Do you think there should be more women in the video game industry?

Do you think there should be more women in the video game industry?

sure why not i dont care as long as the games are good

There is already plenty, if they want in sure but they have to work to earn it.

I think there should be more passion and talent in the industry

so no

Eh sure.
If they want to get into the industry, more power to them. Hell, if anyone wants to get into the industry, more power to them.

>if they want in sure but they have to work to earn it.
spoken like a typical sexist.

Now, when you say "women"...

I know your baiting but Fuck you for even trying to joke like that.

>Terri Brosius
>System Shock 2

Why isn't she Sup Forums's Messiah?!
>Deus Ex: Invisible War


Woah, what is that reaction image? Is that some kind of water starter?

There shouldn't be more of anything, whoever has the drive to get in just do it and stop complaining, also stop taking gender studies, is not going to help you get into a career based on technology.

I don't give a shit. I care about getting good games, unbiased game reviews, business practices that favor gamers (i.e. no more of this DLC bullshit), and no regressive leftists or neo-Marxist political bullshit.

I don't care.

Don't give a shit who makes my games, as long as they're good and they keep their politics out of it.

Sure. I want competent people in the industries that affect my life. If they're women, it makes no difference.

>Girl game dev
>Appears to be twitch on her laptop


Sex shouldn't matter. As long as they are good at what they do.

I think there should be more competent people in the videogame industry, who the fuck cares about their gender. Too many shit and outright incomplete games come out these days.

OnLy if they are trans women

It's irrelevant, if a woman wants to, just fucking do it, that's it, just do it and don't bitch about not enough women in games, when you went into journalism instead when you could have just as easily gone into games.
There's no barriers for entry for someone who wants to work.
If not a lot of women work in the industry, I don't give a shit it doesn't bother me, I'm not going to tell women what they can or can't do, nor what they should or should not do.
But I know one thing, I don't want to hear bitching.

yes, so I can pick up more dates at conventions

nah you wont

to get coffee?


Women make me uncomfortable.

Other men want to fuck them and I don't. I don't want to fuck them, but I know because I'm a man the general presumption will be that I want to fuck them. It fucks with my head, especially when I see what sluts they turn into when drunk.

Even on forums, they throw off the entire social dynamic because even the most pathetic men myself excluded are absolutely desperate to fuck them. Even those who aren't are desperate to defer socially to them when they're less common.

Rationally, I don't care how many women are in gamedev, but I'd rather there were less in game communities. I don't care how many actually play games [makes no difference to me]

Someone somewhere probably going to buy that and post a hotglue pic with it.

> Do you think there should be more women in the video game industry?

i hate people who force this bullshit line of thinking. Nobody is forcing women out of the industry in the first place. You have 2-3 fucking scammers lying to the entire industry just to make some quick cash and the entire gaming journalist industry and crafting this narrative about how everything is sexist. These fucking hipsters are doubling down when called out on it and now the regular journalists are also drinking the kool aid. It's disgusting how they lie and lie and lie.

If women wanted to learn how to program and make games, they will do it. Most don't because tech is typically a harder field and most women don't like hard shit so they choose a easier major like gender studies. Then they find out their major is useless as fuck in the real world so lots of them find ways to worm their bullshit into everything they can just to stay relevant. Most never find jobs. The ones that do end up teaching gender studies in some shitty school.

it's their own fucking fault they dont apply to STEM programs

no man is to blame for this, it's supply and demand

Apply for the job.

Only if they actually want to be there.