kiddo
Because that's what happened with the PSP, right?
oh wait
I love my vita, stop making shitty jokes about another Sony handheld
Don't (You) me or my wife's son's post ever again.
>didn't own a PS3
>just want one for MGS4 and DeS
>never HD remake
WiiU version exists. Even comes with an expansion pack.
This game is shit, I bought a Vita only to play it.
At least I got to play Vanillaware games and Digimon.
>Still no OG Xbox emulator
Wasn't the joke here that there is near to no documentation for it and never was or some shit and the hardware is cryptic and custom as fuck?
Buying a OG xbox faggot, you can literally get them for 20 bucks
>og xbox is dead
Fuck I wanted to play ninja gaiden and metal wolf chaos
How do you do this shit I'll make one myself fuck it
you don't understand, do you? consoles suck, but emulating a console on a PC you can change resolution, sometimes framerate (or at least get rid of fps dips), get better textures, antialiasing, anisotropic filtering, use any input method you prefer etc.
>emulating it flawlessly
yeah he COULD pay hundreds of dollars to play software that'll be free on the PC in the short-term future.... but that doesn't mean he should
also that won't get him access to modified software/ISOhacks, bad deal desu
>wanting to play the worst metal gear game's incredible...I can finally do what the 360 and Wii U already managed...
Sony would have made more money if not for piracy and emulation. People who want to play PSP games would have to do it the legal way. Just because it sold well anyways doesn't mean that it didn't effect sales. Sony put way more effort into securing the Vita for a reason.
consoles do objectively suck
their games can be worth playing though
exclusivity only benefits the seller not the consumer
games are games no matter which platform they originate from
>only paid professionals work on emulators
>you are not limited by various reasons on windows
>it only took them 10 years
>muh playstation muh games
Couple of dedicated dudes make an ps3 emulator. You can boot up a game with couple clicks and run them whenever you like. Im fine with that.
Actually, that set up is a Steam Machine Setup.
>PS3 emulator
Unless I can play Vesperia I dont care.
PCucks are poor
Sony profits more from software sales than hardware sales.
>Make your minds up guys do consoles suck or not. You clearly yearn for their games.
That's literally like saying "if you hate VHS so much than why are you trying to watch vhs-only movies?"
VHS may have sucked, but that doesn't mean every VHS tape sucks too.
Just like Microsoft does since they're also selling their consoles at a loss.
The only one that isn't doing that bullshit is Nintendo
>Persona 5
>implying PS3 version will be localized
Is there any promising wii u/ds/3ds emulator in the works?
>yeah he COULD pay hundreds of dollars
The price difference between a normal PC and one that PC gamers build/buy is also hundreds of dollars. I just spent $800 on my PC and I haven't even gotten a graphics card yet (waiting for Polaris). I don't get the hate for consoles from PC gamers. For $300, you can't build a computer (with a Windows license because you can't game without it) that competes with a PS4 unless you resort to using used parts and shit.
Bayoneta will be shit even at 300fps.
The point is that I can add that emulator to my collection of other emulators and have this mega games machine with access to more shit my 13 year old self would never believe
I mean if someone told me I can play all these things on some stupid pieces of metal 10 years ago I wouldn't believe you
I don't want to wait for every generation to end just to waste more shelfspace with big loud boxes and buy used games when I can have the world on a HDD
Think of the bigger picture my man
This is legitimately impressive. I'm pretty excited to see what it will look like in a year or two.
All I want is Persona 5, Catherine and MGS4 for MGO2 since MGO3 sucks dick.
Emulation is great, but why are you trying to brag that they've finally put together a semi-working emulator for a console that's already on it's last legs and has been out for close to a decade?
>emulating games flawlessly
>emulating games flawlessly in 2020 after anons have already played them.
I understand preservation, but do cucks like being this secondary and elitist?
Have you been living under a rock?
CEMU being a VERY promissing WiiU emu.
Citra being the 3DS one that also looks pretty promissing so far
Cemu runs the hd zeldas pretty good from what I've seen, with minor issues and no sound though
Persona 5 for PS3 isn't likely to get localized
Save MGO servers are shit
It will become increasingly difficult to find PS3s and PS3 games in the market at some point. With emulation there will forever be a way to enjoy those games.
>minor issues
>no sound
Do you realize making the sound work will trigger more issues with the emulation, right?
If you can't 99% emulate a system before you can buy said system for $50 used on craigslist then you've failed. This is cool but pretty much pointless at this point.
Desmume worked great for DS emulation years ago.
you can hack a 3DS and download whatever game you want for free. at this point you need a flashcard for DS software.
if nobody made an emulator for dreamcast or xbone, i can't imagine why anyone would waste their time writing an emulator for wii u's library of four crappy games the price difference between a standard rig and a not ridiculous gaming rig is the same cost as a PS4. with the PC you get an extensive library that expands every day, or you could take that money, spend it on a PS4, and wait for the last guardian. tough call.
>PC bros are already on the cusp of emulating it flawlessly
If you consider 20 years "already", then sure. You know it will take another 10 years to actually run anything flawlessly.
>It will become increasingly difficult to find PS3s and PS3 games in the market at some point
You can still easily find fucking Atari consoles and Colecovision, user. You're talking DECADES at the worst.
NES/SNES/PSX and Nintendo handhelds were prime time emulation.
Games were hard to find, and emulation was relatively easy.
Now we're in a generation with downloadable games, endless copies, backwards compatible consoles and high difficulty to emulate.
Would it be possible to get all the DLC shit while emulating PS3 games? Like all that shit from Disgaea for example?
>Buy 1000$ PC
>Just to play console games
What a surprise.