Are you ready for the remake of the century?

Are you ready for the remake of the century?

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wait...this is flipped right? No seriously that has to be an accident.



Hey at least Two-Face looks better

He rook same.

They just changed the lighting slightly

DId someone switch the names? Because the right side is actually, factually better in every way.


they really fucked it up, there is literally no reason to buy this


This is what happens when chinks run something. They did the same thing with the FFX remaster.

>Literally only changed the color

I wonder if the market will fall for it.
Bubble pop when?

>make changes to original shit

This is like George Lucas-tier remastering. Making changes when there doesn't need to be any.

Where would we be at now? I think we've just got past greed and are starting with denial.

Honestly it looks worse thematically.

Either they should pull something like pic related from TAS, or just show his face clearly.
Going halfway dark just makes it hard to tell what you're looking at.

At first glance the "remastered" just looks like a regular guy. The other one clearly conveys "Hey it's Two Face" even in the thumbnail.

Check out the beard.
It looks horrific.

wheres the harley with tanlines image



So because I don't want to have to download/reinstall Batman, can anyone confirm whether or not they're comparing realtime to pre-rendered? I keep hearing the original is pre-rendered but I'm calling bullshit.

It's Asylum and City not Knight

Why would they do this?


>Literally just changed the lighting
>It looks worse

Press F

It looks like they just turned off distance-blurring and DOF, which was probably there to hide bad LOD's and the city itself kinda just disappearing at certain distances, but you could modify both and increase the LOD distance in the ini's for the originals as it is

Why is Arkham Asylum Ivy so underrated? God damn is she hot, there's almost 0 SFM porn of her and the only good one animation wise is a futa one and that shit is gay as fuck, and lets not speak of how they butchered her in Arkham Knight.

Rest in Rekt

This has to be a joke.

the best one is penguin, doesn't even looked like he has a glass bottle shoved into his face anymore, just looks like a burn mark in the "remaster"

She's too problematic for today's gamers, but I think AK's Ivy is alright, in a slutty coked-out librarian way, but she isn't as THIQQ either

Most of the clips and screen shots are from the cutscenes which are prerendered in the original release, at least I know AA is, but they are rendered in real time in the remaster. I just want 1:1 gameplay footage because I'm sure the overall quality is better in the remaster otherwise why would they bother.

>it clearly says remastered

still looks like shit though

They didn't just change the lighting, look at batmans fucking face. He looks like a mongoloid now, they literally changed his face to be more retarded.

Interesting for a remaster to objectively in every imaginable way make the game look worse.

it's always harley harley harley.

No matter what the video game, movie, comic or cartoon the internet never seems to rally around the girl I like and instead produces massive amounts of content for the other one.

>otherwise why would they bother
Cash-grab for everyone that missed them on the 360/PS3/PC, but now have shiny-new consoles to play them on

It's probably why both are mysteriously-absent from the XB1's BC program, despite the fact that UE3 stuff should be trivial to emulate at this point

The PC originals honestly still look fine to this day, and the most they really needed to do was a straight-port with an increased rendering resolution, draw distance, AF, and some form of AA

the only improvement is that water shader they use on his costume.
i think its the same one that was used in arkham knight.

>Re-release the same game but blow the fuck out of the lighting and increase the intensity of the textures
>Call it a remaster

Who the fuck is actually dumb enough to buy this?

Is this a joke?

Pretty sure people are just trolling with this shit now.

Who, me or the developers?
Come on you cant tell me the left looks better.

I refuse to believe someone looked at that and said, "yes this is good this definitely warrants the moniker of remaster".

This. I hate remaster like this.

It just looks careless to me.

No, I meant as why bother to remaster at all if a PC port would look better and be cheaper to do unless this is not the case.

I'm betting the overall visuals will be a step up once we actually see a playthrough of some of the game, although I find it odd they chose to compare the graphics of prerendered cutscenes to realtime as if people would think the realtime would look better. It's kind of the point of prerendering to establish perfect representation of what's to be seen on screen.

Okay okay okay, so in every scene it starts with the Remastered and then switches to Original. Doesn't this seem kinda backwards? Don't these kids of videos usually do it the other way around?
Doesn't it seem like they're just fucking with us and decided to switch the names for shits and giggles?

>How would you like your hair, Joker?

It's also why both consoles weren't BC at all in the first place. They wouldn't be able to make completely, utterly pointless and shameless re-releases like this if PS4 and Xbone were BC with PS3 and 360 discs.

I hate it when people unapologetically say
>B-b-but it's for people who missed out on the last consoles!
BC solves that, doesn't mandate $60 purchases and adds literally hundreds and hundreds of games to the new console's library. This re-release bullshit needs to stop.

>BC solves that, doesn't mandate $60 purchases and adds literally hundreds and hundreds of games to the new console's library. This re-release bullshit needs to stop.

In defense of the practice, sometimes the re master helps the games run at a more than decent level, and all the DLC you can no longer get is directly on disk, and usually these remasters come at a lower cost or a bundled collection.

Lastly, The film industry re-releases movies, Why can't games? Especially to update games for periodically updated screen projection standards.

Also you can go and watch a video on the original.

Because if you are going to re-release something, it might as well be as good as the original or do nothing in the first place if you are going to shit on it.

All the cutscenes were low-bitrate Bink videos to begin with, so this is probably the biggest red flag ever

That's what makes fucking up a remaster so amazing.

I agree the devs are extremely unprofessional with remasters, with very few good examples to count off.

You know, this isn't as bad as the Silent Hill HD collection, but its getting there


This is what happens when you copy paste code from one engine to another.

>just smear the textures and remove half of the lighting so it looks more GRIMDARK

Yes, I am ready.

Feels good, anonymous.

I never played the first two Batman Arkhams.

they obviously shitted the game to get more FPS

>never played the first to Batman Arkhams

Here's a better idea, but a gun with a bullet and unload it on yourself.


no its Joker

One of the few games that legit deserves a remaster, and I hate remasters. Maybe in a couple years when tech can really blow the original out of the water.

>Just the original

Honestly, Dead Space to this day actually looks good and holds up REALLY well. I don't even think it needs a reboot, and the backwards compatible version was fucking well done.

I don't think it needs one now, but when we see another surge in graphics it damn well better get one.

Is that le power of le PS4?...

Definitely agreed, let's just hope EA still thinks Dead Space is a selling franchise and trust Visceral after DE3 and Hardline


That's actually one of the few part that ISN'T a straight downgrade.

The environment isn't necessarily better than the old, but at least it's not 100% objectively worse. It's just different.




>that framerate

>Arkham Asylum and Arkham City were hype as fuck, the Arkham series is completely adored
>Origins weakens the image a bit with a flawed game
>Arkham Knight has one of the most disastrous releases of 2015 further hurting Arkham's reputation as a good series
>upcoming remaster is a complete joke which tarnishes Arkham's reputation even further

Is Arkham still a good series?

Rocksteady is one game away from being Infinity Ward status.

>batman staring at jokers' afro

People will surely lap it up. So it's all good.
Also AK wasn't a bad game really, it's mostly Steam users shitposting on here. And yes, the twist about the Arkham Knight was retarded, they should have said "yes, it's him" instead of "nah, it's 100% OC, please, donut steel".

>glasses reflection removed
>ambient occlusion removed
>tesselated beard replaced with standard "bushy" beard
>dx11 glow removed

how is this a remaster?

Remastered looks better in most of those comparisons.

it isn't, "remaster" looks lika a ps2 game


I am laughing even though I played the PS3 version, which still has better models than that "remaster".

>that framerate
jesus christ
it's completely worse, the colors, the lightning, the dof which is really good here and hides the box feel

it's a complete downgrade

My body is ready
>to commit suicide

There's more detail and actual colour in most of them instead of the usual dark, drab everything.

but it's the complete opposite

"""remaster""" IS the usual dark, drab everything, so fuck off

Except evidently that is not the case here.


Are you blind?

that cannot be real.

And I thought no one could fuck up remasters more than Silent Hill ones

Is the MGS HD collection the only good remaster to date?

Same famarino.

requesting the REMASTERED batman macro someone made the other night

it made me giggle and i haven't seen it

>They just changed the lighting slightly
No, they changed the models too. And not slightly.

Look at Lighting doesn't make eyebrows and beards go from almost natural to scouring pad cutouts. I mean look at that shit. Shamefur dispray. Then again, it's made by Chinamen, so it being subpar is expected. The question is why WB would hire them to do anything.

If they also had access to the source code, they could make their own Arkham game ripoff, but with Sunwukong or some shit and call it Chimpman. They don't respect IP laws. It's always a risk to do business with them. Inferior worksmanship and possibility of your tech getting stolen are never good.

As far as You apparently haven't seen a shot of Two-Face looking like he's Asian in the remaster.

And here it is:

This is the original:

And look at the hair on the remaster. It doesn't look natural. They redid the hair. And also the hair looks like hair plugs and are as thick as mechanical pencil lead.

The burnt side is too shiny and his teeth looks like it's covered in blood. It gives you the impression that somehow his face has not healed and scarred up and it's still bleeding. Looks like there were color tweaks too, and not just the lighting.

I liked Painkiller Hell and Damnation even though it basically resold a lot of levels as DLC rather than including them in the base game.

so they're recasting the wooly willy for the doctor?

Jak and Daxter

Oh jesus and they made it even greener.

Holy shit this looks like Fallout 3 with that green filter.

And the texture on his suit is not even fitting at all. It looks like burlap now.

It's about 50/50 better/worse.

The lighting in the original generally looks better (although exaggerated) but there's better colourization in the remaster. Some areas in the original have a really shitty PSX-esque haze on them.

>ape escape removed

>Missing content, 30fps
And shit like WWHD gets hate while that gets praised, I just don't get it.

Asylum's cutscenes are pre-rendered, City ones are in-engine I think.