So... are you like, supposed to be able to just climb up corners with this guy?

So... are you like, supposed to be able to just climb up corners with this guy?

Sort of? You wall ride. Jump along wall, press towards it and jump button. You'll slide across the wall and rise a bit. So yes you could use it to climb corners.

It just seems kind of overpowered. This guy has insane mobility on top of really great abilities.

It's not, half of the weapons in the game make it super easy to hit lucio with their cone spread. If you're Winston or Symmetra you can just lock on and kill lucio while he's in the air.


Lucio fag detected

Lucio is one of the toughest characters to hit out there, and using Winston and Symmetra as examples to counter him is pretty funny since the same could be said for any moderately fast character. The difference being those other fast characters don't give their entire team heals or speed boosts and have an ulti that can pretty much negate all other ultis.

Anyone who says Lucio isn't op is either fucking lying to you or they are just such a fucking noob that they have no clue about anything.

i've noticed majority of times if you hook a lucio, he gets placed crouching and partially inside/to the ground of the roadhog.

only him and sometimes mei

I haven't noticed but I don't play Roadhog.

There's a lot of characters that feels op. As long as they're good players, they will wreck you.

Also, bastion is made for stopping momentum and fun

Lucio can have a monkey behind the keyboard and still be an extremely effective support. It's braindead simple to heal since all you have to do is be in LOS and use your amp when necessary.

Hooking is useless against Lucio's in my experience. They just sonic boom you away and sanic to safety.

He's OP but nerfing him would be racist.


why u do dis

He is the worst design character, so that's stopping a lot of people playing him, didn't they nerf his damage a bit as well? Also, just like zenyattas super, it requires a team that's around you and is bit that great of a super

His ultimate has a pretty good aoe range and if you're actually playing objective it's more than enough, it gives you such powerful shields that if the other team pops an ulti (like Zaryas) and goes for a team wipe, you can entirely negate the wipe. That's very VERY good and I cannot think of any character that has something similar. Mercy's ulti is very good but if she's also involved in the team wipe it's not going to help obviously, she'll be dead as well.

And zenyattas ulti is also very good but as a whole Zenyatta is dogshit compared to Lucio.

>He's OP


Lucio is pure support. He's only as good as his teammates.
I admit he's my go to for support but I'm never the key cog when playing him. I don't get how solid contribution is overpowered.

He is objectively op.

Because no other support comes close to what Lucio brings to a team. If you want to play to win he's pretty much absolutely mandatory otherwise you're handicapping your team. He's far too good.

His damage isn't that bad either, he beats out mercy in that department and in the support department.

Fact: D.Va wants Lucio's big black cock cause she's a "big fan" of his gangsta music.

Kill yourself.

>a support is too strong!

Yeah, no. Jesus you guys suck at this game

Maybe if his offensive capability wasn't buttcheeks.

Yeah kid I'm sure you're better than all of the tourney players.

Fuck off.

>It just seems kind of overpowered
the drop off is his weapon, he can;t do anything, other than a little damage and push people away, he is good for pushing tanks out of the area though

you first though, i'm kinda scared

Opinion is literally worthless.

It's really not that bad.

Go play mercy and go back to Lucio. I always get a fair number of elims as Lucio and that coupled with the 10k+ healing makes it even better.

I think the solution is to buff a couple other heroes. Right now his main strength is mobility, which plenty of other heroes are lacking.

I don't want them to get shoehorned, but half of me wishes every hero had a mobility skill in the form of a special jump or sprint. It seems like the game almost want to be vertically oriented but didn't get around to it.

Not an argument.

Not just my opinion either. I'm basing it off of something objective like the pick rate. You're just talking out of your ass.

I will admit Lucio's pushback is A+ for support. Knocking niggas off of control points or into pits is just fantastic. Just won a game where some Winston tried leaping in to force an overtime and I knocked him back before he could get in the zone.

>solid contribution
>full team heal that heals way too fast in a MASSIVE fucking AoE
>better offensively than every other support hero
>also better mobility than every other support hero
>also has full team temporary invincibility as an ult

Yeah no, he is broken to fucking shit, about as broken as Vergil in MvC3.

>Mei can freeze roadhog solid in less than a second of spam and murder him in almost any situation
>If your hook isn't dead on/Don't get the meatshot you're already dead
Why is this allowed?


Only way they can get people to play the nigger or the dyke characters is to make them as OP as possible.


>why cant my class beat everyone instead of just some heroes

based lucio

>It seems like the game almost want to be vertically oriented but didn't get around to it.
This is my biggest gripe. Grappling hooks, teleportation, jetpacks, wall running, and Blizzard decided to put all that fun stuff in an ordinary map.

I absolutely blow at this game. I mainly play Pharah, McCree and Mei. Might start playing Mercy just so I don't feel like I blow so hard.

Mei is not that good and I'm pretty sure it takes quite a bit longer than a second to freeze someone.

I don't understand why I see so many people crying about Mei.

>he beats out mercy in that department
mercys little blaster is quite powerful, also her heal basically does what lucios ult does, if you see a mercy healing a mid health char, you cant damage the char you have to kill the mercy, that with damage buff makes mercy quite equal to lucio.

most games I have played mercy has been just as important to the team as lucio

t. Mei bbw shitposter

>first webm from this game to make me HOLY SHIT


>Play as Genji for 12 hours
>Try my hardest to git gud
>Finally become good enough to be an asset to the team 50% of the times
>Try out McCree next
>POTG in the first game

Is Genji underpowered?

It's because she has skills that buy time. The number one thing people playing games hate is when you are unable to do something.

Players like Mcree have one similar skill, but Mei is built around stopping you from playing and making you wait.

>tfw he's probably not gonna get touched for a while

The damage buff is basically worthless. There's never any situation where the damage buff is more useful than regening someones health. Unless you're trolling and sitting on a bastion.
>meanwhile the rest of your team dies

Plenty of characters can out damage mercy's heal though? Hell I've done it with a few turrets and my beam as Symmetra. It's not remotely comparable to Lucios ulti.

I did underestimate her blaster a bit originally but I disagree it's not as good as Lucio at all.

And that may be the case for you but Lucio is far better support. It has nothing to do with my opinion (I don't really like playing Lucio) it's just fact.

Genji kind of sucks.
that and he has the most bland, shitty design in the entire fucking game.

McCree is broken as shit.

you supposed to heal your team and run around jump around so your hard to hit

McCree just stun-rightclicks and shits on kids

He's sort of hard to me and he's not as good as McCree at all (no other offense is as good as McCree though).

I guess I can see how she can be a minor nuisance but I don't understand all the whining for nerfs.

Tracer is a nuisance as well but I feel like she's in a pretty good spot and doesn't need nerfs.

honestly, Genji has one of the highest, if not the highest skill floors of a character in the game. He's left click is surprisingly hard to land, and, outside of his combo, it's where all his damage is. Most of his survivability is in his mobility, not deflect, so you need really good map knowledge and awareness to play him. Even his ult takes planning and skill to pull of when compared to things like DIEx3 and JUSTICE

Meanwhile, McCree has a hit scan weapon and a free close quarters kill ever 8 seconds. Love them both though

mercy has to stop healing to use her blaster which only shoots

Lucio heals in a gigantic fucking AoE while also having a blaster that shoots and repulses.
Lucio is straight up fucking superior.

Haven't played the game yet, is everyones ult basically 1 hit KO tier, and it's just a matter of landing it?


>putting more than 1 healer oriented character in the game when one will clearly be better than the others and there is literally no reason to play the other except for trying to be a snowflake or because you just fapped to porn of them

Blizzard..the fuck.

Me and a friend found a mercy/roadhog combo to be really powerful.
Constant healing, then the instant he hooks someone switch to damage. Oneshots pretty much all non-tank characters.

Mercy has a resurrect that respawns dead teammates with temp invincibility where they died

Lucio has full team shield

Buddhabot turns invincible and heals the team in an AoE for 10 seconds

there's plenty of non-offensive ults

you can one shot if you left click + melle

they do different things, Mercy is far better at single target and her ult is a huge clutch vs those things that Lucio can't save you from. Running both is actually a very good idea (although you'd rather run 2 Lucio's on KotH maps)

Soldier 76 ain't gotta worry about 'landing' shit :)

Who counters Mei and McCree?

>Implying lucio of all characters has a big cock

What can Lucios ult not save you from?

>Tracer is a nuisance as well but I feel like she's in a pretty good spot and doesn't need nerfs.
The "problem" is that with players like Tracer or Mcree stunning you, it can usually be overcome with skill, and if not, it's over fast or you're at least fighting back. People hate Mei because she just makes you fucking wait.

It has nothing to do with her being OP, people just don't like waiting.

The problem is when that support is absolutely necessary for your team to be viable.

Symmetra is map situational.
Zenyatta needs serious buffs at the moment.
Mercy is good, but arguably inferior to jet set radio man.

There's basically never a reason not to have a Lucio on your team.

>There's never any situation where the damage buf
im new to the game and mercy is my least played char atm but I assume, something like helping pharahs or roadhogs ult is where it would come in handy

I think lucio is a better support but I wouldn't underestimate mercy, if she if focusing on 1 char it's hard to damage them especially in a trade off, you are guarenteed to die.

lucios ult is superior though I agree, it can change the tide of a battle and basically turn the team invincible for 7-10 secs

LoL does it and it works out just fine.

A competent widow at range, and a competent 76 at mid distance if he has his helix rocket. And I suppose theoretically a good Hanzo could do it at almost any range


Anyone who can out range her left click (almost everyone)


No one.

It makes no sense to me because he wants to stay with his team, but his team can't follow his side routes

What? There's team compositions that allow Mercy/Lucio/Zenyatta to be more necessary than the other two.

Symmetra is shit though.

Well tracer can't stun, and I'd personally rather fight Mei and take a little longer to kill her than get bullshit flash fan cheesed by Memecree

I see what you're saying though.

I'm sorry, man, if you're getting dominated by Lucio, you just suck at this game. Stay salty.

ult combos, a coordinated team if you get fucked by Mei or Zarya. things like that

I don't underestimate mercy. She's very good, it's just the fact that Lucio is better in every way so there's not a lot of reason to pick her OVER Lucio.

>better offensively than every other support hero


Feels like he's way too easy to carry matches with.

Using him must have pushed my rating or something, because I'm now up against people who can aim way better than me and I absolutely get my shit pushed in unless I hang way back or in the thick of the team

Dominated? Fuck that, I main him.

Any sniper, and Roadhog is the only character that can 1v1 her.

I do wish there were more. Zarya would go from meh to OP if her ult was replaced by Lucio's, for example.

I also wish there were more ults that weren't damage oriented or more team oriented like Widowmaker's. Would be neat if someone like Junkrat or Pharah gave everyone explosive, aoe shots or something instead of half the heroes having the same exact 'deal damage in a circle with a different animation' ult. I am of course exaggerating

>There's team compositions that allow Mercy/Lucio/Zenyatta to be more necessary than the other two.

There is no "team compositions" when you need to play Zenshitty and fucking Mercy over Lucio, are you nuts?

Unless you get Zarya ulti, then a Mei ulti right after (and hope the shield wears off) he does counter them.

My buddy plays Pharah almost exclusively and unless he's in a pretty safe spot to ult I'll never use the dmg boost on him. Not worth the risk of letting him die. Most people with half a brain are immediately gunning at an ulting Pharah.

Lucio, since he counters everyone and is completely unkillable.

[Shitposting Loudly]

>tier list for a casual ass babby game

lmao. do people think this game will actually have a competitive scene?

Are you some kind of pleb? On Defense, you can just play Zenyatta and discord/right click every tank to death while also healing teammates. A team with Bastion being shielded by Reinhardt and damaged buffed by Mercy is also really fucking powerful on Defense.

>completely unkillable.

Exaggerate a little more.

Yeah I feel like Reapers and Pharah's are just so lazy. And Genji's is completely fucking useless. Everyone elses ult's I feel are actually pretty good for the type of game that Overwatch is supposed to be.

No, Genji is one of those characters that everyone playing him is either terrible, or really good, with very little inbetween. A good genji can be a major asset.

Have fun getting oneshot by any competant Roadhog or Widowmaker the second you step out of spawn.

It already does, and it formed before the game was even out. Way to fucking go, Blizz. Not even released and it HAS AN ESPORTS TEAM.

Pharah and Reaper have to be careful witj when and how their ults are used since there's a very high likelihood of getting raped during. Reaper especially

But yea. Lucio is broken, both playing as and against.

Does anyone know of any videos of pro matches? I know they have had tournaments but I can't find any videos. I want to see what comps they generally run

He just seems less useful for a team than most of the other offensive heroes, and his design is so bland and shitty it makes Soldier 76 look unique