Lore, Strategies, Opinion on Bosses, Etc.
Still trying to get past this sick fuck.
Lore, Strategies, Opinion on Bosses, Etc.
Still trying to get past this sick fuck.
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>playing the english version
I couldn't beat tiger
it's the only thing I couldn't beat bar the medusa/knight corridor in castlevania
My name is christopher robin
and this is JACKASS
I bet he used upgrades too.
This shit again?
>hit ball in green area of bat
>foul ball
>playing the english version
The "no upgrades" and the notion that the game was actually difficult was ONLY because nobody could read japanese you fucking shits. The game isn't hard at all.
You'll have to try harder than that if you want my (You)
>I couldn't beat tiger
You aren't the only
acceptable tier here
Who else /man of reason/
I just couldn't do it lads seriously tried for like three hours
I made it to him Japanese no upgrades. I stopped after the first match.
Learn to quote.
Anime when.
Brave soldier. I don't want to try to get to Man of Reason tier.
My greatest video game achievement to this day is making it to Christopher Robin and hitting around 20 on the Japanese version without upgrades. I remember beating Tigger first try too.
I can't do it Sup Forums, he's too strong
>King Tigger Crimson
That explains everything.
I managed to reach Acceptable Tier. I've wanted to redeem myself and surpass that shit but I just can't.
>tfw I only get foul balls
How do I git gud Sup Forums?
man, part 5 had the best stands
Never watched Jojo's before, can someone explain the references for me?
brave soldier japanese
if it's already this bad, i dont want to know the rest
>3 years ago
Holy shit.
Eeyore shows his back
Lumpy spins2win
Piglett throws like a queer
Kanga makes things soft and bouncy
Rabbit can manipulate velocity
Owl change the ball's trajectory
Tigger can make time skip forward
Christopher Robin reduces your will to 0
>Kang&Roo balls
This is the most pure bullshit I've ever seen.
What changes is that Christopher Robin can use any of the other pitch types and he does it more effectively than the other characters do.
this is gold
Is there any difference between the Japanese and English versions besides language?
10/19 on Owl. FUCK.
It's like gadget
But not
Is this a Jojo reference?
I've heard the English version got nerfed at some point but I don't know because I only play the Japanese one.
No, it's just got the characters from Jojo and has the word bizarre in the file name.
>been trying for years
>play at least once a week
>once a day if I'm feeling risky
>still mercilessly crushed by Christopher Robin
kill me
>still mercilessly crushed by Christopher Robin
That's the fate of everyone who reached to him, except me, fuck Tigger.
I feel you man, sometimes I can't even get past him to challenge Christopher Robin. Fucking gatekeeper of hell.
brave soldier tier here, this shit is fucking nuts and I hate it
Owl was something else, and then this faggot comes along and erases the time between the pitch and the swing.
>this thread
good job
now do it without upgrades
no fucking way
I refuse to believe anyone beat the elder god
Fake & Gay
Oh jesus
Wait, there were upgrades?
stop bullshitting
I bet that's not even your screencap
May your scattered remains entertain me, mongrel.
>Keep hitting every ball
>Foul balls
>Foul balls land right in front of where a home run would count
No i mean, i'm not him, i'm still acceptable tier and i didn't know there were upgrades.
What does that shit do anyways?
One of them makes Pooh follow the mouse faster, another one adds distance to your hits, and the other one increases the sweet-spot. The speed one is the only one that is worth shit. And even then, it's really not necessary.
Makes Pooh swing better pretty much. The green radius of his bat gets bigger, he hits harder and swings faster with upgrades.
there's an option on the main menu that lets you upgrade things like pooh's speed and power.
>not robot bodies
daily reminder that you are a fucking casual if you
>play the english version
>play with upgrades
>Play the english version
Why? is it different?
Do you have enough balls stored up, King of Pitchers?
its easier
its nerfed
English version is for little bitches that can't handle the real game.
And yes, pic related.
Acceptable tier reporting. I can get homers against him but I always end up like 2-3 short of the level goal so eventually I just gave up. Japanese version btw
Brave Soldier here