Post who your Overwatch main is

Post who your Overwatch main is.

Pic related is mine.

found the libcuck

your kind is not allowed here

Where the dick?

>having a main
>not being competent at multiple characters so that you can fill roles your team needs to win

You're cancer please die.

where's the musclegut

>Love but hate her gameplay
>Hate le SJW woman but love her gameplay

How do I suffice?

Zarya is great when paired with Reinhardt.

Me and my brother win Payload games together without even dying.

>25 kills 0 deaths
>spam shields spam spam spam
>killing roadhogs with M1 in less than 3 seconds due to damage buff from shield

>on Attack
Lucio. But he's kinda boring but very useful
>on Defense
Zenyatta. It's fun as fuck tearing Roadhogs and Winstons to shreds

Fixed it

>I missed some of the hair


Lucio is nice. his shielding and healing aura are very nice.

14 posts in and Sup Forums is already ruining this thread. Good job, you hypocritical cretins.

I still don't see her dick.

waifu shitters should be gassed

t. sjw cuck niggerlover

Sup Forums gave her a vagina because they're misogynists. She's supposed to have a beautiful masculine penis because she's proud of being a tranny, because being a tranny is empowering.

it's all Sup Forums's been since memergate.

>le SJW woman

Mei is shit, never play her

Fast girl is best girl

Fixed it

I'll have you know I'm a proud white cis shitlord.

>fatty jiggly tissue
>no muscle
>still has the bad hair

The only worthwhile reply in this entire thread.


He's just so much fun to play as and 1 shotting people with charge is just satisfying


>Still not penis

Please stop this misogynist entitlement mutilation of a beautiful transsexual. As an otherkin woman, I'm starting to feel triggered by all this vagina.

I don't understand how she's the inspiration for that abomination when the only similarities between them is the godawful tumblr hair.


Sounds like anti lib to me

None of you guys use that brazilian roller skater right?

>there will never be a large quantity of zarya r34 to satisfy my lust

That one with the watermelon almost makes up for it though.

>not wanting to impregnate such a divine beast

Yes, and I also listen to dubstep even though it died in 2009.

>back in the day it had phenomenal innovations that are now in every single FPS
That's the fucking problem, dude. Walking around while a cutscene plays out around you for minutes on end is not nearly as 'immersive' as people made it out to be. As far as single player FPS games go, HL2 caused more damage than anything else.

>That one with the watermelon almost makes up for it though.


I'm serious. You need to stop acting like privileged cis-white scum and pretending everything you want to put your filthy penis into is some breeder bitch for you to impregnate with your disgusting brood.

Now I'm full tilted. Someone get me a bottle of refreshing mineral water to cool off before I write an angry letter.


So is Overwatch good or not? Never seen Sup Forums so split on a popular western game. Most of the time, Sup Forums would just hate it, but there aare a bunch of people of like it. Is it work buying or not?

She will be mine.

To impregnate.

I want you to know that I found this post amusing and I'm impressed by the authenticity of your satirical impersonation

For once, I'd rather have the 3DPD. And that upsets me.

My main man


Just for u

Competitive when?

I want to stop playing with these "main" faggots

Who is the left supposed to be

>Take this thread relevant to vidya that isn't pure shitposting or whining to /vg/
Neo-Sup Forums shitter stop projecting again.


idk I think maybe D.Va, center is Tracer and right is Mercy


obviously widow

Hah, enjoy your shitty knockoff Zarya OP. I'll be taking the real one.

She should look like that with huge Muscles.

Instead she looks like a fat lesbian with elephant stump legs and retarded proportions that no one finds aesthetically pleasing. Literally just added to appease SJWs.

Widowmaker has glasses?

why does v have to turn everything gay

The artist of that picture is OrangeKissess. She is very good at muscle girl stuff. Just thought you'd wanna know in case you didn't already.

She actually has some more Zarya pictures I could post if you're so inclined (though most of her stuff is Jasper [pic related] which I know triggers the fuck out of Sup Forums).

>tfw keep forgetting I can reflect everything

He means Zarya.

could ask the same of I say widow because of the hat

I don't give a righteous fuck, this is my jam.


I unironically want to hit that
what does it mean

Roadhog is literally perfect.

widow has longer hair than

Can do, buddyboys.




A chick with a dick is not gay

>you will never be a sexy musclegrill kissing other sexy musclegrills
Why live



There's also one that is incredibly not okay for a worksafe board. It is very easy to find on R34. It involves multiple penises. I'm sure you can find it because you're smart people.

Anyway, I think that's just about all the Zarya she drew. So that's it unless you want Jasper or something.

In what order is this read?


I want to do what Greg did to Rose Quatz, and dick Jasper to death.

No order. It's just a scrap page of different Zarya shit she drew but never finished. Though I guess you could draw a continuity between them if you when Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right, and finally Top Right.

>Zarya Rule 34

Oh my good gracious me.


>wait a minute... that shirt
Design is 100% more super this way

Genji with a pocket hanzo is the only answer

If the team has a healer, Zarya.
If there's no healer, Lucio
If the stars have aligned and the team has both a tank and a healer, Pharah.

I wish the artists who do the good Jasper art would draw more Sugilite

Post em

all political parties are cancer

Sup Forums pls go

better fit girl coming through

daily reminder, Overwatch isn't supposed to have mains. You're meant to switch up your comp on the fly. Its how the game was designed. Stop being LoL babbies

>having favorites is for babies

>theres no samus color scheme for pharah

muh dik

Not him, but most normalfags and casuals will exclusively play their "main" until they get bored. It's not just about favorites.

However there are multiple characters that fill similar roles, and you can have favorites

I 'main' S76, Reinhardt, Junkrat, and Mercy depending on what our team needs, with Reinhardt being my first pick if there's no niche that needs to be urgently filled, but I'll also switch over to Genji or Widowmaker or Lucio if the situation calls for it

honestly, she's tied for most fun tank with Rein

>When your team has a Mercy so you can go ham and play an aggressive Rein

Rein is the most boring though.

>That Tracer

liberal isnt a political party

I really enjoy him because of all the shenanigans you can pull


My dark skinned person whos origin can be traced back to Africa.