What actually went wrong?

What actually went wrong?

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the marketing.

still best console this gen. Not that this is high praise.

No 3rd party
Stupid Gimmicky tablet controller
Shit specs

Poor marketing.

The system is decent, has a fair number of good games, but not enough people bought one so now Nintendo is dropping it.


It all started with the marketing/branding. Was literally watching the unveiling with a somewhat casual friend and he thought it was just an addon to the Wii.

Nothing went wrong, the market is just primarily normie dudebros looking for a multi-plat box, something the Wii U is most certainly not...and i'm fucking glad.

Nintendo relies on a young casual market

The casual market ate up the DS and Wii

The casual market got older and moved on to the other consoles.

The new generation of the casual market chose mobile games instead of the Wii U.

You're glad it was a tremendous failure?

The "Wii U" is a terrible name and everyone thought it was a useless peripheral for the Wii


No games

The name was confusing to the general public and even to members of the media and that's probably the main problem as most people thought the console was just another aesthetic refresh of the Wii with a new controller.

Beyond that the hardware was too expensive to produce for the power that it offered and the main culprit isn't in fact the gamepad its the systems chip. The other systems this generation all use Systems on Chip that put all the systems hardware onto a single die. The WiiU on the other hand requires multiple dies to be fabbed which then all have to be mounted to the same interposer and that makes the hardware more expensive to produce. Nintendo would have been better off just buying an off the shelf ARM SOC and if they had they probably would have had much better luck getting third parties on board.

These three. One down, two to go.

Is it too late for it to be worth getting a Wii U now?

Would it be better to just wait for the NX?

>nintendo just needs to drop the gimmicks and the casuals and focus on the core gamers!

Like the gamecube, and N64? Which failed?

Face it, nintendo is a company that should have died in the 90's but got an extra lucky couple of decades

if the rumors are true, NX won't have a disc drive and therefore won't be backwards compatible. I guess you can wait just to be safe, but if you are interested in any of the wii u games, just go for it, at least grab it on the next price drop


No, i'm glad I got a great library of games rather than a mountain of multi-plat trash.

It was a bad product. The problem is not a lot of people want to admit this, so they look for other reasons why it failed.

Nintendo probably should have followed the faction of the company who wanted to completely bail on home consoles in favor of focusing on their mobile hardware. Their two system approach divided their resources at a time when had they gone all in on mobile they might have been better able to resist the encroachment of phones.

As it is I'm not sure that a few new characters is enough to lure me away from how well Dragon Quest 8 works on my phone.

>NoA "for family" 30yr old agenda
>gimmcks to change the game
>small niche market that only wants nintendo games.... which is hell for 2nd and 3rd party developers to profit on
>that gimmick price tag on developers costing more to make wii U port than xbox/ps port.
>making hardware that they themselves dont fully understand at time of release, initial games were basic and 1080p 3DS games
>took them 2yrs to make a profit
>apple laptop hardware specs
>releasing the same games for the 3rd gen in a row.... in a same or similar order.
>their B-team made shit games that ruined the franchise (mario party, mario tennis)

>outside developers made better nintendo games than they could for wii U
>mario kart

Trying to sell a console these days.

Consoles are dead.

The gamepad is a fun idea, but many of it's gimmicks that may have worked on paper just failed in real life.

Also, shitty third party support, which could have transformed the pad into something worth using.

>Consoles are dead.

Nothing! It's the Nintendo formula.

- make money with each machine sold
- market 100% to families
- nostalgia up the ass
- 1-5 great 1st party games


I've been waiting for mobile to kill consoles since 2007 and it's still not happening


>consoles are dead
>PS4 outpacing the competition by miles right out the gate
>console multiplats are selling more than ever
Here's your (you).

I enjoy my wii u ever since i bought one 9 months ago and i always play it especially when new great games come out. It is fun and more fun with others when playing games like Smash bros, Mario kart or Super mario 3d world.

The world is full of people who perfer high performance rather than super fun games that everyone can play at once so people want to play the new Star wars that looks super good or any game that just looks good.

It's always been like that, Oracle of Ages & Seasons were the best 2D Zelda games ever made.

The controller.

Overall it was underutilized in nearly every game. Some used it for item management which made no significant improvement to game-play
>inb4 I no longer have to pause the game to manage my inventory
When your attention is not on the game but on the controller it might as well be paused.

It brought the console price up. They might as well have made a cheaper bundle with a pro controller, but since they tied the very system set-up to the damn thing they shot themselves in the dick.

If nintendo has anyone left with a brain they'll steer clear of gimmicky controllers since they wont have a repeat of the wii waggler.
The problem is deep down I know they won't give up their innovation for innovations sake mentality and the NX will be another gimmick aimed at the casual and family audience who long since moved on to mobile touchscreen games.