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What's his name again?

Did he even play U 1-3?

Sup Forums BTFO

>hasn't played U1-3
>reviews U4

>hasn't played any MGS
>reviews MGSV

He said the collection is on his "must play" list

like aways

Then he should've fucking played them, the collection is like 30 hours long, just play 1 game a day

How did this guy even become popular? Christ, he has over 2 million subs.

He isn't an especially good speaker, his criticisms aren't interesting and his video production blows.

Literally how?

Riding the TGWTG coattails when it was hot.

Remember that Joe hired Delrith a fucking paedo to work with him, he KNEW this.

how can people do this shit? honestly i cant understand anyone with this mindset.

U wot m8?

Not everyone is as obsessed with pedos as much as you are, George.
What he likes to fuck is irrelevant .

>crying during livestream
>crying over video games

What the fuck is wrong with him?

Angry Joe hired a PAEDO!

>e-celeb shit
Sage and report.

>No 60FPS next to "1080p" in the quality settings

What's even fucking happening in this video

Serious Sam


Just kidding, that sounds like a reasonable score.

He's talking on the phone to someone, he wants to have sex with him. It's FURRY related.

Furry pedo erp


It's funny how he outgrew them. Just makes you see how much bigger the videogames industry is to the movies industry now.

>never did a Dark Souls 3 review

Fucking casual.

He hasn't reviewed any Souls



He never will

No, it just shows how much bigger the video game industry than movie is on youtube

Only bored kids watch youtube if it doesn't pertain to documentaries or news

If he would review it, he would summon 3 phantoms for every boss and give it a 5/10 because WOW UNFAIR

He gave up on BB

He's just a casual like most reviewers

>that score
doesn't change the fact that it's a game with less than 20 hours of playtime, literally only good for a weekend rental.

at least the playstation fags get a game to play even if it barely had any playtime, they've been trying to act like the ps4 has games since it released.


that's literally all the ps4 has, pretty sad tbqhfam

nice memes

a bunch of weaboo trash, indie shovelware, and some shitty gta clone.

>look at all teh games!

sonyfags have the best bantz, it's like they're retarded and don't even know it.

Pewdiepie probably completed one souls game iirc, some other reviewers too.

Jose is even more casual than DSP

ugh's his name again?

You do realize alot of people don't play their games from start to finish in one sitting right? Not disagreeing with you.

Joseph Joestar

>only 9/10


He is literally Sup Forums

He doesn't call people autist or cuck so that can't be true

More like José José

Jesus, my friends and I used to quote this shit all the time.

I still have the mp3 on my hard drive.

Who cares about Shilling Pedro?

Feisty Fernando

Does he even play videogames?

360 was his first console.