Both are pretty bare bones on singeplayer content

> Both are pretty bare bones on singeplayer content

>Both Excel at their respective gameplay

>Both have the promise of adding more content later

>Both work great online

They are pretty much the same game for there respective genre's, yet SFV got blasted for being barebones (by both users and critics) yet Overwatch did not. thoughts Sup Forums? why is this allowed

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Overwatch released for $20 less

fighting games are expected to have a certain amount of singleplayer content

Fighting games take dedication and actual skill to be a successful competitive player at.

Overwatch gives shitty kids and soccer moms the false feeling that they're good at video games by hitting a button.

since when, mortal kuckbat?

>>Both Excel at their respective gameplay

>One game requires dedication to win, practice and analyzing mechanics

>Other is plug 'n' play for casuals

>Both are good games

Probably because Blizzards can't into anything that isn't plug 'n' play


>overwatch excels at gameplay

Perhaps if youre terrible at fpses or havent played one in a few years. Id be quite willing to buy the game if it wasnt so mediocre.

>why is this allowed
fighting games are hard man

>>Both Excel at their respective gameplay
No they dont SFV is a dumbed down casual mess with shit core gameplay mechanics and is blatantly unfinished.

Also its literally fucking down as we speak

as a pro fighting game player who played fps for like 4 years straight, i can here to say this

wut. Overwatch is a game that should have single player content.

>no single player content in sf5, normies reeeeeee, no single player content in overwatch, dickride it all day and sell millions of copies

>Both work great online
I just got street fighter today and it won't even let me use the online

you don't play fighting games how would you know

Obviously this. Don't know why anyone would be unaware of things like that.

why would a moba shooter need single player

Online is anything buy great in SF5. I stopped playing the game completely because around 50% of my matches were a complete lagfest.

So we're copying threads from neofag now are we

>moba shooter
oh my god you have no idea what you're talking about

People can't handle 1v1. They need to team to blame for their fuckups. Ladder anxiety killed the pub star.

This over 200 hours into SFV and still am a bronze shitter not even super or ultra......

>people expected more from SFV, while people got pretty much what they expected from Overwatch
>Capcom's fabase isn't as autistically dedicated to covering their faults as Blizzard's, in fact, fighting game fans tend to call out devs' fuckups
>Overwatch wasn't full-price unless you wanted some cosmetic shit for HotS and Starcraft
>Overwatch still has more characters than SFV, despite the genre calling for a lot less

This one a little more personal, but:
>Overwatch didn't include an offensively bad open-quotes story mode with art that made me want to claw my eyes out and mail them to the hack responsible

Once again, blame that on the game being rushed. Capcom deserves no mercy.

people don't enjoy the fighting game genre as much as TF2.

you still didn't explain why you think I'm wrong

SFV online is shit. Dropped it because of the rubber banding and the 8 frame nonsense. I've got my PC hooked up on a hard line and my download and upload ratio are bananas. They flubbed the PC version, sure, but the online on the PS4 is also janky as shit ( the game on the PC and PS4.....I have a problem). I've seen my faggoty ass boyfriend play overwatch and the online looks smoother than SFV.

SFV is a console game and they expected an arcade mode . A bare bones fps that focused in multiplayer is a thing that has been done.

This is a game that could easily have single player to flesh out story or make a horde mode, this would be a great coop game. Why did the past fuck up, why are they mercs, heroes/villians. Nigga pls. Anyways singelplayer/coop content is probably coming in a year.

Blizzard doesn't have a competitive mode yet. enjoy your quickmatches with retards.

>tfw bought rainbow six siege division and overwatch all for ps4
I don't know why I enjoy this suffering.

moba is a useless term.

this doesn't describe gameplay at all
either does this

>8 frame nonsense

Are you fucking serious? USFV4 had 5 frames of lag. That's a 3 frame difference.

Also, are you trying to imply that if the game had less than 8 frames of lag you'd be so much fucking better at it that you'd be able to compete with Infilitration or something?

This is the most pathetic excuse for just being complete shit at a game I've ever heard.

Not on console


Jokes on you, I don't own Overwatch.

Specially because it's apparently not out yet in my country anyways. Go figure.

Its an excuse for not playing.

Well, even if it's not a MOBA, I can say you're not entirely incorrect. I suppose it doesn't get flak for not having a singleplayer mode because it's a new IP with no expectations. Unlike Street Fighter, which has had arcade mode in every installment for years.

Fuck, CAPCOM just needed to put arcade mode in SFV at release and no one would be bitching like they are today.

good question

I'm having fun with both games anyways

the thing is. overwatch should be free. the game structure screams f2p.

So 3rd world faggot? Shouldn't you be huffing paint.

No, I'm saying that if you increase the lag from one game to the sequel, it's going to fuck up several people who actually played the game.

Did...did you completely ignore the lag thing? Dude, I'm absolute shit at fighting games and get bopped by Gllty every other monday. In person, the game is fine and managable.

Online, the lag combined w/ the 8 frames makes move inputs a bit more difficult than SFIV. Sorry to have v-triggered you, user ;^)

Sf5 is bad. It takes less skill than 4 and third strike.
Biggest let down. Dont know why anyone likes it oh thts right they dumbed down combos so any tard can link. Try doing 1 frame combos in sf4 or king kf.fogjters then come back and say sf5 is a good game

Overwatch is a shilled meme, SFV isn't

and now the game is about reads. Its okay to suck at a game.

It wasn't an excuse for people with actual skill at playing the game.

I.E., you are shit at playing the game, and shit at making excuses for being shit, just like this guy

The quality is that of an F2P game too. Even SMITe hasmore effort put into it and Hi-Rez is a much smaller company. The game's free and everything.

I can literally taste your salt from here


Nigga go to a local.

Actually it's a good game with fun mechanics and depth. It's okay.

I agree, I just don't think there's an easy way to classify it

Blizz obviously wants to go the TF2 route with using comics/shorts to present the story. I personally don't like horde mode, but it seems easy to add so idk

Gotta get those CPT stream views boi

Pretty much this. And I'm okay with blizzard winning.

And yet here I am, triggering your autism.

Funny thing, this internet, isn't it?

How first world can you be if you have to defend a company on the internet to make a buck? Or don't tell me you're doing it for free?

It's just shitters pretending the 8 frames actually cripple their performance

thanks for reminding me user I messed last week but not this week

Why ad in arcade mode when the game has sold the amount it is going to sell. Boo hoo no arcade mode, its okay to lose and go 0-2 in vs play.

Fighting games are a niche genre since online became a thing and people stopped having local parties.
I sure as fuck don't want to get my ass handed to me by people for the first 3 months of gametime because I need to get the basics and learn every single frame and combination while also competing with people that have done it since the 90's.
It's like playing Quake 3 Arena, it's a humbling experience and most people don't like that, especially when you only want to have some fun after your 40 hours work week and other hobbies/studies.

Damn son I barely play online and I got silver in a day. I got cockblocked by fucking Hugh level players and people who don't fall for my Gief gimmicks like TastySteve.

Really thinking about picking up Guile.

When are you going to go squat on the street and drink gut rot with your friends? Also how is pimping out your sister working out for you and the senpai?

One was expected to have single player content so it came out as a disappointment.
Also, OW is cheaper

I dont know how overwatch plays, but SFV has shit non existent single player (dont even mention survival or the "story" they got right now), is stubby normals and the limited combo options force every single person to play a character the same and highly repetitive gameplay compared to more free form previous iterations or compared to other fighters. 8frames of input lag also severely hurts reaction times for players at high lvl play. The game needs some serious work to even become remotely good beyond the bland barebones fighting gameplay they have currently. And one guy made the entire online infrastructure and netcode for SFV. That should tell you how shit it ended up being. And the balance is horrendous for a game with such a small roster and hurts even more since theyve promised to do no fucking updates for a year because that would cost money and take effort. Its a shame the game has no chance of being good for a full year and will probably be packaged with some season 2 update to get the balancing and gameplay additions it so desperately needs.

All this

arcade mode and single player stuff helps get casuals who don't care so much about FGC into the game. They wanted SFV to be more beginner friendly but at the same time rushed it out for CPT. I think Capcom wanted to go the "more sales over time" route rather than a "huge amount of sales right at launch"

That's who I've been using since he came out. Broke into super a few times but always end up on a losing streak....

The reason why people don't like fighters is because they are shit-tier...but you stayed for 200 hours amazing. I love fighters but I only have 70 hours because rage quits piss me off, also matchmaking me against top 100 when I'm not even top 10k pisses me off too. Takes 1-3 minutes to find a game and couldn't even matchmake someone within 500 lp instead 5k lp even when the game fucking launched the ranges were insane

Watch high level play. I'm sorry you can't read people. Also other than maybe fang and geif being underpowered. No one character in that game is op. It comes down to player skill.

Servers are currently down for scheduled maintenance until 7pm Pacific.

I don't think you realized how much Evo can sell a game. UMVC3 sales more than doubled years after release.

>playing an FPS on console

It will get a few more during Evo. this is why you find locals.

This is true.

Shoryuken is the Capcom forum, but it's users found the SFXT on-disc DLC and the editorial posted it on the front page.

Every single fuck up a Cap com fighter has will be on the front page of SRK or Eventhubs. Meanwhile you have dustloop trying to cover up BBCS fps drops on certain stages.

there was known fps drops on some of the ultra stages. People just stopped playing them at tournaments.

>they are shit tier because you get bodied by people who win


>not the first in it's series
>story mode is bare bones with little to no outside story from different medias, comics ect..
>established highly competitive fighter that relies on it's netcode,servers ect.. to be top notch and yet fails to do so or even be better than the previous
>sells characters that were staples in the franchise, guile, balrog
>Capcom promises "new content" that is only filled with what feels like mostly missing content: old characters, previously established modes

>not established franchise
>storymode while barebones is told through the gameplay, comics, animated shorts ect..
>online is acceptable but has problems with tickrate/whatever (too many instances of dying behind cover) but doesn't hurt the casual experience because it doesn't require precise inputs.
>all heroes are free
>cosmetics are mostly free and only require playing the game although the random factor is annoying
>the promise of new content looks promising due to Blizzard regularly updating it's games for better or for worse

Honestly I believe it mostly stems from what we expected from each game and the fact that SFV is the 5th in the series

So with your logic if capcom made the game under a new name and "ip" they could of gotten away with it.

>Both Excel at their respective gameplay
Overwatch has almost no depth though.

>all heroes are free

You can't still believe that after every available copy of the game makes of point of stating that it gives you the right to play all 21 (twenty-one) heroes.

What about heroes #21 through #200, huh Blizzard?

>excel at gameplay

You mean excel at the cash shop

how retarded are you? its fucking COSMETICS. all of the heroes are unlocked

Whats your fightcade ID?

I just wanna see 2 new heroes at blizzcon tbhfamalam

Nah, its casual garbage with shit mechanics literally aimed at people who dont play fighting games.

Im surprised SFV doesn't have 1 button special moves like rising chunder had

Because SFV was expected to be the most competitive fighting game and it came out as casual as Smash 4

Overwatch game modes are just recicled TF2 game modes

/\ why we can't have nice things on Sup Forums

Because blizzard fanboys are worse then Apple ones and will defend this garbage till their fingers bleed from mashing the keyboard

>one forces you into a cramped space in 2D against one opponent for 60 seconds or less
>the other has huge maps in which you can free roam and fight many players along with your teammates and using a plethora of different weapons
Gee man, I don't know.

>Buying a poor man's Killer Instinct, which is a FREE game, for $60
Don't do this

Nigga name one FPS in this fucking day and age that takes skill.

I finde SFV to be really fun but only in periods of time
It's kinda hard to explain
ill play it for like 2 weeks straight without playing anything else, then get extremly bored and drop it for a month, pick it back up and play 2 weeks straight again

I really don't know why the game makes me feel this way

Good job deflecting

you might just be playing too much at once and getting burnt out

Capcom fanboys are twice as bad. It's sonyfags combined with people who strictly fap to traps.

because Overwatch's marketing budget dwarfed the development budget and they could drown out all cries about how little content you were getting for a $60 online-only multiplayer game AND they fucking time-locked vanity cosmetic options behind forcing you to play either several thousand matches of paying Blizzard an extra few hundred dollars to unpack crates just to be able to access content you already paid for :^)

Because fighting games are niche as fuck, that's way. There will be more people willing to trash the game's reputation for some reason than people willing to defend it. MOBA FPS (or whatever Overwatch's genre is called) on the other hand...

>Capcom fanboys
Those don't exist anymore
People that actually play fighting games gave them a pass on SFV because we could give less of a shit if the story mode and what not was in at release date as long as we had online

Them making the DMC4 pachinko machine made me hate them again

>tfw playing both today

>Killer Instinct
>anything like SF
It's okay to like KI, but they have entirely different appeals. Nobody who actually plays fighting games would make that shitty comparison unless they're just blatantly shitposting.

See Sure, there are Capcom fanboys that will defend any turd Capcom makes to death, but the majority of fighting game fans like first and foremost a good fighting game, and if they don't get that they complain.

Just visit any Blizzard forum and you'll see what the other side looks like. Any kind of criticism at all is met with mockery and skepticism there. Hell, back when there was that whole debacle about Tracer's pose, there were many many people in the Overwatch forums going tooth and nail against anyone saying it was an even somewhat misguided decision, claiming that "the dev team knows what they're doing".

Blizzdrone loyalty is not something you see everyday.

If you play McCree, you should kill yourself.

This tbqh, fighting games are hard yo.

overwatch is fun.
street fighter is a relic, a game designed around a limitation that no longer exists. only supported by a very small group of people who scream in shriek at the slightest hint of change in their genre and that genre has suffered because of it.