New game when?

New game when?

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What would they even do for a sequel, though

Chell is out of Aperture now and all the other human test subjects are dead

>Portal 3 or L4D3 before Half-Life 3

who cares

>Portal 1: free
>Portal 2: $50

What the fuck happened?

Cave solo game when?

>user is retarded
What the fuck happened?

we explore the ruined world with our portal gun

Portal 1 was packed into the Orange Box, portal 2 was sold as a standalone

They did actually have a budget for Portal 2 instead of some team members dicking around making a mod.

Still, Portal 1 was a lot more fun than Portal 2 which wasn't worth its price tag at launch.

>Portal 1 was packed into the Orange Box

Yes, but it also a free download if you bought the launch version of HL2.

Not everything needs to be a franchise that's milked to death. Portal 2 ended with her being free. That's a good ending point.

>Portal 1: no advertising needed
>Portal 2: couldn't go five minutes without seeing a shitty meme-tastic commercial on tv

That's when I knew Valve was dead.

>buying hl2 for $60

Portals only work on moon-paint now, i.e. the worst retcon ever

We are currently losing up loose ends in the Half Life and Portal Universes as well as creating a new engine called Source 2. We hope that gamers will be patient during this time

um, didn't portal 1 have all sorts of surfaces where portals didn't work on? how is that a retcon?

It ALWAYS worked only on the white-coated surfaces, user.

i juts realized why the character is a woman, cause if it were a guy you could just cum all over everything to make portals.

Set it in the universe where Aperture bought out Black Mega and Cave shut down the experiment that fucked up the Half Life universe in advance because even he could see it was a stupid idea. Portal 3 starring Gordon Freeman.

It was never explicitly-stated that portals only worked on moonshit until 2, and commentary stated that it was primarily that way in Portal for balance purposes due to the fact that being able to throw a portal on ANY wall would make cheesing the puzzles trivial

Half-Portal 3
A game with 2 narratives, where you control gordon and chell in difference scenarios
and at the end you find the borealis

>Chell is relaxing in her apartment in a city
>suddenly Wheatley is back and commands the ciry grid
>chell has to stop him by parkouring around the city with a portal gun
>its Mirrors Edge meets Portal
>make large leaps from buildings by jumping off to a portal below

Moon paint simply lets you place portals on metal. How the fuck did you think they tested the gun in the tests before Cave bought the moon rocks?

>not knowing what retcon means
they didnt retcon anything, they just gave a lore explanation as to why it works like that.

it worked the same way in portal 1 retard. we just weren't aware of what material the white was made of until portal 2

And? It's still not a retcon. They didn't change anything, they just explained things.

obviously they're going to release the orange box 2 with TF3, HL3, and Portal 3.
HL and portal will be two standalone games that take place in the same universe
TF3 will be TF2 with better graphics, tools, and possibly new classes.

Just tell me that you wouldn't pay for it!

*Black Mesa.

I wouldn't. It sounds dumb, they're very different, and Bethesda fallouts suck.

>Portal 2 is 5 years old


never as long as Dota,CSGo and Tf2 continue to bring in megabucks valve will not make another game.

>making games

f-stop inc.

Alien Swarm wasn't going to make them big bucks and they made it anyway.

I wonder if they'll ever go back to that concept. It sounded interesting from what I've read about it.

>spends millions and a lot of years on source 2
>they aren't making games guiz!

>It was never explicitly-stated that portals only worked on moonshit until 2
that was never stated at all, you fucking moron. even in Portal 2 you shoot portals onto regular old concrete. what's stated is that lunar regalith is 'an excellent portal conductor'. it's not the only thing portals work on.

we still don't have any idea what the super-secret super-awesome mechanic actually was.

Both Portal games are some of my favorite games of all time. I know now it's hip to say the games are Reddit, but I don't give a shit.

To this day I still have no idea what the f-stop was meant to be... i know no full detail were revealed, but something was known...

That's some mental gymnastics to prove the game was free. What you should've said was that Valve literally gave the game out for free at least once, possibly twice. I can't remember if they gave it out for Xmas one year or not. Of course this was years after launch.

>Going across the wasteland
>Using a portal gun to attack people

Would be hard to do sibce HL2 only takes place 1 0r 2 decades after the first, which tok place in mid 2000. Couldbe neat thpugh

Did you even play the game? The moon paint is only used in levels where there is no other usable surfaces. A fuckton of the early game is making portals on walkways and other shit that clearly isn't painted with moon paint.

To be fair, Portal actually was free, on Steam, a couple of times. It was basically just 100% off. That's how I got it. Didn't pay anything. Never bought Orange Box.

>Buy a game released in 20005
>Get a free game in 2007

>Buy a game released in 20005
Found the time traveler.

What about a prequel with Doug Rattman?